Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 399: Take you 1 out and force 1 to take off!

This night, the night is surprisingly dark, only a few stars falling in the night sky, shining slightly!

A team of thousands of people, screaming at the night, quietly rushed to the snowy mountains.

The first one was Xu Wei, this product was successfully mixed with the name of the military division, shaking the fan, and led the team together with Situ Haiyu, ready to come to a night attack!

The main force behind the team also carried a large amount of materials, all of which were large-scale kongming lanterns and paragliders. At the same time, each soldier was assigned to a popsicle, and he was kept in his arms and carefully kept.

Everyone knows the magical effect of this popsicle, as a treasure, and full of confidence in this battle.

But they also have full of doubts in their hearts!

Only those big lanterns and big kites can really cross the canyon and fly to the snowy mountain holy land? And how many thousands of people are working together?

There are still some bottoms in the hearts of the people, but since they have already gone up the mountain, they can only choose to obey.

The team stepped on the snow-capped mountains step by step, and the real power of the body, when it was already on the mountainside, was completely banned, and there was no way to spread it.

Xu is also no exception, even when the real power is imprisoned, he also called out the system to ask if it can be cracked.

However, the system responded: "This prohibition level exceeds the system level, it is recommended that the host upgrade the system!"

Xu deficiency directly ignored the system's reply.

This profiteer system shows that it is necessary to pit the value, now it has been three levels, and if it rises again, at least it costs tens of thousands of points to force!

And the current situation does not have to be a real force.

What if you can't use the real power? Anyway, everyone can't use it! This forced king only spends dozens of points to force the value, and exchanges a lot of high-end martial arts, it is enough to kill the audience!

"Zhuge Shaoxia, the canyon is in front!" At this time, Situ Haishu slowed down the pace slightly, reminding him of the lack of Xu.

"Well, you let the team stop, I will go and see!" Xu's shortcomings should be answered, step forward and walk to the edge of the cliff to stop.

It is indeed a huge canyon. It is at least four or five hundred meters away from the opposite snow peak. The canyon is not deep. When you look down, you can only see a dark, stretched out of your fingers, like an endless universe. Was buried underneath.

However, on the snowy peak opposite the canyon, it is faintly able to see the ignition light and the figure, which should be the ice armor stationed in the holy land of the snow mountain.

"System, calculate the specific distance on both sides of the canyon, check the wind speed, and then calculate the height of the flight to fly over the canyon!"

Xu lacks the command system for calculation.

Now their position is almost the same as the opposite snow peak, so you have to know the specific distance, then fly to a certain height, and then use the paraglider to land and reach the opposite snow peak.

“叮, the calculation is completed, according to the current wind speed and other comprehensive conditions, it needs to rise to a height between 200 meters and 230 meters...”

Soon, the system got the most secure answer. Many of the soldiers' weights were similar. According to the wind speed, they had to rise to a height of about 200 meters in order to collectively cross the canyon and land behind the other wall!

Xu lacked a mouth and suddenly rose.

People always say that they have learned mathematics and physics, and they are not afraid to travel all over the world. But now that there is a system in hand, it is really not afraid of anything!

"Haicang, you pass on the order, let everyone hang up the paraglider, don't move on the Kongming lanterns! I will ignite the Kongming lanterns and bring you together to force them to fly together!" Xu lacked his head and said to Situ Haiyan.

"This... can this really fly?" Stuart is very confused. He always wonders. If there is no real power, how can this lantern fly?

"I believe that I am right, this is science, it is wisdom! You must go!" Xu missed the head of Situ Haiyan, and said with a smile.

Situ Haiyan suddenly had a hot cheek, and a general was a man, and it was a shameful shame to be beaten like a child.

But she did not get angry, but she was in a panic.

Fortunately, the sky is too dark now, and no one around sees this scene, otherwise she does not know how to face those subordinates in the future.

"Zhuge Shaoxia... No, Zhuge Junshi, I will dispose of you next time without my permission, I will dispose of you according to the following military law!"

Stuart said solemnly, even if he hurriedly turned to the rear, he sent messages to the team.

Xu lacked a grin, shook his head slightly, and sure enough, the woman is not good!


After a short time, Situ Haishu came back, carrying a paraglider behind him, dexterously climbed the Kongming Lantern and leaned over.

Later, she turned to look at Xu Xiao, Shen Sheng: "All ready!"

"Okay, everything is ready, just owe the wind!"

Xu lacked a slight smile, and also took up the paraglider and reached the top of the Kongming Lantern!

The skeletons of these kongming lanterns are made of special wood, light and strong enough to withstand the weight of several people, so those who are heavy are not afraid to crush these lights.

"System, then check the wicks of all the kongming lights, whether the ignitor is placed!"

At this time, Xu lacked the system road again.

Before leaving, he had already exchanged a bunch of pilots for people to place on the wicks of all the kongming lanterns.

Once he presses the switch, all the wicks are ignited, which in turn illuminates the illuminating lights!

"Oh, after the inspection is completed, all the illuminating lights have been placed on the pilot, everything is normal!"

"Hey, let's go! Give a big surprise to the opposite side!"

Xu’s face was full of excitement and excitement, and he found a switch in his hand. He clicked on it.




Suddenly, the sound of a series of flames slammed in the back, and the kongming lanterns lit up one after another, and the whole piece of dark snow was instantly illuminated.

All the soldiers held their breath and waited quietly, wondering how the lantern flew.

Situ Haiyan was also full of dignity, and there was even a trace of tension between the eyes, always staring at the lantern under him.

Soon, in this icy snow, everyone gradually felt that the lanterns underneath were warm and very comfortable.

The next moment, the body suddenly has a feeling of rising.

Everyone suddenly paused, and the Kongming Lantern underneath slowly descended from the ground and ascended into the air. The crowd suddenly opened their eyes and looked shocked.

Really flying?

Zhuge Shaoxia really did not lie to us.

This lantern actually can bring people to fly!

It’s so amazing! It’s amazing!

All of a sudden, all the soldiers who were kneeling on the lanterns were full of excitement and excitement.

But everyone is close to the mouth, not daring to make any sound, because Xu lacks orders, no one can make any sound before landing, no fart, or grab it and hang it on the wall. Jj!

This kind of thinking will feel the punishment of the cold part of the sputum ~www.readwn.com~ no one dares to try!

So, on this unusually quiet night, there was such a strange scene on the snowy mountain!

Thousands of big lanterns slowly flew to the sky, dense, like a star, illuminating the earth!


Opposite the gorge, an ice armor patrolling the wall suddenly found this spectacle and suddenly exclaimed: "Look, there is movement on the opposite side!"


"What happened? How come there are so many lanterns?"

"No, how can the lantern fly?"

Suddenly, the ice armor on the wall suddenly stunned and looked at it, very surprised!

It was only under this dark night that they could see only the shiny lanterns, but they could not see the figures on the lanterns.

This is also the so-called black under the lamp!

"Will it be the signal of our own people? According to the time, General Lee should have attacked Syracuse too!" An ice armor guessed.

Someone immediately shook his head: "Impossible, our signal is not this!"

"That's too strange. No one on the snowy mountain can use the real power. How did these lanterns fly?"

"I know, it must have come from Syracuse. It may be that people in Syracuse are desperate, so use the real power to release these lanterns at the foot of the mountain and pray to God!"

"Haha, what is the use of blessing at this time? They have given them the opportunity to surrender, but they are not cherished!"

"Okay, don't worry about the lanterns, but they can't float anyway, let's drink!"

"Drink a fart, the ice condensate queen is coming, you have to drink it!"

"What? When did the Queen of Ice Clay come?"

"It has already come a few days ago. It is said that I went to the Holy Land to find the water emperor..."

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