Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 335: 1 condition is 1 condition

A bowl of ten thousand two?

When everyone in the room heard Xu’s lack, they almost didn’t faint.

Just a price increase of one bowl and one thousand two, now actually turned ten times, directly one thousand two hundred bowls?

Nima, just like you, is it so good to say that doing business is moral? Still saying one thing?

Trusted your evil!

But then come back... What happened to the Seven Princesses?

Why is the expression so shocking, is that something really delicious?


The seven princesses were kneeling in the same place, looking silly at Xu, and they were unable to react.

What happened to this person?

Isn't it good to eat for free, how much can you eat?

How did you take a bite, and you will have a bowl of 10,000 bowls in a blink of an eye?

"Xu...Xu Gongzi, why is this?"

The seven princesses were a little worried and confused.

Xu lacked a smile: "Hey, you are all scared, and you are joking. I said, I am a person who speaks one thing, pays attention to integrity, comes and comes, the whole bowl is for you!"

Said, just directly put the whole bowl of stinky tofu to the seven princesses.

Mainly his current thinking, all thinking about how to teach the second emperor, too lazy to make two more.

The second emperor also felt awkward in his heart. He really couldn’t figure out what the hidden secrets of the black manure were. Why did he even eat the seven emperors, so it’s so delicious, is it so delicious?

"Seven emperors, are you sure that this thing is delicious?" asked the two emperors to ask the seven princesses.

The seven princess smiled and nodded: "The second emperor brother, this thing is very magical. After I finished eating, the spirit of the **** seems to have improved!"

As soon as this was said, several emperors suddenly changed their faces!

God's soul improvement?

It turns out that it is no wonder that the eight elders of Tianxiang Valley value this thing as such. It turned out to be a good thing!

Several people suddenly realized that they looked at the stinky tofu again and their eyes became hot.

"Two fat people, how are you? Now your sister has tried it personally. Are you still willing to admit defeat? Do you want to confess? Is it so shameless?"

At this time, Xu lacked to look at the second emperor, and his face was stunned.

The second emperor’s face was pumped and he opened his mouth: “When do I say that I want to rely on...”

After the words have not been finished, Xu lacked the words and interrupted him: "This person should pay attention to honesty, you see that I just said it, even a dime has not been taken with your sister, but also ask her to eat. A bowl of food worth 20,000, you said you are not guilty?"

The second emperor rolled his eyes, and he didn’t want to rely on his account. He said: "I..."

Xu lacked and interrupted, shaking his head and said: "You don't have to make many excuses. This bet you have lost. It is a man who recognizes it boldly, don't be a mother-in-law!"


"You said if you lost, are you, are you?"


"What is it, oh, your face is not convinced, it is clear that it is oral dissatisfaction, this is not okay, how can you be an emperor without a bit of integrity?"


The second emperor was forced, and his face was speechless.

At the end of his life, he did not think about repaying his debts. Especially in front of such a large number of people, he must establish a image of a prince who dares to act as a daring and abide by his promises.

However, he never imagined that he had nothing to say. He only said that he lacked this mouth, and he described him as a person who did not keep his promise.

This repeated words, not to mention the presence of the people, even the two emperors themselves, almost thought they were really owed.

After the interest rate, the second emperor finally slowed down and shouted: "This prince has never said that he wants to blame, you are less nonsense!"

"Well, you can wake up in time, and be brave in admitting that it is right, indicating that I have just said something, you have to listen in, you have to pay attention to it later, don't wait until someone else says you, you will be conscious!" The ignorance of the slogan is a little bit nodded, and a pair of scorpions can teach the appearance, very gratified.

The second emperor almost vomited blood, glaring at Xu.

In the future, he was able to blame and blame. Xu Xiaoshe said first: "Come on, it is time to talk about what you owe to me!"

The second emperor squinted at the moment: "When did the prince owe you a house?"

Xu lacked his eyes and smiled. "You didn't mean to promise me a condition if you lost? My condition is, give me a house, there are three thousand in the harem, and countless gold and silver treasures. simple!"

Vulgar, too vulgar!

A few of the emperors in the audience heard the blame.

I thought this guy would want to be a treasure, used for cultivation, I did not expect that the opening is the house woman and money.

As a cultivator, how can you be full of these vulgar ideas?

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​several emperors. For the people, Xu’s request is simply perfect.

A mansion, and the Hougong Jiali three thousand, plus countless money, what is the difference between this and the emperor? It is so enviable!

I don’t know when the two dogs have taken over the oil pan, grabbed two big chopsticks, and slammed them in the oil pan. I still don’t forget to ridicule: "Boy, you are too shameless! Actually open this condition~www.mtlnovel .com~ A little vision is not there, you should say let him give the whole Jin Yuanguo to you!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly licked their mouths and stunned the two dogs. No one wanted to openly attack him.

The second emperor also ignored the words of the two dogs. He looked at Xu’s lack of coldness and said: “This prince only promised you a condition, but what you just said is already three conditions!”

"Oh, you are right, it is indeed my mistake, a condition is a condition, then I will say it again!" Xu lacked an open mind to accept the error.

"Yes!" The second emperor nodded.

Xu Wei said: "Then I will have a mansion with a harem of three thousand and a gold and silver treasure!"


The audience was silent.

What is the difference between this Nima?

Isn't it just a few words combined into one sentence?

Is this special? I rely on you, big brother, you are so fierce!

Everyone took it, I thought Xu would change a condition, or reduce some requirements, but did not expect him to be so smart!

The second emperor also glanced and sneered: "Since you insist on such a request, the Emperor can certainly satisfy you!"

For him, Xu’s lack of such a request is not excessive, and it can be done easily.

Xu lacked a smile and asked: "If you can't do it?"

"This prince can't do it!" The two emperors were full of confidence.

"No, I don't trust you, unless you write the bill, by the way, if you can't do it, you have to pay me all the property in your name!"

"Oh, it’s really the heart of a villain! The word is just that, the prince is satisfied with you!"

The second emperor once again sneered, and looked at Xu’s lack of disdain.

Then he waved his hand and immediately sent a pen and ink to his hand. The second emperor wrote the word.


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