Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 919: Huge power

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Within a short day of Xu’s absence, there were so many things in Beijing that even if someone wanted to block the news, it would be impossible to seal it.

In the evening, Huaxia TV reported a news report.

"This news, a sky court suddenly appeared in the sky above Beijing. Experts pointed out that this is the biggest mirage spectacle in thousands of years, and people are urged not to panic, nor to speculate!"

“What's New: Wang's Group held a celebration banquet at Tianjing Hotel today. There was an accidental fire. A Wu surnamed man and Tang Xingfu star died at the scene, and several people were slightly injured!”

"Foreign news message: The president of the M country said that the living standard of the M country is currently the highest in the world, and the happiness of the people's happiness index is as high as 90%."

"Another news: restaurants in major cities in Japan have been sneaked by dogs in recent days. Even the wolves have appeared. The people feel terrified. The Japanese side has said that it has sent professional dogs to hunt down, but the situation is still not possible. Get rid of! Dog lovers say they strongly condemn the official behavior of the Japanese!"

Subsequently, major daily newspapers also reported:

"The capital has a spectacle today! 》

"The biggest mirage in the past 100 years! 》

Does the heaven exist? 》

All kinds of news, all related to Xu’s lack of doing things, but never mentioned Xu’s name.


At the same time, a special department base in China.

"How is the situation?" An old man frowned and asked.

A young woman wearing a camouflage uniform immediately saluted: "Reporting that most of the news has been controlled, but there is still no trace of Xu deficiency!"

"Oh, this is going to be a big mess!" The old man shook his head and sighed. "I thought it was just an alien. I didn't expect it to be similar to the 'Fairy' described in mythology. Now there is another one. The lack of Xu, who died more than six years ago, also has '仙术', the world is afraid of chaos."

The camouflage woman’s face is dignified: “Now we have too few clues. The only certainty is that the '嫦娥仙子' is named Jiang Hongyan. It is a relationship with Xu Wei, and when Jiang Hongyan landed on the earth, it was Xu’s lack. Looking for someone behind the blockade of Mount Tai, it seems that I have already known in advance that Jiang Hongyan will come down in Mount Tai."

"Well! Keep going after the tracing!" The old man nodded and said: "Remember, the above meaning is absolutely not to conflict with them, while tracing the clues, if they are dangerous, be sure to help!"



Japanese, Prime Minister's Office.

"Gossip, why haven't you cleaned up the annoying dogs?"

"Reporting that the dogs seem to have a dog king, and the dog king has conquered the female wolves in many hills and formed a wolf group. It is very dangerous. It is difficult to catch the dog team."

"Gossip, gossip! You guys, this group of idiots, can't you deal with a group of dogs, have you forced me to use the army? That way, how can the world laugh at me?"

"Adults, it's better to post a reward for us and recruit the top dog catching team to the world!"

"The world is rewarding? Well, this idea is good, go ahead!"



M country, a secret base of a research institute.

Several foreigners dressed in suits are sitting in a conference room.

One of the blonde men tapped his finger on the table and said: "Isn't you asked? Where is the formula?"

"No, that **** Chinese woman refuses to say!"

"Hey, now that pressure has been exerted on it, we have only two roads left, either asking something from the woman's mouth or returning the data from the computer, otherwise we will have to go to jail within a month!"

"Mom, they don't give a way to live!"

"What can I do? How strong is the Rothschild family? You are not unclear. Even the president is elected by them!"

"Damn, this family is really a cover!"

"Oh, if you can be like their family, there is a great-grandfather who can control the Civil War, or a grandfather who can make a war and throw out war money, and today you can cover the sky!"

"Then I still have to do some daydreaming!"

"Let's go, see if Xu Feifei will refuse to say, Mom, it will come to the air, these days for her to live in the best room, eat the best things, enjoy it than we!"

"Oh, still that sentence, if you can be as smart as her, can develop the formula, you can have this treatment!"

"Still forget it! I don't want to be under house arrest in this ghost place, the base is buried deeper than the dead!"


At the same time, Xu Wei and Jiang Hongyan have already walked on the streets of New York City in M.

He took off the human skin mask and revealed his true feelings. Every time he walked through several streets, he threw a shoe, and countless foreigners on the road cast their eccentric eyes.

However, Xu Xiao did not look at it in his eyes. On the cheeky face, he was invincible.

Only in the end, finally the police of the M country could not help but ran up to block his way with Jiang Hongyan.

"This gentleman, are you engaging in performance art? Can you converge a little, don't affect the city!" said a white policeman with a sullen face.

Xu lacks a cold smile: "I am going to help Xu to live for a lifetime, why should I explain it to others? I am in a bad mood today, give you three seconds to get out, or a fire lotus will blow up your Newtown!"

"You stand and show your passport immediately!" The white policeman immediately changed his face and directly grabbed the gun at his waist, warning Xu.

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and immediately shot to kill.

"Mr. Immortal!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from behind the street.

Xu lacked his head and looked at it.

The comers were actually Evelyn and Lucy who had met on the desert island before. They wrapped themselves tightly and covered them with sunglasses, but with the breath and voice, Xu lacked them immediately. .

"Sorry, Mr. Police, he is our friend..." Lucy went straight to the police and took off her mask to reveal a beautiful smile.

The look of the white policeman’s face was slightly relieved, and Lucy walked away a few steps and talked.

At this time, Evelyn and the black man came over and looked at Xu with surprise: "Mr. Immortal, how are you here?"

"Great, if Mr. Xianren can help us, maybe it can solve this trouble!" The black man surprised at this time.

"I don't have time!" Xu lacked to turn and left.

Just kidding, this is a holy day, and now I have to be busy looking for my sister. You have trouble, shut me down!

"Wait, Mr. Immortal!" Evelyn shouted, chasing a few small steps.

However, Xu’s lack of pressure did not stop, and Jiang Hongyan continued to move forward.

"Forget it, Eveline, don't chase it! If you annoy him, we are more troubled!" The black man quickly pulled Evelyn and whispered.

"But..." Evelyn suddenly hesitated. "Don't we leave like this? But Xu Feifei is still in their hands! I can't care about her!"


Suddenly, Xu lacked his body and suddenly turned around and surprised.

With his hearing, how can I not hear Evelyn's dialogue with black people?

Xu Feifei?

Evelyn just mentioned Xu Feifei?

I rely on!

Immediately, he rushed back, Zhang mouth shouted: "The road sees a slap in the face, when the shot is shot, I will miss the whole life, I will punish the evil, and you will encounter any trouble, though, but let me tell you first. I, what do you say about Xu Feifei, are there photos?"


Evelyn and the black man suddenly stunned ~www.readwn.com~ a confused face.

"Xu Feifei, photo!" Xu stressed.

Evelyn responded to this, and couldn’t care more about Xu’s lack of photos. Why did he look at Xu Feifei’s photo, and immediately turned over the phone and opened a photo with Xu Feifei, handed it to Xu’s absence.

In the photo, the Chinese girl next to Evelyn, pure and lovely, with a clean black short hair, white snow-like skin, delicate facial features, how to look is a beautiful girl.

"Fifi!" Xu's face suddenly showed a smile.

There is no doubt that the girl in the photo is Xu Feifei, his sister who has not seen him for many years.

Jiang Hongyan stood by and saw the photo. She smiled slightly: "A very cute girl!"

"Mr. Immortal, you... do you know Xu Feifei?" Evelyn suddenly stunned.

Xu lacked his gaze and nodded. "She is my sister, tell me where is she?"

"What? Xu Feifei is your sister!"

"Oh my God!"

Xu Feifei actually has a fairy brother!

Evelyn and the black man immediately became surprised and opened their mouths, unbelievable.

"Great! Fifi has been saved!" After Evelyn was shocked, she was full of surprises and looked at Xu: "Mr. Xu, it is not convenient to talk here, let's find a safe place to talk about it!"

Xu lacked the tiger's body and shocked: "No, I am here to say that I have nothing to do in my life. There is nothing to cover up!"

"Ah? No!" Evelyn was anxious. After a look at it, he lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Xu, you can’t say it here. It’s about the Rothschild family. They It’s a terrible force, and the power is bigger than the president!”



[Second more! Keep going! Let it go, I have to force it! 】

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