Guan Yu looked at his hands and said: "I am quite satisfied with myself at the moment. If I need it later to deal with Dong Zhuo, I can ask my brother again.'

"The top priority now is to defeat the Yellow Turban Thief. I don't want to put any other pressure on my eldest brother."

Zhao Yun hummed: "Yu is right, we can't distract my brother now."

But no one noticed that Xiu was missing.

At this time, Ye Chen had just arrived in the bathroom.

Xiu went to his door and used sound transmission to enter the secret.

"Leader, if we are going to attack the Yellow Turban High School, does this count as sabotaging the direction of silver time and space?"

"I'm a little worried."

"I probably remember that in the original Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there was no such thing as Dong Zhuo asking Liu Bei to fight the Yellow Turban bandits.

"Did we change something?"

Ye Chen said helplessly: "Can't you wait until I take a shower before we discuss it?"

"I'm sorry, leader, because Diao Chan has prepared food for you." Xiu said.

"I think you might have a conversation, so I'm interrupting you now."

Ye Chen told him: "Okay, you are quite careful, but I tell you."

"The Three Kingdoms are the Three Kingdoms, and the Silver Spacetime is the Silver Spacetime. If I have to put it into words, even in the Three Kingdoms, during this time period, Dong Zhuo was also a member of the crusade against the Yellow Turban Thieves.

"Furthermore, your identity is Liu Bei now, and I am Liu Ye, although I don't know Liu Ye's true identity yet."

"But since they are from the Han Dynasty, there is nothing to destroy."

After listening to it, Xiu suddenly became enlightened.

"I understand, Alliance Leader. When the time comes, please Alliance Leader not to take action casually."

"Your strength has been shown several times and has shocked Guan Yu and others."

"If I show anything else, I'm afraid it won't end well. We have the Five Tiger Generals here and Cao Cao to help."

"I think we have a good chance of winning."

"I know." Ye Chen told him. "Don't worry, so far, I haven't shown any extreme abilities.

"Lu Bu already has a force index of 30,000 in Silver Time and Space."

"The force index of other people is also very high, around 100,000 is considered normal~.

"I understand, Alliance Leader." Xiu replied, "I noticed it too."

"The level of education in Silver Time is very low, but in terms of force, it is really amazing."

"If there are ultimate power walkers in Silver Time and Space, it might be as high as 100,000, right?"

"Then who do you think is most likely?" Ye Chen asked.

Xiu thought about it carefully and said, "Judging from the current force index, Lu Bu is more likely, right?"

"Otherwise, it's Guan Yu. His potential is very good."

"The upper limit should be quite high."

"Good taste." Ye Chen said. "If the demons of Silver Time and Space are dormant, then we still have a chance now."

"If a person with the ultimate superpower appears in this world, there will be hope for silver time and space."

"I think so too," Xiu said. "Then Alliance Leader, did you find anything at Dong Zhuo's place?"

"Not really." Ye Chen said. "Dong Zhuo is very cautious."

"No matter how much I showed weakness, he never let the devil take action."

"And he seemed to see my purpose and was still testing me."

"I want to see if I can replace Liu Ye from another time and space."

"This Dong Zhuo is very thoughtful." Xiu was shocked.

Ye Chen hummed.

"The clone of Iron Time and Space Xia Lanyong Deliu is not far behind."

"Coupled with the help of monsters, Dong Zhuo is a difficult problem."

"However, the more he wants to test me, the more it proves that there are monsters behind him."

"The magic power he uses is very similar to the Demon King's, so I'm not completely without gains."

"What to do next?" Xiu asked quickly. "I listen to you."

"Let's take a look first." Ye Chen told him. "Through this battle, we will see if the upper limit of these people is what we expected."

"If so, start training them."

"When the time is right, tell them about these time and space issues.

"Yes, Alliance Leader, I won't disturb you for now." Xiu said and left.

When Ye Chen came out after taking a bath, Diao Chan had already prepared food.

But unlike what Xiu thought, Diao Chan didn't say much.

Ye Chen could tell that she seemed to have something on her mind and didn't know what she was thinking.

But Ye Chen didn't say anything.

Diao Chan's character is not good to begin with, so she'd better wait until she changes a lot.

Now he can't interfere too much in the development of Silver Time and Space. 【013605016 Feilu 092470410】

In the afternoon, several people went to school and found Dong Zhuo posting notices.

Clear their grievances and make it clear that they only saved Principal Wang Yun.

He also announced Wang Yun's stay at Cao Cao's house so that students who wanted to visit could go.

"Dong Zhuo has changed his gender?" Zhang Fei asked puzzledly.

Ye Chen smiled: "He is laying an ambush for us to go on an expedition."

"How can we be allowed to go without reconciliation first?"

"But this is fine." Xiu said. "Dong Zhuo reveals this secret himself."

"Everyone knows that Principal Wang Yun is at least safe now."

." In this way, at least he can't send people to the president's house blatantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the school announcement rang.

Have all students gather together.

Several people also went over to gather, and Dong Zhuo stood on the stage and said.

"I'm gathering everyone together to inform you about something."

"The Yellow Turban University is not challenging Donghan Academy this time. Eighteen universities have received letters of challenge.

"Now the whole school alliance calls on capable people from all over the world to spontaneously unite to fight against Guangzhou University."

"The war on the front line has already begun, and our Eastern Han Academy cannot stay out of it."

Ye Chen frowned when he heard this.

Why does this return to the original storyline of the Three Kingdoms? A comprehensive fight against the Yellow Turban thieves.

Then Dong Zhuo said: "This time, we will not embarrass everyone. Please raise your hands to sign up voluntarily for the sake of the school alliance and the world.'

"However, before you sign up, I want to make one thing clear."

"That's it, the three brothers of the Yellow Turban University, the principal Zhang Jiao, the vice principal Zhang Bao, and the teaching office (Li Liao Zhao) Zhang Liang.'

"They have become monsters and can use magic. The frontline troops are miserable, so this expedition is not a child's play."

"Students who are willing to go must sign a life and death certificate!"

"Demon magic?" Many people suddenly became confused. "how so?"

"Are they monsters?"

"Never heard of it."

"Are we going to fight a monster? How can we win?"

Ye Chen smiled helplessly, has he really returned to the Three Kingdoms plot?

Can Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang know magic?

However, within these twelve time and space, there is no such thing as magic.

Could it be that he was possessed by a demon?

"Everyone, be quiet!" Li Ru shouted to Xun with a loudspeaker nearby.

Dong Zhuo gave him a disgusted look.

"You are so noisy, you are the noisiest."

Li Ru smiled awkwardly and said: "I'm sorry, great Principal Dong Zhuo, you say it, you say it.

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