Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 385: 1 group of black monkeys

People - demon?

When Xu missed the word, he suddenly saw it.

Could it be Su Linger and their people?

"Oh ah... kid, save me!"

"Mom, don't come over, ah, don't force the gods to take the shot!"

"Oh... there is a kind of chase!"

The screams of the two dogs continued to sound.

Xu lacked eyebrows and shook his head: "With this kind of pet around, it's really a shame!"

After all, he walked toward the mountain forest and walked over.

But soon, Xu lacked it.

In the forest, a lot of black shadows are flying in the air, and the number is extremely large, and it is impossible to see at all.

In the pursuit of countless black shadows, the two dogs shouted and screamed.


At this time, I saw a black shadow hit the back of the two dogs, and a dull sound was heard. The black shadow fell on the ground, and the two dogs were safe and sounded and continued to scream.

Xu lacked his face, his eyes swept to the shadows on the ground, but his eyes widened.

Lying on the ground, it was a black monkey!

The size of the monkey is very thin, like an adult. The hair is black and shiny, and there is a weed-woven skirt between the legs, which is used to hide the shame.

Obviously just this black monkey sneaked into the two dogs, and after hitting the two dogs, they fainted on the spot.

After all, the two dogs have bones, which is really not something that ordinary people can play.

Moreover, Xu Xiao had seen it before, and the Yuan Ying period monk and the two dogs played against each other.

As a result, after the Yuan Ying period monk hit the two dogs, he himself fell into a fracture.

But this black monkey has just hit so hard, now it is just fainting, and it can be seen that the monkey's body is not easy.

"Hey, boy, you are finally here, fast, let the sword spirit come out and destroy them! These people - the demon are crazy!" At this time, the two dogs saw Xu deficiency appear, immediately caught the life-saving straw, crazy Run over.

Xu lacked a corner and screamed: "You are crazy, right? This is a monkey, who is coming from - demon?"

"Which monkeys are like this, these monkeys look like humans and demons, and they will spit out people's words. Isn't it a human-devil?" the two dogs yelled as they ran.

Xu lacked a faceless speech: "Why don't you know what you are saying, don't you say that you are also a man-devil?"

"This **** is not the same as them!"

"Yes, yes, you belong to the dog-devil!" Xu's shortcomings.

The face of the two dogs was suddenly full of irritating colors, but they did not dare to scream with Xu. They could only slap their faces and fled back.

When Xu lacked, he also swept his eyes to the dense black shadows in the mountains.

Obviously, these black shadows chasing the two dogs are all black monkeys!

And according to the two dogs, these black monkeys can still speak, that is, the magical beast that has been opened.

When Xu was absent, he was happy, stepping forward, and swearing in Dantian, shouting loudly: "Give me a hand!"

This sound carries the power of his majestic spirit, running through the audience!

The trees and flowers in the forest were swaying, and all the shadows of the shadows suddenly stopped.

All of a sudden, all the trees, full of dense black monkeys, all the black faint pupils, all gathered in Xu's body.

Xu lacked a step forward, with both hands on his hips, and he said with domineering: "Well, you haven't heard of the dog, you have to look at the owner? Call your monkey king!"

"Mom, this **** is not a dog!" The two dogs ran back and shouted with dissatisfaction.

However, nobody cares about the two dogs.

Xu lacked the black monkeys in the forest. The black monkeys scratched their ears and scratched their farts. They were also curious about the lack of looks, and they looked very naive and cute.

When Xu was absent, he wondered, how can such a cute monkey be collectively dispatched to attack two dogs without any reason?

Immediately, he turned to look at the two dogs and asked: "Two dogs, are you jealous of doing something again? Engaged in the mother monkey?"

The two dogs squinted their eyes: "Kid, don't talk nonsense, this **** is self-satisfied, will you make such superficial things?"


At this time, there was a muffled sound in the forest, and a tall and strong black monkey suddenly burst out.

Awkwardly, it fell heavily on the front of the group of monkeys, as if it were a monkey king, and it smelled a strange smell.

Xu lacked some surprises, completely unable to detect the realm strength of this black monkey king, and the strange atmosphere seems to be very simple, and it is incompatible with this world.

And not only is this black monkey king, but all the other monkeys also have this kind of breath.

Xu could not help but frown.

At this time, the black monkey king's gaze, staring sharply at the two dogs, angered: "You are brave enough to blame our **** tree, today must be washed with your blood!"


When Xu missed this, he was shocked. He took a breath and took a slap in the face and yelled at the faces of the two dogs!


"Hey! What are you doing?" The two dogs screamed and squinted.

Xu lacked a face and shocked: "Is you crazy? I thought you were engaged in a female monkey. I didn't expect you to be so mad and to this extent, actually engage in the **** tree? Say, are you plugging in? The tree hole?"


The two dogs were forced on the spot.

Insert a tree hole?

The next moment, it suddenly reacted, angered and rushed to Xu lack, shouted: "Mom, this **** is fighting with you!"

When Xu misses a moment, he can find a chance to teach you.

"Give me a lay down!"

He screamed ~www.readwn.com~ quickly read the law.


The golden dog collar on the neck of the two dogs suddenly shrank sharply, and the whole body fell to the ground and rolled up.

"Ah, the kid is going to stop. The **** is wrong! It's wrong!" it shouted.

Xu lacked this and took it, faintly said: "Where is it wrong?"

Two dogs lying on the ground, looking at the sky with a face full of love, took a few breaths!

After counting the interest, it stood up and said with indignation: "Where does the ghost know what is wrong? This **** is just urinating under a tree and urinating. As a result, the monkeys rushed out to say that it was a **** tree. You said that I am not guilty? They are clear that they want to marry me!"

"I am going, I just turned the Imperial City into an ancient city of civilization. When you come out, you will urinate and urinate, and you are so embarrassed to say?" Xu was annoyed.

The two dogs immediately smashed, their heads twisted to the side, pretending that they had not heard anything.

At this time, the tall black monkey came out and said coldly: "Hey, you are good at my ancestral home. It is a death sin. Now that you have smashed the tree, don't leave!"

"Wait, why do you say that this is your ancestral land? Is there a proof? Is there a title deed?" Xu asked with a narrow eye.

The black monkey king suddenly glimpsed, followed by saying: "This place is the ancestral home of my family many years ago. We have lived here for generations, guarding the ancestors, what is the proof?"

"You can't say this right. This place is in the national border of the Jin Yuanguo, and I am the future reserve of the Jin Yuanguo. In general, your place is also mine!" Xu Xiaoxiao said.

The Black Monkey King shook his head and said: "No matter what country you are, this place does not belong to you. If it is not the recent changes in the world, the five lines of seals that suppress our ancestors suddenly weaken, and you have no chance to see this place."



[First! 】

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