Ultimate Series: The Strongest Class Tutor, Unlimited Rewards

Chapter 35: The Possessed Rex! Ye Chen Shows Up!

Chapter 35: The possessed Rex! Ye Chen shows up!

Golden time and space.

An abandoned construction site.

Rex stopped and removed the covering from his face.

"Damn it!"

"how so?"

"Wang Arthur's strength is actually so strong?"

Rex's face was gloomy and he cursed in a low voice.

In his imagination, Wang Arthur was definitely no match for him!

However, his previous fight with Arthur Wang could essentially be regarded as a sneak attack!


Even in the case of a sneak attack, he did not hurt King Arthur!

This made Rex very unhappy!

Especially the combat power index exploded by Arthur Wang made Rex feel a little threatened!

9999 points!

Although, the combat power index of 9999 points cannot be compared with the combat power of over 10,000 points!

However, Arthur Wang's combat power index has become stronger, which may affect his subsequent plans!

"Ye Chen!"

"You deserve this damn Ye Chen!"

"If it weren't for him, how could King Arthur become so strong?"


A cold murderous intent flashed in Rex's eyes.

He is a truly smart man and never fights an uncertain battle!

Therefore, on the second day after returning to China, he began to investigate the information about the Ultimate Class 1!

From the information obtained from the investigation, Rex discovered the existence of Ye Chen!

The new class teacher of the Ultimate Class 1 is a very mysterious and strong man!

Moreover, after the other party became the class teacher of the Ultimate Class, he actually took the initiative to teach students to practice and become stronger!

It is precisely because of this!

Only then did King Arthur’s strength reach what it is today!


"Blessed among misfortunes!"

"If I know Wang Arthur's strength in advance, I can change my plan in advance!"

"Otherwise, if I take on Wang Dadong rashly, I'm afraid I'll fall into a big mess!"

After a while.

Rex gradually calmed down and murmured in a low voice.

His return to China this time was entirely for Wang Dadong!

Since Wang Arthur is so difficult to deal with, what about Wang Dadong after he becomes stronger?

Has Wang Dadong's strength already exceeded the 10,000-point mark?

If this is really the case, then things will become very troublesome!


"You are indeed more cautious!"

"If the person you are attacking is Wang Dadong!"

"Then you can't leave so easily!"

"After all, Wang Dadong's current strength is much stronger than yours!"


A smiling voice sounded in Rex's ears.


Rex froze and instantly went into alert mode.

He is a KO2, and his combat power index is as high as 10,000 points!

Someone actually spoke directly into his ear without him knowing!

How can this be?

Most importantly, what does the other person mean by what they say?

Is Wang Dadong stronger than me?

Are you kidding me?

Even if Wang Dadong's combat power index really broke through the 10,000-point mark!

Rex will not think that Wang Dadong is more powerful than himself!

He knows Wang Dadong very well and has already prepared many means to deal with Wang Dadong!

Once he fights Wang Dadong!

The final winner must be Rex!


"There's no need to be so nervous!"

"Teacher just wants to chat with you in advance!"

"After all, you're going to be transferred to the Ultimate Class 1 tomorrow, aren't you?"

Looking at Rex who looked wary.

Ye Chen slowly walked out of the shadows and said with a chuckle.

After he left the wasteland, he met the principal Qian Laiye again!

Qian Laiye didn't say much, he just gave Rex's information to Ye Chen and said that he would be transferred to the ultimate class tomorrow!

As a time traveler, Ye Chen certainly knows the details of Rex!

Therefore, Ye Chen gave up the idea of ​​going home and secretly followed Wang Arthur and the two!

In the original trajectory of destiny!

The day before he transfers to another school, Rex will secretly attack Arthur Wang to test his strength!

Ye Chen wants to know, with his own intervention, will Rex still be like this?

Finally, Rex showed up and attacked King Arthur secretly!


Different from the original destiny trajectory!

Because Arthur Wang's strength became stronger, he easily blocked Rex's sneak attack!

This made Ye Chen feel a little relieved!

Wang Arthur has lived up to his teachings these days!

Finally, Ye Chen followed Rex to the abandoned construction site in front of him.


"You are Ye Chen!"

After seeing Ye Chen's appearance clearly.

A look of fear flashed across Rex's eyes.

Since he has investigated Ye Chen, he naturally knows what Ye Chen looks like!

Therefore, after seeing Ye Chen, he immediately knew Ye Chen's identity!

This made Rex's mood suddenly become less beautiful!

Before I even started to implement my plan, my true identity was revealed by my class teacher!

In such a situation!

How else could he transfer to the Ultimate Class and seek revenge against Wang Dadong?


"Although you haven't transferred to the Ultimate Class 1 yet!"

"However, as a student who is about to enter school, it is not polite to call the teacher by his first name!"

Ye Chen looked at Rex in front of him, but he was very satisfied in his heart.

Rex, like Wang Dadong and the other three, are potential top-notch power walkers!

Therefore, even if Ye Chen knew that Rex had gone astray, he could not turn Rex away!

After all, most of Rex's problems come from his weapon - the Hand of Ares!

Just peel off the hand of Ares from Rex's body!

With Rex's cleverness, he will quickly discover the problem and restore it to normal!

And this is also the purpose of Ye Chen taking the initiative to show up!

no way!

The reason why Ye Chen chose to coach the Ultimate Class 1 was to cultivate superpowers!

Therefore, Ye Chen has neither the interest nor the time to watch an internal fight scene directed by Rex!

"You want me to call you class teacher?"

"Knowing that it was me who attacked Wang Arthur, you still allowed me to transfer to another school?"

"So, class teacher, do you mean that you won't expose my identity?"

Hear Ye Chen’s words.

Rex was stunned for a moment, then showed a faint smile.

Although, he didn't know what Ye Chen was thinking!

However, Ye Chen's attitude is obvious and will not prevent him from transferring to the ultimate class!

This discovery made Rex feel a lot better!


"As long as you can beat me!"

"I'll even pretend I've never met you!"

"Classmate Rex, what do you think of my proposal?"

Ye Chen also laughed.

He didn't say much to Rex!

After all, Rex has now been affected by the hand of Ares!

Trying to reason with a demonic person is just trying to talk to a cow and has no meaning at all!

It's better to just knock Rex down and take away his Hand of Ares!

Wait until he returns to normal before having a good talk with him!



"I knew it wasn't that simple!"

"In that case, let me try, how capable you are?"

Rex smiled to himself.

The hand of Ares appeared and wrapped tightly around Rex's arm!

next moment!

Waves of strong demonic energy flowed into Rex's body along Ares's hand!

The body is filled with demonic energy!

The expression on Rex's face instantly became crazy!

And Rex's combat power index climbed crazily due to the increase in demonic energy!


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