Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 330: Routine! This 1 cut is a routine!

The crowd rushed to withdraw, and the seven princesses were slightly stunned, and they took a few steps with several emperors.

But soon, she was slightly bright, shining, and chuckled: "It turns out that he seems to be a smart person!"

"Well? Seven emperors, what's wrong with you, this time boast this kid?" A prince suddenly lost.

"Isn't it? He cooked this kind of thing and has reached the stinky request, but if he said that it tastes delicious, who would dare to try it? So, he is very smart in this way!"

The seven princess smiled softly and said softly.

When a few people listened, they suddenly felt awkward. This is quite reasonable!

It is fragrant and stinky!

I will know when I hear it.

However, if it is said that it is delicious, then you have to taste it before you know it.

If even the people who eat are gone, Xu Xuan even forcibly said that it is delicious, then everyone can not refute!


"Hey, a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, is it necessary to exaggerate? This is not awkward, this is a good thing, come and come, two dogs, do you want to have a bite? A bowl of one hundred and two!"

At this time, Xu lacked a large chopsticks, smashed in the oil pan, so that the stinky tofu was fully heated and smelled.

When the two dogs heard his words, they suddenly became angry: "Roll, this **** will never go to eat you when you eat this sly. You are so mad at this kid, you have to collect money in a bowl, and you have a hundred Two?"

"Xu deficiency, still not fast to stop? Take away your disgusting tricks, don't think you can win this way!" After the second emperor withdrew, he snorted and screamed at Xu.

Xu lacked a smile and shook his head. "You haven't tried it. How can you be sure that this is what? I won this game!"

"Why isn't it awkward? So color, so stinky, don't think that you made a square, you can fool this prince!" Two emperors angered.

"Mom's mental retardation, if you open the skull, the shell will definitely show a smile!" Xu sneered.

When everyone listens, the first thing is!

Followed by, everyone suddenly swelled and almost sneered out!

The skull is open, and the clam shell will actually laugh? Isn't this saying that all the emperor's head is loaded with cockroaches?

I rely on, this guy's mouth is too poisonous, and the monks don't even use a dirty word, but they are powerful!


Only two dogs in the audience squinted and asked with a look of doubt.

The mouth of everyone is pumping, this dog is too stupid, actually still can't understand?

However, no one dares to explain it to it. After all, this is related to the Second Emperor. It is definitely equivalent to finding death!

Xu Wei also looked disdainful, lazy and explained, took a bottle of chili sauce directly from the system package, poured it into a bowl and served it with a sauce.

The next moment, he took a few pieces of stinky tofu from the oil pan, poured it into a bowl and mixed it with the sauce.

A bowl of stinky stinky tofu was freshly baked, and it was white smoke.

The crowd almost didn't bother to spit it out.

After all, they are preconceived, thinking that it is awkward, the imagination is multiplied, and the brain will be disgusting after a long time.

This is equivalent to someone who looks like a chocolate, and if you don't know it, you will feel sick.

However, in this case, Xu lacked the bowl of stinky tofu, and leaned in front of his nose, taking a deep breath and enjoying a deep breath, shouting: "Good fragrance!"


Everyone in the audience suddenly became stunned, and some people did not have enough strength to hide in the corner and vomit.

"This guy is too embarrassed!"

"In order to win the second emperor, he actually went to smell those embarrassing, and said good incense!"

"It’s terrible, this kind of person has no bottom line!"

Everyone has a pale face.


Three emperors and seven princesses, etc., also face a stiff face.

They are all princesses of the emperor. They have been pampered in the palace since childhood. The food they have seen is the royal palace feast after they have been carefully crafted. Have you ever seen such a disgusting scene?

I really didn't think that there would still be people who cook, and still smell the good food, what is the world?

At this time, the seven princesses had to have doubts. Isn’t this guy really crazy?


The second emperor snorted and stepped forward. He shouted: "Xu deficiency, less in the pretense, no matter what you do, you can't change the facts."

"What facts, I have made everything, hey, smelly and delicious, don't believe you come over and try!" Xu lacks sneer.

"Let's go, you are cheating! Ask the people present, who thinks this thing is delicious?" Two emperors angered.

"Are you stupid? Who hasn't tried anyone who knows beauty is not delicious?"

"Who is this person who dares to try? You are cheating!"

"Do you be paralyzed!"

"Bold, come, take this madman!"

"Oh, can't you afford to lose?"

"This prince said that you have to make something stinky and delicious. Now, what you have done, no one dares to try, can't judge whether it is delicious, so you lost!"

"What is no one dare to try? I dare!"

"You...want you try?"

"Try it and try it~www.readwn.com~ What are you afraid of!"

Xu lacked a look and smiled.

In the horrified eyes of the people, he used a pair of chopsticks to pick up a stinky tofu, "sucking" and directly inhaling his mouth.

Hey! Hey!

The black stinky tofu, accompanied by a broth of juice, slowly burst into the mouth of Xu.

The goods also made their mouths so large that everyone could see the scenes of stinky tofu and juice mixed in Xu's mouth.

In particular, this stinky chew was so chewed by Xu's mouth, and it was even more exuded in an instant. This stench, plus such a picture, is seen in the eyes of everyone, it is simply... so good for a while!

"Ah! He ate... he actually ate... oh..."

"God! This guy is terrible! It’s too special! I won’t even let myself go!”

"It’s awkward to eat. This guy actually made a look that tastes delicious. This...what is the shamelessness of this person, so it’s so good and no bottom line!”


When I saw this scene, many people couldn't help but vomit. There were more people frowning, and their hearts were shaking. They felt that the lack of pits in front of them completely refreshed their understanding of the lower limit of people.

However, the lack of this goods is the chew of the face, but also shouted with a wide face: "Okay, it’s delicious! This kind of delicious, if you don’t take a sip in your life, what is it? It’s white to live...”

Try it?

Do you not live?

In this statement, all the faces present have sunk.

If you want to eat, you just want to eat it yourself, and want to pull someone else?

Don't think that pretending to eat very enjoyable, you can lie to eat with you...

Routine! All this is a routine...

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