Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 901: long time no see!

He is back!

Just four words, but like the thunder of nine days, in the voice of Liu Xiaoli and Lin Yuxi!

The two were kneeling on the spot, and some reactions were not coming!

What does it mean?

Xu lacked more than six years ago and was clearly dead!

Now that he is back? Can the dead still come back?

"Hey, what are you doing, is it necessary to scare it like this?"

Huangcheng saw the reaction of the two people, could not help but stunned, shaking his head and laughing: "Do not worry, Xu lacks the present, although the identity is extraordinary, but he also put down the things of the year, I can see that he is really too lazy I care about you, but I am still a little bit too blind, especially Liu Xiaoli. In the future, it is better not to talk about the bad things that Xu lacks. Otherwise, you will be afraid of the movie market."

After that, Huangcheng is ready to leave. m.

"Wait!" Lin Yuxi suddenly stopped him, his face paled: "Yong, what do you mean when you just said? Have you seen Xu deficiency?"

"Yeah, I just sat in the same car with him! And it is a coincidence that today they are gathering in junior high school, just in this hotel!" Huangcheng nodded.


In an instant, Liu Xiaoli’s glass suddenly slipped from her hand!

"Ah!" She couldn't help but scream, but she was shocked by herself, and then she stared at Huangcheng again. She was annoyed: "Isn't you crazy in Huangcheng, is it interesting to scare us with this kind of thing?" ”

"Frighten you?" Huangcheng was a little embarrassed.

Lao Tzu kindly reminds you, how can you scare you? Is it hard to be a guy who is weaker than I thought?

"Hey, Hee Hee, don't care about him, do you really believe in his ghosts? Xu was dead more than six years ago, and you have seen his body in the hospital with your own eyes!" Liu Xiaoli glanced at Huangcheng I think he is in a prank, pulling Lin Yuxi is going.

But this time, it was the turn of Huangcheng that was frightened.

Liu Xiaoli’s words made the whole person in Huangcheng almost shake their legs and almost sat down!

"Wait!" he immediately shouted, his face full of horror: "Liu Xiaoli, you... what did you just say? Xu died six years ago?"

Liu Xiaoli directly turned her eyes: "Crap, don't you know about this? We haven't spared the time to accompany you here today!"

"Hold the grass, I don't know what the **** is! No, you are cheating on me. I am actually sitting in the same car with him today. I also watched him and Cai, and he was right, Cai Ting!" The city was still a little panicked, but this time it suddenly reacted, and his face suddenly turned black.

Xu deficiency may die, then Cai Ting can not die, right?

Is it difficult for Cai to get a ghost out to scare people?

What a joke!

I was almost kidnapped by this woman!

Immediately, Huangcheng sneered: "Liu Xiaoli, do you want to make a story and make it reasonable? Director Cai Tengjin, do you know him? He and Xu are junior high school students. Just now he was missing, I still sat. His car, now they are eating in the private room of this hotel, don't believe we will go see it!"

"Cai Gui?" Liu Xiaoli was shocked.

Among the well-known directors of China, Cai Tengjin is definitely one of them. Basically, he wants to enter the film and television circle, or pay attention to Chinese movies. Who knows the name of Cai.

But Cai Dao and Xu Wei are junior high school students?

"Wait, the film that Cai was released as an investor last year!" Suddenly, Liu Xiaoli reacted.

Last year's sensational movie, director and scriptwriter's name, isn't it missing?

It’s hard not to hit the name, but...

"Yellow City, are you sure that you are seeing Xu?" Liu Xiaoli could not help but look at it and looked at Huangcheng.

"Crap, I am still talking to him in the car about a bunch of high school things, do not believe we are looking for them now!" Huangcheng looked dissatisfied, and at the same time confused, this seems to be the first I saw Liu Xiaoli so serious.

And Lin Yuxi, who is next to him, has long lost his blood, unbelievable, and can't say a word.

At this time, Liu Xiaoli also could not sit still, looking at Lin Yuxi: "Yu Hee, you sure that you really saw Xu died in the past?"

Lin Yuxi nodded stiffly. She was absolutely sure that Xu was really dead when she was missing.

Liu Xiaoli’s face was dignified and she said: “Huangcheng, you saw it! We don’t have to lie to you. Xu’s lack is really dead. Yuxi is Xu’s ex-girlfriend. When she was a freshman, they were both in conflict. Breaking up, Xu was on the way back to school, accidentally out of a car accident, died on the spot! Yuxi was in the hospital and watched his body into the morgue!"

"This..." Huangcheng was only a moment, and then suspicion: "Impossible, if it is a car accident, there must be news coming out? How many of our classmates, except you, did not hear about this?"

"Because..." At this moment, Lin Yuxi suddenly spoke, his voice became a little hoarse, his eyes were red, and he whispered: "Because it was not an accident, someone deliberately killed him, and all the truth was covered up afterwards!"

"What?" Liu Xiaoli suddenly shocked, apparently she was the first to hear this statement!

Huangcheng is completely confused. How can I chat and talk, really let Xu die to die?

Lying in the trough, people are still pretty good!

"General Huang, please tell me, did you really see him with your own eyes?" At this time, Lin Yuxi suddenly looked up and looked at Huangcheng, and asked with a trembling voice.

For so many years, many people think that she has long forgotten Xu's shortcomings.

However, she did not, not because she still loves Xu, but because she has been blaming herself for so many years, she has always burdened Xu’s death to her own.

But now, she actually heard this incredible news, Xu Xuan actually came back!

This feeling, let her not know how to describe, feel unreal, feel like a negative release, but more fear!

Because she is very sure, Xu was really dead that year, and the **** picture, she still remembers it!

"Don't tell me, I will show you when I bring you to see him! If you are telling the truth, then he may not have died in the same year." Huangcheng also saw this time, Lin Yuxi and Liu Xiaoli are not like to lie to him. .

Then there is only one possibility. Xu did not die in the same year, but found a place to recover from injury and has only recovered.

"Go, then go and see. Yuxi, don't be nervous, maybe you really got it wrong that year?" Liu Xiaoli also nodded and looked at Lin Yuxi.

Lin Yuxi also had some doubts. Did he really not die that year? Or, is the person killed by him not his? Just like a TV series, the civet cat is changing for the Prince? Is he just a fake death?

Among all kinds of doubts, Lin Yuxi's entire portrait was lost, let Liu Xiaoli take it, and left the hall with Huangcheng, and went to the side of the box to go.


At the same time, Xu Xiao has already drunk a lot with Lao Cai in the box.

Old classmates who have not seen them for many years are actually very strange.

Everyone is gathering together to talk about things in the beginning of the year.

It’s hard to recall such a long time, and spent a few years in the Xiuxian world. It’s been spent in the illusion for decades. Where do you remember the fine things in junior high school!

So, after three rounds of wine, Xu Xiaoqi got up and said goodbye.

He decided to go shopping in the lobby. If Lin Yuxi was present, it would be best to ask what happened to him that he didn't know.

By the way, please ask if you know the whereabouts of his sister.

At the beginning, he asked Lao Cai to help him, but Lao Cai could not find out any news, but basically he can be sure that his sister is not at home.

"Xu Xu, are you really going to go?" Lao Cai saw Xu's lack of resignation and could not help but smile.

In his view, Xu lacked this, fearing that he would be laughed at by people who had been defamed.

"Nothing, you continue to drink! Lao Cai, don't forget me to explain your business, I will contact you by phone the first time!" Xu smiled and reminded Lao Cai to pack down Taishan.

"Do not worry, I have already explained it before I come. I will be able to do it in two days! Don't rush to go! I will come over and find me later, I will go with you!" Lao Cai said. .

"No, I still have something to do, I will find you in two days!" Xu swayed his hand and turned away!


He opened the door of the box and stepped out.

But just in the moment when I stepped out of the door, Xu couldn’t help but have a meal.

In the walkway ~www.readwn.com~ Huangcheng and Liu Xiaoli, and Lin Yuxi, close at hand.

For a time, the air around it seemed to solidify, and the time was still, only a few pairs of eyes left, full of horror and shock!


Xu lacks some mistakes. Compared with Lin Yuxi’s eyes, the memories of the past scene seem to reappear.

But everything has long been a thing of the past, too!

Xu deficiency has already been put down, and the only thing he cares about now is the three things!

Pick up Jiang Hongyan, find Xu Feifei, and investigate the truth of the cause of death!

The rest are no longer important!

He has come back to God, his eyes are calm, but more revealing a kind of indifference and strangeness.

He is a cultivator of the celestial world, and everyone is afraid of the big devil.

And she, after all, is just a mortal!

Even if there was a short memory, but now, she can't be surprised by any waves in Xu's heart.


At this time, Lin Yuxi’s heart is mixed with emotions, embarrassment, shock, fear, surprise...

She can't describe what kind of mood it is.

But the body has the most intuitive and real reaction, it is wet!

The eyelids are completely moist!

At this moment, she had an urge to rush to embrace Xu deficiency, because the self-blame for many years seems to have completely disappeared at this moment.

At this time, Xu lacked to look at her, faintly said: "Lin classmate, long time no see!"

The calm of tone, like his mood at the moment, indifferent and full of strange distance!



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