Ultimate Series: The Strongest Class Tutor, Unlimited Rewards

Chapter 116: Ye Chen’S Cruelty! Surrender To The Forces Of Golden Time And Space!

Chapter 116: Ye Chen’s ruthlessness! The surrender of the Jin Space Force!

Iron space-time.

95 Virtual Superpower Guesthouse.

"Alliance leader!"

"The Demon World is indeed a bit noisy during this time!"

"The wormhole guarded by our Jijirulu family has been attacked by the demon world several times!"

"Although, every time, we defeated all these monsters!"

"However, these monsters did not give up and behaved very strangely!"

Hear Moxibustion Dance's inquiry.

A middle-aged man stood up and reported to the moxibustion dance.

He is Jijirulutu, the patriarch of the Iron Time and Space Jijirulu family!

As early as hundreds of years ago, the Jijirulu family was responsible for guarding the entrance to a wormhole!

Therefore, Jijirutu is very aware of the actions of the devil!

Although, every once in a while, monsters from the devil world will attack the entrance of the wormhole!

However, as long as their family repels the monsters, the monsters will usually stop for a while!

And now!

No matter how many times they fight off the monster, it will soon come back!

This has never happened in the past hundreds of years!


This also makes the strong men of the Jijirulu family extremely tired!

Even if Moxibustion doesn't ask, Jiji Rulutu will take the initiative to mention it!

After all, "660", the reason why he came here today was to seek help!

"Alliance leader!"

"Our Huyanjueluo family is in the same situation!"

"The monsters in the demon world seem to have received some order!"

"In just a few days, they have already launched six attacks on the wormhole!!"

"The elders in the clan sent a message, asking the alliance leader to send more manpower to prevent the wormhole from happening!"

Jiji Rulutu's words had just finished.

Hu Yanjue Luo Xiu also opened his mouth and asked Moxibustion Dance for help.

The Huyanjueluo family is responsible for securing the entrance to a wormhole!

Although, with the strength of the Huyanjueluo family, they can still persist for a while!

However, the abnormal behavior in the demon world during this period has doubled the pressure on the Huyanjueluo family!

If this abnormal behavior in the demon world continues like this!

Then, the Huyanjueluo family doesn't know how long they can persist!

In this situation!

The Huyanjueluo family can only ask Moxibustion Dance for help!

"Alliance leader!"

"There is also something wrong with the wormhole we are guarding!"

"Alliance leader, can you mobilize the Iron Guards to support our Merdiller family?"

As Hu Yanjue Luo Xiu finished speaking.

Several other people present spoke in agreement.

There was only an old man with gray hair standing among the crowd without saying a word.

"Grandpa Xia!"

"How is your family doing?"

Moxibustion looked towards the old man.

He knows this old man!

Xia Lan Xing Deliu, the strongest member of Xia Lan Xing De family, is also the leader in Iron Time and Space!

Although, many times, Charlande Liu would pretend to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease!

However, in the face of the real big issues of right and wrong, Xia Lan's virtues are extremely reliable!

"Return to the leader!"

"In the next few days!"

"Only one monster and more than a dozen demons broke through the wormhole guarded by my Xia family!"

"After killing them, the wormhole became quiet again!"

"So, the wormhole our Xia family is guarding does not need support for the time being!"

Hear Moxibustion Dance's inquiry.

Xia Lanxingde smiled and answered softly.

Although, compared with the previous peace, the wormhole guarded by the Xia family has also experienced some abnormalities during this period!

However, Xia Lanxing Deliu just suppressed it forcefully and made their wormhole quiet!

Therefore, we see the constant turmoil in Iron Spacetime!

Naturally, Xia Landliu will not cause trouble, let alone waste the power of Iron Time and Space to help him!

"That's good!"

Moxibustion Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

As the leader of Tie Shikong, Moxibustion Wu knows one thing very well!

The wormhole guarded by the Xia Lan Xingde family is actually the largest wormhole in Iron Spacetime!

As long as there is no problem with Xia Lanxingde's family!

The wormholes guarded by the other families can be easily solved!

"Alliance leader!"

"Although the Xia family does not need support!"

"But, because of the safety of Iron Spacetime!"

"The alliance leader had better send some Iron Guards to guard the area near the Xia family!"

"After all, the war between good and evil in Golden Time and Space is over!"

"Today's twelve time and space, only our iron time and space is left, and the winner has not been completely determined yet!"

"So, the next target of the demon world will definitely be our Iron Spacetime!"

"As for the wormhole guarded by the Xia family, it is absolutely impossible for the demon world to give up!"

"After all, apart from Xia Liu, the Xia family only has one high-level psychic practitioner, Xia Xiong!"

"Once the demon world invades the wormhole guarded by the Xia family, it is likely to cause irreparable losses!"

Moxibustion Changcai took a step forward and suggested to Moxibustion Dance.

He is Moxi Wu's younger brother. Due to over-development of his powers, he has turned into an old man at a young age!

Therefore, Moxi Jinlan Zhulai has a very good relationship with Xia Liu, and he also knows a lot about the Xia family!

The Xia Lan Xingde family is one of the best families in Iron Time and Space!

However, the strength of the Xia Lan Xing De family has suffered heavy losses in previous wars!

Today's Xia Lan Xingde family, except for Xia Liu and his daughter Xia Xiong, has almost no powerful psychics!

To prevent accidents to your friends!

Of course I hope my brother can help the Xia Lan Xingde family!


I heard Moxibustion's words.

Xia Liu opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Although he didn't want to waste Tie Shikong's power and let them protect the Yuan family!

However, Xia Liu also knew very well that what Moxibustion Geng Zhulai said was true!

If the devil really wants to attack the wormhole guarded by the Xia family!

Then, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for him and Natsuo to persevere!


"If you repair it, you, the Dongcheng Guards, will go to the Yuan Family to do it!"

"As for the other families, I will also arrange for psychics to go over and help!"

Golden time and space.

Superpower virtual guest house.

"not bad!"

Look at the virtual space in front of you.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly, showing a look of satisfaction.

Because he wants to rebuild the superpower alliance of Golden Time and Space, Ye Chen has been thinking about a lot of things these days!

The first is the location of the Superpower Alliance!

There are many differences between supernatural practitioners and ordinary people!

In this situation Xia!

It is obviously inappropriate to choose an ordinary building as the residence of the supernatural alliance!

Therefore, Ye Chen thought of the virtual superpower space!

Iron Space-time has its own virtual superpower space, why can't Golden Space-time have it?

As for how to create a virtual superpower space?

Ye Chen won’t!

But in the system mall, there is everything!

The virtual superpower space is not such a precious existence!

Ye Chen only spent two thousand disciple points and found a way to create a virtual superpower space!

after that!

Rely on your own powerful ability index!

It only took Ye Chen half a day to create the virtual superpower space in front of him!

"Count the time!"

"These guys should be arriving soon!"

A moment later………………

Ye Chen stopped looking at the virtual superpower space and murmured softly.


The words just fell.

Rays of light flashed by!

One after another, the silhouettes of superpower walkers appear in the virtual superpower space!

Suddenly came to such a strange place!

There was a shocked expression on all these people's faces!


When they saw Ye Chen's figure.

The expressions on everyone's faces became respectful, and they lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Time passes slowly.

Very quickly, more than ten minutes passed!

There are already more than ten figures standing in the virtual superpower space at this moment!

"Everything that is supposed to come has come!"

"In that case, let's start today's meeting!"

Looking at the more than ten figures in front of him.

The expression on Ye Chen's face was very calm and he spoke casually.



Hear Ye Chen's voice.

Everyone present quickly answered.

They are all the leaders of various forces in Golden Spacetime!

The people who can come here will have a superpower index of 20,000 points at worst!

However, they were afraid from the bottom of their hearts to the harmless Ye Chen in front of them!

After the war between good and evil is over!

Originally, they all thought that their power could develop rapidly!

did not expect!

Ye Chen suddenly announced that he would re-form the Golden Spacetime Superpower Alliance!

For such a situation!

Most of the superpower families and forces are somewhat unhappy!

After all, no family force wants to be controlled by others!

However, they know very well that the family power they belong to cannot afford to offend Ye Chen!

Therefore, they can only find some excuses to evade and prepare to see what Ye Chen will do next!

In the eyes of many family forces, Ye Chen's power is only the next day!

However, as long as these family forces unite, they may not be afraid of Ye Chen!


They simply don’t believe that Ye Chen2.3 will really attack them!


They all underestimated Ye Chen!

Ye Chen, really took action against the superpower family!

One day ago!

Ye Chen comes to the Li family abroad!

The strongest member of the Li family was instantly killed by Ye Chen with one move!

Although the rest of the Li family were lucky enough to survive, their powers were disabled by Ye Chen!

Since then!

The Li family, which was originally a top power, instantly became an ordinary power!

Perhaps, it won’t be long before the Li family will disappear from golden time and space!

In an instant!

All the supernatural family forces in Jin Shikong were frightened by Ye Chen's methods!

Most of the family forces immediately changed their tune and expressed their willingness to surrender to Ye Chen!

But even so!

Ye Chen also randomly selected a few lucky people and had a "friendly" chat with them!

After Ye Chen left, the family power of these lucky people no longer had a single power walker!

So, wait for the people from the Knife Crazy Organization to come to your door again!

The superpower family forces in Golden Time and Space are all greeted with smiles!

Finally, the members of the Dao Crazy Organization gave them a special key!

When they input their own abilities into the specially made key!

After a while, the world was spinning, and they appeared in this virtual supernatural space in front of them!

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