Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 443:

Old King next door?

Who does Nima know that you are next door?

Everyone suddenly looked at the black line, and did not understand the true meaning of this "Lady next door" in Xu's gap!

The old man is also full of gloom, but it is because in the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce, it is not easy to do it, and the eyes blink slightly, no longer say anything.

It seems that the decision has been made. When the auction is over, he will kill Xu and kill the treasure!

This kind of thing is very common, Xu deficiency is not at all in mind, the district baby changes six layers, he did not put it in the eyes!

The scene was also silent for a while, in a subtle atmosphere.

Everyone looked at Xu Xiao with sympathy and thought that he was not far from death.

Can be lack of hippie smile, can not maintain a cold side, after all, this goods is this kind of embarrassing look, it is difficult to hide.

When I saw the old man not talking, Xu lacked and added: "Hey, don't talk, I am next door to the old king, don't believe you go home and ask your mother to know!"

"Shut up!" The old man again angered and snarled.

Everyone is also speechless.

Is this guy going crazy?

At this time, I dare to provoke the old man, and let the old man go home and ask his mother? Damn, how old is his mother, how can I know you young?

However, Xu’s lack of roaring against the old man is an understatement of laughter and politeness: “Close your paralysis!”

Everyone suddenly changed his face!

The old man is even more murderous, suddenly stood up and stared straight at the wall!

Xu Wei continued to ridicule: "I will not shut up, you come to hit me? There is a kind of you!"

He really wants to anger the old man out, and then there is an excuse to kill!

After all, the old man’s words just now, saying that he would take back the spiritual stone of the medicinal herbs from the people of the Shuiyuan country, was completely heard by Xu Xiaoqing.

Xu deficiency is definitely standing on the side of the water emperor, naturally it is necessary to help each other and kill the people!


The old man was really irritated, his foot moved, turned into a black shadow flashing, and directly kicked a chair to the wall, "砰", the chair was instantly crushed into a pile of sawdust, drifting away with the wind, turned into annihilation!

Cracks appear on the walls in an instant, which is the result of the old man's control of the strength, otherwise the entire wall may collapse. After all, it is the strength of the baby's change, not to be underestimated!

The palace girl immediately reminded: "Guests upstairs, please pay attention to control, here is the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce!"

However, Xu lacked the look of a sly look. He also followed the gap in the center of the crack in the wall to look at the old man opposite. He smiled and asked: "The old man? The gas is not angry? The gas is not angry? Just ask you. Not angry?"

Hey, everyone in the whole place is dumbfounded!

Is this guy really doing things?

Are you going to provoke this?

Damn, sincere!

"Wait, how is this sentence so familiar?"

"Yeah, no gas? I seem to have heard it!"

"Where, isn't this what Mr. Zhuge said before the 12th?"


Suddenly, many people took a sip of cold air and looked at Xu’s lack of face.

Although the appearance changed, they suddenly felt that the tone of the "Wang Teng Cong" in front of him and the appearance of this embarrassment were just too much like the "General Zhuge".

"Mom, this guy shouldn't be General Zhuge?"

“Is it easy?”

"No wonder, this guy copied ten city capitals before and after, and also copied Wang Yefu, and it is not surprising that there are so many Lingshi!"

"No, ten city capitals plus Wang Yefu, can't you get so many Lingshi? This guy must have done nothing to copy the house before!"

"Too evil door, this guy has changed his face specially, and he wants to make us offend him!"

Many people reacted and their faces became incomparably ugly.

The young man who had previously competed with Xu lacked his face and was white on the spot. He knew that Xu was missing the name, and suddenly the cat stood up and fled carefully.

The people of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce were even more surprised. The matter of copying Wang Yefu before Xu’s lack of time was already well known in the Imperial City, but they did not expect that this “Wang Teng Cong” was actually “General Zhuge”. !

Xu lacked because of a sentence, and his identity was immediately guessed.

After all, there are very few people like Xu who are so embarrassed. It is so rare that they have a lack of identity because of a simple sentence.

But the old man, who did not care at all, did not feel jealous.

"Peace, old and no matter who you are, after leaving the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce, all consequences are at your own risk!" He opened the intimidation.

When Xu was absent, he was happy: "Which Tianliu Chamber of Commerce does not discuss the business. If I promised that others would not easily kill people recently, I will step on your old things in minutes. Do you think that you have just heard what I said?"

"Hey, what's the old thing?" The old man's face sank and shouted coldly.

"What do you say in your heart, I don't want to tear it down, lest you have no face!"

Xu lacked this, the old man snorted, thinking that it was missing Xu, and did not dare to speak out.

But the next moment, Xu Xiao talked again.

"But then, old guy, your character is too scum, I want to spend 60 million to buy the drug, and then grab the stone from the hands of everyone! And also to those The female repair brought back to the first female to kill, and even the eleventh old lady in the fifth row left is not let go~www.readwn.com~ Yes, the old lady is you, he said that you are still Save, but also kill the woman first!"


In an instant, some people were stunned.

After buying the medicinal herbs with Lingshi, I have to grab it again? And also rob the female monk back? Even the old lady is not let go?

Damn, this old man is too dark!

Everyone looked up and looked at the old man's wing.

At this time, the old man is already dumbfounded.

I didn’t expect the kid next door to be so mean and shameless.

He only said that he had to take back those Lingshi that he had spent, and he never said anything about killing the first woman. However, he couldn’t say it now, and he was forced to say it.

"Let's go, you dare to filthy old man!" The old man was angry.

Xu lacked his eyes and smiled: "Do you dare to swear by your heart, have you said these words?"

"You..." The old man was angry.

How do you swear? I only swore that I have to kill the woman first? Isn't this a matter of sitting down and saying that you have to take back Lingshi?

Damn, this kid is too sinister!

It’s really stinking!


At this time, the palace girl suddenly opened.

She still smiles and glances at the audience. She laughs: "The rest can wait for the auction to end and then talk. Now, congratulations to the guests in the 3rd wing, take the 'Tai Qing Bi Shui Dan', then we continue to auction the second The treasure of the finale!"

She naturally controlled the scene. After all, it is the site of the Tianliu Chamber of Commerce. Now it is also undergoing an auction. If Xu is really playing with the old man, it will have a great impact on their reputation!



[Tragedy, the day before yesterday, I was illegally detained in Dali with my friends. We just escaped in the early hours of the morning. I just arrived home today. I don’t know your brothers and sisters. Are there any friends in Dali who can help? If you have any, please talk to me QQ! Thank you! 】

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