Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 74: I’m going to run a real shot.

Under the gaze of Zi Yan, Xu Xiao eventually went to the water prison.

The fingertips gathered together for a reiki, and with a single shot, the entire water dung suddenly collapsed, turning into a little bit of water and scattered, disappearing.


The purple eyes suddenly widened their eyes and were extremely shocked.

Although her water jail is not strong, ordinary people can't break it so easily, unless it is also the same as the water element.

The lack of aura that Xu just condensed is the spiritual power of the water.

Xu Xuan also condensed the clear water to wash away the mud on their faces, but at that time they did not know Xu’s identity, thinking that he was also a spiritual master.

But now I know that Xu is the person of the fire country, and the water spirit is displayed. The purple scorpion is shocked.

At the same time, there are only two kinds of spiritual roots in the world. She did not expect that Xu was one of them.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of intangibles, and rewarding fifty points for the forced value!”

Xu lacked a stunned look, turned his head and looked at the purple sly look, then took another three corpse soul sorcerer from the system package, gently flicked, directly into the mouth of Yanyang Princess!

"Don't!" Zi Yan exclaimed, but it was already late, and Dan medicine went down the mouth of Yanyang Princess and went straight to Dantian.

Xu lacks indifferent: "With her heart, do you think I might not feed her medicine? If..."

When the words were not finished, a hot and delicate body suddenly rushed to him, and it was the Princess Yan Yang who wanted to burn.

The delicate lips kissed Xu’s neck, cheeks...

A pair of jade arms also clung to his body and pulled the clothes as if they were asking for something from him.

Zi Yan stood in the distance and looked at this scene, suddenly reacted to what would happen next, suddenly flushed, turned and ran away.

Xu lacked as if when he was back in the palace bed, the princess was exactly the same as before, but...

"How the chest is bigger, the feel is not the same as the memory, it seems to be touching another person..." Xu's lack of palm "careless" grip, suddenly surprised.

However, he didn't think much about it. Anyway, this is a trade, and it is not the first time. If you love me, then come!

So, in the "help" of the Yan Yang princess who is eager to fit, Xu's clothes disappeared instantly, and went forward!


With the cry of Princess Yanyang, Xu suddenly stayed and looked down.


Was she lying for the first time? Impossible, hasn’t this Nima been broken? Can you still make up for it? Does this world have this kind of surgery? And the chest is bigger than the memory, this woman should not run to Long, right?

Still not waiting for him to react, the hot body under his body moved and took the initiative to ask for...

And Xu is missing, of course, is responsive!



A spring is over.

Xu lacked sitting on the ground and looked at the Princess Yanyang who was sleeping next to him. He sighed slightly and wanted to smoke.

"Be my little princess, just eat a few and don't suffer!"

Xu Xiao suddenly remembered this sentence, could not help but sneer, anyone could become his little princess, only this Ji Xiaoqing is impossible!

After a while, he stood up and wore his robes.

The purple scorpion is not far away, although he dare not peek, but the shy voice can be heard.

This will hear the end of the sound, no movement, she hurriedly ran out, and after seeing Xu lack of a look, he rushed to the side of Princess Yanyang and dressed for her!

Xu lacks indifferent: "I have saved people. I will go to the Imperial City in a few days. I hope to see the map of the Imperial Tomb, otherwise... I can do anything!"

"You don't have to threaten me, what I promised, I will do it." Purple face is expressionless, but his face is still flush.

"So good! Yes, she..."

Xu lacks a cold smile, is preparing to leave, suddenly remembered the princess's first thing, want to ask.

Suddenly, two powerful pressures suddenly came from a distance.


The pressure is like a giant mountain, suddenly covering the entire forest, pressing countless creatures to breathe.

Xu lacks a brow: "This breath is... the old monster of the baby's change, and two?"

"Let's go, the two should be the princes of the nearby Wang Houcheng. When we were killed, the princess sent a distress signal. According to the time, they really should have arrived." Zi Yan whispered.

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and couldn't help but pick up a smile. He whispered in a whisper: "Two princes who have changed their baby? Since the battle with Zhang Danshan, after entering the Golden Dan period, it seems that they have not competed with the baby." ..."

Zi Yan heard the words, his face suddenly changed.

This person... I heard the arrival of a strong infant, not only not afraid, but also thinking about a fight!

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of intangibles, and rewarding 60 points for the value!”

The system prompts suddenly sounds in my mind. Xu lacks the look of the gods. He turned his head and looked at the purple face with a stunned face. He couldn’t help but smile: "Now I don't want to alarm them. Remember, don't mention me half after going back. Words, otherwise even if they are separated by thousands of miles~www.readwn.com~ I will be killed when you think of it!"

After that, Xu lacked three thousand thunderstorms, and a large piece of lightning was intertwined under his feet. He swept away in the depths of the woods and disappeared quickly.

Zi Yan looked at the direction he was away, and his heart was afraid!


At this moment, with a sigh of relief, Princess Yanyang slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

"Princess, you finally woke up!" Zijing suddenly rejoiced.

But in the next moment, her joy is gone, because the princess's golden body has been possessed, she can hardly imagine what kind of mood Yanyang Princess will be next.

collapse? Crazy? Self-employed?

The situation in Ziyan’s imagination did not appear.

Princess Yanyang woke up and slowly sat up, his face was surprisingly calm, but calm to make people terrible!

"Is he gone?" she asked quietly, her voice cold.

The purple scorpion nodded and some did not respond.

Didn't the princess find it?

"Today's business, except for you and me, you must not let the fourth person know, including my father!" At this time, Princess Yanyang spoke again.

Zizi suddenly got a shock and nodded again.

The original princess knows!


At this time, two strong sounds of breaking through the sky, the sky suddenly suddenly faint.

Followed by, two middle-aged men suddenly appeared, and all of them were repaired to reach the fourth floor of the baby's change, and the strength is amazing!


Princess Yanyang stood up and faintly opened.

Zi Yan also made a courtesy: "Zi Zi has seen two princes!"

Two middle-aged men nodded slightly, looking at the Princess Yanyang with a gaze: "Yangyang, who is ambushing you?"

Princess Yanyang shook her head slightly, and her expression was full of exhaustion: "Uncle Huang, Yanyang is tired, go back and talk."


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