Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 551: The roots of troubles

Small fist hammer chest?

This strange threat, the palace women still heard for the first time.

Just not thinking about it, I smiled bitterly: "The son is right, it is a small woman, and the son is forgiven."

"I have done it, don't make this set, Jiang Hongyan?" Xu lacked a hand, no thoughts and then joking.

He subconsciously felt that the female emperor might have something to do, otherwise a waitress in the Mingyue Building could not be such an attitude of repeated questioning.

"The son does not know, Jiang Hongyan girl has left the Mingyue Building a few days ago!" Palace women responded.

"What?" Xu lacked his eyes and immediately emptied?

But this is not right. At that time, it was about a month after the departure with the female emperor. Now that I have been here a few days earlier, how can she leave first?

"The son, the little girl is more than a word, you and Jiang Hongyan girl know, it is best not to be publicized in the Ming Yue Lou, otherwise it may be..."

The palace lady’s solemn reminder, but she didn’t finish talking, she seemed to see what she saw, and when she looked at it, she stopped talking and turned into a smile of the previous kind of welcome: “The son, the little girl goes first. Busy, please!"

When she finished, she stepped away.

Xu lacked a brow and turned and glanced at it. It happened to be a few young men and women coming out of the door.

A few people are repairing the baby's change, and the strength is extraordinary.

Among them, there are two women, who are actually nine layers of infants, and a handsome man, who has reached the tenth level of infantry change, only one step away from the refining period!

This kind of strong combination is definitely the existence of the leader in Tianjiao. It is the strongest in Tianjiao. If it is placed in the Wuxing Mountain, it is absolutely powerful and powerful. It can even be more than the lack of drums. To shock people!

They talked and laughed all the way, coming straight to the Ming Yue Lou.

Xu lacks wrinkles and he can be sure that the woman who just saw the palace is seeing these people, so she looks strange and does not continue to say what she wants to say.

Who is the lack of Xu? How can you allow others to hang their appetite?

Immediately, he ignored the people who came outside the door and turned to go to the lobby of Mingyuelou. He quickly caught up with the palace girl and said: "Girl, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"The son, the little girl just said nothing." The palace girl stopped, politely responded, the smile on her face remained.

"Hey, if you don't say it, don't blame me for pulling you into the water? I will ask those people by myself, and by the way, tell them what you just said to me and see if they know what it means!" Xu smiled and turned around. Going directly to the door outside the door to go to the arrogance.

The palace girl was suddenly moved, and said: "The son stays, the little girl tells you that it is!"

"Well, let's talk!" Xu missed at the same time, turned and smiled at her, it seems that she would have expected it.

Palace women's betelles bite the lips, carefully watched a few Tianjiao outside the door, whispered: "Gongzi, Jiang Hongyan girl is hitting the ominous person, the name is like a person, the beauty of the water, the original she left for decades Now, in this sensitive period, not only the Jiang family, but even the Gong family and the Bai family, even the major sects, are glaring at her, and the Mingyue Building can’t keep her, so she left!”

"..." Xu lacked listening, and the brow had already become a Sichuan word.

When I heard that the woman in the palace said that Jiang Hongyan was a red-faced disaster, Xu was almost angered and blamed on the other side. At first glance, it seems that this woman in the palace is not smashing Jiang Hongyan, but Jiang Hongyan is here. The fate of "the beauty of the water".

However, Xu lacks the meaning of this specific meaning. "Blooming water" means that a beautiful woman is the root of the scourge. Jiang Hongyan is really beautiful. Can it be beautiful? This is obviously not right!

And from the words of the palace women, Xu Xiao also heard a "Gong family", compared with the Jiang family and the white family.

What is the white house? Xu does not know. However, the Jiang family that he learned from Liu Jing's mouth earlier seems to be very strong in the East, and now the "Gong Jia" can be compared with it. Naturally, it is not simple.

"What do you mean by the sensitive period?" Xu said, he felt that it was necessary to quickly figure out what was going on, otherwise he would not help the female emperor.

After all, the opponent is too strong, the female emperor is almost a world-famous situation, what Jiang Jiabai family Gong family, as well as the major sects, this is known to be not simple.

"Don't you know the son?" The woman in the palace costume looked blank and whispered: "Abandoning the unknown life of Jiang Hongyan girl, she is the daughter of the celestial arrogance. If it is not because of the practice of ruin, it has already been It is the leader of this generation, and can even be said to be invincible in this generation. Now the trial of the secret of Nanzhou mainland is about to open, and she suddenly appears, it is really difficult to not be targeted."

"Why, can't she participate in the secret test?" Xu frowned again.

He has heard about the secrets of Nanzhou mainland. He heard about it several times. The first time I heard from the female emperor ~www.readwn.com~ because she mentioned that Duan Jiude seems to be going to Nanzhou for this trial. .

However, there is nothing remarkable about this secret test. Xu is not clear, and has not asked much.

The woman in the palace dress carefully responded: "With the talent of Jiang Hongyan, how could someone let her go into the secrets and try to find a fortune? If she is filled with the law, she will be invincible and will break each The balance between big forces."

Change your life? One gasification Sanqing?

Xu was suddenly stunned. Before that, he knew that the law of the female emperor was "one gasification and three clears", but only got the first two articles, so the cultivation was always stagnant.

Moreover, this "one gasification and three clears" is completely different from his understanding. It is not a kind of law that can manifest the avatar. Instead, it is to change the air transport through its own vitality, which is equivalent to changing its life!

Xu lacked luck and accidentally got the third one, so he was given to the female emperor in the time of the Shuiyuan, but still could not complete this law.

Now that I heard the woman in the palace, Xu was finally lost.

The original talent of the female emperor was strong enough to make the people of the world jealous, but because of bad life, it was necessary to change their lives. The law that changed the life was incomplete and extremely difficult to find, so they had to go to the secret of Nanzhou. Trial, trying to find the way to make things, complete the law!

Now, the world is afraid of her rise, so she looks at it and does not want her to participate in the secret test. Mingyuelou can't keep her, so she left.

"Other family forces are jealous of her, I can understand. But if she can rise, isn't it a good thing for Jiang? How can the Jiang family not protect her?"

Xu lacks doubts.

It is reasonable to say that if the female emperor really has such a talent, the Jiang family should hurry to protect it. How can she look at her?



[There are two chapters to be held! 】

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