As a result, countless families from the Eastern Han Academy who went to war were all on standby on the playground.

The wait was over an hour.

It's hot as hell.

Now Ye Chen suddenly felt like he was in ancient times.

This scene is really too damn similar.

Just when everyone was secretly discussing how long it would take.

There was sudden movement from the Cao family.

Ye Chen looked up and saw that Cao Cao had ordered people to bring cold water to those who were waiting.

Many people at the scene were thanking Cao Cao.

"The great Principal Dong Zhuo." Li Ru said. "Then Cao Cao is causing trouble again."

"Do you think you can take care of it a little bit?"

Dong Zhuo said helplessly: "What the hell? That's just someone who knows how to behave."

"As long as this kid Lu Bu has some thoughts like Cao Cao, I don't need to go to such trouble."

"But, because of this, if you continue to let it go." "Three, two, three," Li Ru continued. "Aren't there more and more people supporting Cao Cao?"

"My subordinates are worried that Lu Bu's position as president will not be guaranteed when he comes back."

Dong Zhuo snorted coldly.

"Then tell me, how to stop it? The Yellow Turban University is causing such a big commotion.

"Those who go to war now risk their lives to win the hearts and minds of the people."

"Aren't you afraid of offending these people if you don't even give them a sip of water?"

"We won't be able to reap the benefits by then."

Li Ru took a breath.

"The great President Dong Zhuo is right."

"But what should the student union do? If Cao Cao comes back with some merit, he will be even more uncontrollable."

Dong Zhuo said: "What can a mere student union not control?"

"It doesn't matter if you give it to him, but if he really makes a contribution, what kind of title will he be awarded at that time? Will he still care about the student union?"

Li Ru smiled and said, "That's true."

Here, as soon as Ye Chen got the water and took a sip, someone came and whispered a few words to him and Xiu respectively.

The two quietly left the scene.

Went to the artificial lake pavilion on the hill behind the school.

Here, there is a teenage boy dressed elegantly, protected by two strong men, waiting.

Ye Chen and Xiu were taken there, and the person who came told them.

"What you are about to see is the leader of the school-wide alliance. Please pay attention."

Both of them answered yes.

When he arrived at the pavilion, Ye Chen still took the overall situation into consideration and said that he had met the alliance leader.

The alliance leader waved his hand and asked his men to go down first.

Then he came closer and said, "I checked and it seems that you are all members of the royal family.

Xiuxian said: "I am the empress of Prince Jing of Zhongshan and the great-great-grandson of Emperor Xiaojing."

"Uncle Emperor." Liu Bian nodded.

But he didn't care about Ye Chen at all. Ye Chen was thinking that Liu Ye's previous behavior might have gone too far.

"I'm actually mainly here to see you today." Liu Bian continued. "My situation is really bad now."

"My uncle He Jin is in charge of the imperial court, and there are also Shi Chang attendants who are causing trouble.

"However, they restrained each other, and I have achieved a balance of terror. I am fine for the time being."

"I didn't expect that the Yellow Turban High School would make such a big noise again this time."

"I have trouble sleeping and eating due to internal and external troubles."

Xiu glanced at Ye Chen, and Ye Chen told him via voice transmission: "Just say it, leave me alone."

Xiu then said: "Then, leader, what can I do for you?"

"I hope you can return with meritorious service from this expedition against the Yellow Turbans," Liu Bian said. "As long as you have made meritorious service, I can officially reward you."

"With your title, you can be by my side and share my worries."

Ye Chen secretly laughed, this little emperor wants to cultivate his own power.

Then, Liu Bian suddenly looked at Ye Chen.

"Uncle Liu Ye, I heard that you were uneducated and often made fun of others.

"So forgive me for never having hope for you, but after all, you are the great-great-grandson of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty and the orthodox royal family."

"That's why I'm a little more cautious about you."

Ye Chen was immediately surprised, the great-great-grandson of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty? This is indeed orthodox.

But weren't there rumors that Liu Ye was actually a distant branch?

"You don't have to be surprised." Liu Bian seemed to have read his thoughts and said, "I have never announced your life experience."

"It's because the orthodox royal family is having a hard time right now. If your bloodline is too pure, you are likely to be targeted by those with ulterior motives."

"But Uncle Emperor, your previous actions really chilled me."

"Where did you go this year when you disappeared?"

Ye Chen didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only use one trick to eat it all over the world.

"I lost that memory."

Liu Bian hummed: "You are sincere about the couplet this time. In fact, I have already heard about it.

"Not only have you lost your memory, but you seem to have changed as a person..."

"Not only is he completely different from before, but he also learned a skill and saved Principal Wang Yun from Dong Zhuo."

"In the current school-wide alliance, the only one I can trust is Wang Yun, who is arrogant. Fortunately, you protected him for me."

When Ye Chen heard this, he took a deep breath. Wang Yun's feelings weren't as good as usual, right?

Listening to Liu Bian's words, he seemed to still have contact with Liu Bian.

Doesn’t that correspond to Situ Wangyun who was escorted by King Qin in history?

The silver time and space in reality is indeed more like the Three Kingdoms.

"I summoned you today because I want to ask my uncle, are you willing to help me quell the chaos?" Liu Bian asked.

Ye Chen was thinking that he and Xiu came to Silver Time and Space originally just to deal with the demon clan.

Silver Time and Space seems to be more chaotic now, and there must be demons behind it.

Although Liu Bian's title is different, he can indeed be regarded as the leader of Silver Time and Space.

Regardless of whether he is qualified or not, he cannot become the leader of two time and space anyway.

It is better to help him quell the chaos. Only if the entire school alliance of Silver Time and Space can be preserved and the ultimate power walker is born, can the battle between good and evil on Silver Time and Space be guaranteed.

So he said: "I am willing. Since Principal Wang Yun is yours, then I will help him regain the Eastern Han Academy."

"When the time comes, help the leader put an end to the chaos!"

Liu Bian nodded: "Okay, it seems you are indeed different."

"However, there are many things I can't do about right now."

"1.9 I can only trust you. If you betray me, I will really have no way to save myself."

Ye Chen then picked up Xiu's hand and said: "We are willing to swear an oath to jointly assist the Han Dynasty, and we will never break our promise.

"Yes." Xiuya said quickly. "If there is any violation, heaven and earth will destroy you."

"Okay! Very good." Liu Bian was relieved and then took out an edict written on his underwear. "When I came, I had already drafted an edict.'

"Now I officially appoint Uncle Liu Ye as the minister of the Qing Dynasty. I ask Uncle Liu Bei to assist Uncle Liu well."

"Yes!" Xiu replied.

Liu Bian handed the edict to Ye Chen: "Uncle Emperor, please remember that I left the Eastern Han Academy to you, and Principal Tian Fen is just looking after it for you."

"Without a foothold, you have no way to fight against them. When the time comes, you will replace Principal Wang Yun. Principal Wang Yun will then provide full support."

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