Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 353: Who are you bringing water?

On the top of the mountain, three emperors and seven princesses, and their faces were shocked!

"What kind of ghost does this guy do? Is it still playing handsome?" A prince screamed.

"Seven emperors, what do he want to do?" The three emperors turned their eyes to the seven princesses and asked.

The seven princesses also looked blank and couldn’t understand the idea of ​​Xu’s lack.

Now that the competition is about to begin, if he does not enter the shrine in advance to prepare, he will definitely not be able to completely control the gods!

Just as everyone was amazed and confused, an old **** who presided over the first trial was finally standing out and looking to Xu: "You, what do you mean by this? Is it a god, or you? Want to abstain?"


Xu shook his head and touched his chin. He said, "I just want to ask, who of you brought the tofu? If you don't have it, you can have a glass of water!"

Everyone heard the words, suddenly confused!



What are you doing, it’s time for this, what do you want to eat?

The old **** who presided over the game also stayed.

He has presided over the trial of the Imperial Tomb for so many years. He has never encountered such a request. When he is close to the competition, he actually wants to eat and drink?

Who are these people?

Under the circumstance, the old **** had to look at the golden emperor sitting on the dragon chair, ready to ask for it.

Jin Huang nodded slightly, indicating that the old **** can meet the requirements of Xu deficiency, at the same time, the eyes of the Golden Emperor, once again fell on Xu lack!

Not far from the gods, the Queen Mother is also staring at the lack of Xu, the playfulness between the eyes and the eyes, become more concentrated!


"You, this cup of water, you can take it!"

After all, the old **** satisfies the requirements of Xu deficiency, and deliberately made people get a cup of water.

Everyone in the whole place looked at Xu deficiency, his face was full of disdain, and he was not ashamed of this behavior!

After all, as a monk, and still in the realm of the Yuan Ying period, I have already succeeded in creating a grain. I can live without eating or drinking. At this time, I actually said that I need a glass of water. What kind of tricks do I want to play?

However, Xu missed the cup, but smiled and shook his head: "There is a glass of water in the bottom, not for drinking!"

Yep? Not for drinking?

What is it for?

Everyone in the room was stunned and full of doubts!

The old **** is also a bit surprised, and he said: "What use do you have?"

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth, laughed and talked with a cup of water, sat in the car, put the cup aside, and at the same time "squat", the door was closed!

Later, he shook the window and said to the old eunuch: "In fact, I think this kind of competition is too simple, it is very meaningless! So I decided, I have to improve the difficulty, you are all optimistic, this cup The water is placed here, if it is to be sprinkled, even if I lose!"

Xu lacked the chest, the tone of the domineering.

Everyone is dumbfounded in an instant!

Is the competition too simple?

Not interesting?

Water spills, even if you lose?

I am going, is this crazy?

In the face of so many gods, I dare to be so arrogant?

Or I already know that I have to lose, so I deliberately find a step for myself?

Many people are full of faces and can't figure out the situation!

The three emperors and the seven princesses were also scared. Xu’s lack of such a bet is different from surrender.

"What exactly does this guy want to do?" An prince couldn't help but clench his fist and asked with anger.

"He is the same as letting the Three Emperors not lose first! Is it that he has already been bought by others and deliberately betrayed the Three Emperors?"

"No, Xu Gongzi is not that kind of person!"

The seven princesses firmly believe that she believes she will not look at the wrong person!

However, she is also puzzled by Xu’s unneeded request, which is really elusive!

At the foot of the mountain, the Golden Emperor, at this moment is also slightly wide-eyed, very unexpectedly watching Xu lack.

Not far from the gods, the Queen Mother is slightly wrong!

No one can guess the lack of Xu, because if they want to break their heads, it is absolutely impossible to think of it. Xu is actually just purely for the sake of force!

Put a glass of water in the car, don't let the water spill?

What kind of tricks are there? Although the car skills that Xu’s lack of exchanges are arrogant, it is impossible to achieve this level of super-intellectualization. Do you think that you are performing cartoons?

But this guy has already consulted with the system, opened the automatic hosting function, and separated some of his soul to keep the cup still!

Every time, just consume a little bit of forced value!

Once successful, he will harvest a lot of forced value, which is a good opportunity for a rich man, Xu can not miss it!

"Are you sure you want to increase your difficulty?"

At this time, the golden emperor, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

The low and calm, but full of majestic voice, all of a sudden.

Some people in the whole place were suddenly shocked. Jin Huang actually took the initiative to ask this kid question?

How proud is this guy?

I can't be humble and not humble, and smiled and said: "Yes, I am always talking about this person, as long as a drop of water is spilled, I immediately lose!"

"Good ~ www.readwn.com ~ 朕 can answer!" Jin Huang nodded directly.

The three emperors and the seven princesses on the top of the mountain suddenly looked white and couldn’t even stop it!

The second emperor and several other emperors who competed for the position of the prince, could not help but show the smile of gloating!

"Three brothers, it seems that you were hurt by yourself this time! For the brother told you earlier, Xu is a man who is insidious, shameless, and you are so important, you really shouldn't!"

The second emperor shook his head, pretending to be a pity, but the eyebrows were all ridiculous and ridiculous!

Not far from the big prince and so on, the same with a weird smile, watching the three emperors.

The three emperors clenched their fists and shook their bodies gently, silent!

The seven princesses did not dare to open their mouths. At this time, she could not guess the insufficiency of Xu, but she did not know whether Xu was missing or not. She could only look at the lack of anxiety at the foot of the mountain.

"The hour has come, the first level of the trial of the Imperial Tombs is about to begin, please be prepared for the final!"

At this time, the old **** who presided over the first off race shouted with a sharp voice.

He also held a small yellow flag in his hand. When the flag fell, it officially began on behalf of the competition!

All the participating Tianjiao monks are dignified and focused, ready to go!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Xu Wei also began to step on the brakes, the other foot slammed the throttle, warmed up the car, the engine sounded like thunder, ringing in all directions!

Many people were shocked by the sudden engine sound, and they turned their eyes to Xu.

"The first level of the Imperial Tomb trial, now - start at..."

But at this moment, the old **** suddenly shouted, and at the same time the high yellow flag in his hand suddenly fell!


In an instant, Xu's lack of the AE86 is like an arrow from the string, a horse first, flying out of general!

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