Demonic world.

"Dear Demon Lord Diablo, just now, the gate of time and space was suddenly destroyed!"

"We have also lost contact with the Vanguard Sprites."

Demon Lord Diablo was astonished.

"What? Someone destroyed the Gate of Time and Space? How is that possible~?"

"Our plan was so well planned, how could it go wrong?"

"Demon Lord Greed, is there a traitor among your men?"

"No." The Greedy Demon replied. "They are all demons under my control."

"Before, Zhao Chong and others suddenly lost contact, so I guessed that Tie Shikong and Jin Shikong might have sent people there."

"Now it seems that this news is true!"

Demon Lord Diablo was very angry.

"Is he the ultimate Tekko who has the ability to blow up the gate of time and space?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Greedy Demon Lord replied. "Also, there is one more thing."

"Golden Spacetime and Iron Spacetime now have many supernatural walkers with high supernatural power index."

"They do have the ability to deploy forces in silver time and space."

"With the Demon Realm short of major generals, the situation is unfavorable."

"Dong Zhuo of Silver Time has found a good prospect, but he hasn't been able to completely demonize him yet."

"Trash!" Demon Lord Diablo cursed directly.

"Now that the Gate of Time and Space has been destroyed, I estimate that all the demons sent there have been dealt with.

"The situation over there in Silver Time and Space is critical!"

"You can walk through the Chain of Time and Space." The Greedy Demon Lord said. "But the demons of the past will also be greatly reduced in strength."

"It is estimated that it will take half a year to recover."

Demon Lord Diablo said immediately.

"It's not impossible to recover slowly, since Silver Time and Space is already heavily guarded."

"Just take your time and send a few clones of important characters over there first.

"When the time comes, replace them all!"

"Go on, please be careful. Anyone who shows their flaws will be killed!"

"You will be punished too!"

"Yes." The Greedy Demon Lord responded helplessly.

"There is also bad news. Copper Time and Space has also been defeated."

"What!" Demon Lord Diablo was simply furious.

"Are you still playing with a hammer?"

"There are also their people over there?"

The Greedy Demon Lord said: "Yes, and we have already investigated clearly and sent him to Copper Time and Space."

"It's Xia Yu from Iron Time and Space, with a ghost phoenix in his body, and Xia Mei, with Sadako in his body."

"What's the use of the ghost child Sadako?" Demon Lord Diablo said angrily.

The Greedy Demon had no choice but to answer truthfully.

"According to the latest news, Sadako has evolved into a demon, which is very powerful!"

"In addition, Ding Xiaoyu and Tian Hongguang were sent by Jin Shikong."

"The Copper Spacetime side can't stand it at all."

Demon Lord Diablo is a little crazy.

"This is to kill them all!"

"However, fortunately, I now know who are the people on the other side of Copper Spacetime."

"Okay, since they are supporting everywhere, let's start from their time and space."

"Instruct the demons in Iron Spacetime and Golden Spacetime to start taking action as soon as possible."

"But be careful in everything you do!"

"Don't go on a full-scale attack just yet!"

"Understood." The Greedy Demon Lord could only agree.

Silver time and space.

After a whole night of fierce fighting, Ye Chen was active everywhere.

Directly wiped out all the demons.

Inside the Yellow Turban University, not even an ant was spared.

The demons who went to Julu Academy for help were also killed.

Not to mention the evil general who went for a sneak attack, Guan Yu's Xing Tian Po plus Cao Cao's Long Zheng Wanli, it's not a problem to defeat a guy with 30,000.

Death is called despair.

In the end, no reinforcements arrived.

It's more like falling into someone else's trick.

Therefore, the battle ended at five o'clock in the morning the next day.

But everyone celebrated together until about eleven o'clock the next morning.

Then they dispersed.

After resting and reorganizing, deliver the good news first, and then go back.

When the young emperor heard about this great victory, he came to celebrate them in person.

Ye Chen was officially named a general. Because of his outstanding military exploits, there was no doubt at all.

Lu Bu was also made a hussar general, and the others each had their own rewards.

At this point, Ye Chen is no longer surprised that these rewards are the same as the original positions in the Three Kingdoms.

Anyway, there are already many similarities. [013605016 Feilu 092510240]

Of course Wang Yun was very happy and took advantage of the young emperor's presence to show up.

After announcing that he was cured of his illness, Dong Zhuo could only abdicate obediently.

But it was also because of this that the first thing he did when he returned to Hedong University was to fight Lu Bu.

"You loser! I ask you to pick up Diao Chan, but you can't do it!"

"You can't even fight if I ask you to!"

"The rewards are several levels lower than others!"

"We were even driven back to Hedong University!"


"Where do you want me to put my face?"

"I'm really angry!"

But then, Dong Zhuo discovered that no matter how he fought this time, Lu Bu stood up straight.

Dong Zhuo couldn't help asking: "Are you going to rebel?"

Lu Bu said: "I don't dare, I just have something unclear. Please ask your adoptive father for advice."

"Say!" Dong Zhuo said.

"Will the needle-fork technique my adoptive father taught me make me crazy?" Lu Bu asked directly.

Dong Zhuo was stunned and thought, could it be that someone said something to him?

Then he put on a smiling face.

"My good son!"

"How could my adoptive father harm you? Someone must be trying to sow discord between us as father and son!"

"You can't be fooled."


Lu Bu actually knew that he couldn't figure out the reason.

So I just wanted to test it out.

He already knew the truth on the night of the battle.

The Yellow Turban High School suddenly attacked and he joined the battle.

At that moment when the demonic energy was rising, he clearly felt that it was exactly the same as when he was about to lose his mind!

In other words, everything Ye Chen said is true.

Now Lu Bu has fully suspected that Dong Zhuo is lying to him about many things.

It's just that there is no evidence for the time being.

"What's that look in your eyes? Are you saying you don't want to rebel?" Dong Zhuo asked. "Do you think you can replace me?"

Lu Bu lowered his head first and said, "The foster father misunderstood, and the child is just angry that Liu Ye stole the limelight this time."

"Okay." Dong Zhuo said. "I don't blame you anymore. Eighteen universities are going to conquer the Yellow Turban University."

"There are too many monks and too little rice."

"If you can become a hussar general, that's pretty good.

"Then foster father, does the child still need to go back to the Eastern Han Academy?" Lu Bu asked again.

Dong Zhuo said: "Of course you have to go back, you have already applied for a transfer certificate.

"It's time to go back to being an undercover agent."

"Waiting for your adoptive father, I will kill you back at any time!"

"Yes, foster father! I'll take my leave." After Lu Bu finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Watching Lu Bu's leaving figure.

Dong Zhuo only felt that this person seemed unable to stay for too long.

There has been no news for him from the demon world.

After all the fighting, he heard some rumors that there was a demon in the Yellow Turban High School.

I don’t know who released this news. .

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