Ultimate Series: The Strongest Class Tutor, Unlimited Rewards

Chapter 70: Conspiracy! Three Transfer Students! Amazing Guess!

Chapter 70: Conspiracy! Three transfer students! Amazing guesses!

Barra High School.

teacher's office.


"I see!"


Ye Chen hung up the phone with an intriguing expression on his face.

"Ye Chen!"

"What happened?"

Watching Ye Chen hang up the phone, he started thinking without saying a word.

Tian Xin spoke softly and expressed concern to Ye Chen.

This was her first time seeing Ye Chen in such a situation!

So, she was naturally a little curious, what happened?


"Classmate An Qi, who originally planned to transfer here, suddenly changed her mind!"

"The other party's housekeeper said that there was an accident at classmate An Qi's home and she couldn't continue to transfer to another school!"

Hear Tian Xin's inquiry.

Ye Chen came back to his senses and answered softly.

For Ye Chen, he doesn't care whether An Qi comes to the ultimate class!


He just told the students of Ultimate Class 1 yesterday a lot of secret information in the martial arts world!

Early this morning, An Qi's housekeeper called and canceled her original transfer plan!

The attitude involved made Ye Chen have to think more!

It seems that An Qi and An Qi’s family are not as simple as imagined!

In the original trajectory of destiny!

It only took An Qi a short time to capture the hearts of Wang Dadong, Rex, and Ding Xiaoyu!

Among them, Rex quickly got out of this situation after he woke up!

Although Ding Xiaoyu was attracted to An Qi, he didn't make any special move!

Only Wang Dadong was deeply influenced by An Qi, and he did not recover until An Qi went abroad!

Wang Dadong?

Think of Wang Dadong’s true background!

Ye Chen suddenly realized that he seemed to have guessed some truth!

An Qi’s father is a high-ranking official!

Given the opponent's status, as long as he is more attentive, he is likely to be able to discover the identity of the crazy sword ghost!

And Wang Dadong is the only son of the crazy sword ghost!

As long as his daughter An Qi can be a doctor in Newdingwang!

To a certain extent, the opponent will be able to master Dao Crazy’s Dao Crazy organization!

have to say!

This calculation is perfect!

Even if the crazy sword ghost knows the truth, there is nothing he can do to stop it!

After all, as long as Wang Dadong falls in love with An Qi, the other party's goal has been achieved!

With Wang Dadong's character, as long as Angel has some green tea, he is likely to give up everything for Angel!

But the crazy sword ghost couldn't possibly abandon his only son!

In the end, the crazy sword ghost had no choice but to compromise and was played by An Qi's father!


What Ye Chen did yesterday had a huge impact on Jin Shikong!

Therefore, the other party definitely already knows, so he is worried about something and can only give up the original plan!

As soon as such an idea appeared, Ye Chen was very determined!


The system is right!

The real Golden Time and Space is not as simple as the plot on TV!

Even if Ye Chen is a time traveler, it is impossible to understand everyone in this world through the impressions before time travel!

"Isn't classmate An Qi coming?"

"Forget it, if you don't come, don't come!"

"Ye Chen!"

"Look at these three pieces of information!"

"One copy belongs to A Guang, and the other two copies were given to me by Director Jia just now!"

"What a coincidence!"

"The three of them will all transfer to the ultimate class tomorrow!"

Thoughts on Ye Chen.

Of course Tian Xin doesn’t know!

She directly talked about the three pieces of information in her hand and handed them to Ye Chen.

Yesterday, she had already processed the relevant household registration information for Tian Hongguang!

As Tian Hongguang's sister, she certainly hopes that Tian Hongguang can enroll in school as soon as possible!

So, as soon as she arrived at Bala High School, she went to go through the admission procedures for Tian Hongguang!

After she completed all the procedures, she happened to meet Jia Yong and obtained the information of two more students with his hands!

"Cai Yunhan, Cai Wuxiong!"

After taking the information from Tian Xin's hand.

Ye Chen didn't read Tian Hongguang's, but looked through the other two!

When he saw the names Cai Yunhan and Cai Wuxiong, a hidden light flashed in his eyes!


Everything has changed!

In the original trajectory of destiny!

Although Cai Yunhan and Cai Wuxiong also transferred to the ultimate class!

However, the time for them to transfer to the Ultimate Class is definitely not now!

Therefore, the future no longer has a fixed trajectory and has become unpredictable!

"It's time for class!"

"Tian Xin, then I'll leave first!"

After a while.

Ye Chen put the file on the table!

Then, he smiled and said something to Tian Xin, then stood up and prepared to leave the office.


Class A.


【Your dad really can’t remember anything?】

Rex looked at Arthur Wang, and then asked through a message.

After returning home last night, he carefully rummaged through his father's belongings!

Finally, he really found something special!

However, the contents on these things are even more incomplete than what Ye Chen said!

Therefore, he can only hope that Arthur Wang's father can tell more useful information!

[My dad only remembers that there is indeed a seventh adjudicator!]

[But, just like what the class teacher said, my dad has no idea who the other party is!]

Hear Rex's voice.

Wang Arthur rubbed his brows and replied with some helplessness.

Last night, he accompanied his father and thought about it for a long time on the sofa!

However, no matter how the old dragon thinks, he can't think of any news related to the seventh dragon!

In the end, Arthur Wang could only choose to give up and did not continue to force his father!

[Class teacher, you must know who the seventh one is!]

【It’s just that he doesn’t seem to want to tell us! 】

At this moment.

Ding Xiaoyu's voice rang in the ears of Lord Arthur and Rex. 【013605016 Feilu092090190】

He also wanted to do his part to find the hidden truth!

However, his father has been dead for a long time and has left nothing behind!

Therefore, Ding Xiaoyu immediately thought of Ye Chen!

Their class teacher Ye Chen must know all the truth!

However, Ding Xiaoyu didn't know how to tell Ye Chen!

【My dad means the same thing!】

[The class teacher must know who the seventh adjudicator is! 】

[However, since the class teacher doesn’t want to say it, there’s nothing we can do!]

【Don’t talk about my side anymore!】

【Arrogance maniac, what's wrong with you today?】

[In the past, didn’t you like the excitement the most? Why are you so quiet today? 】

Hearing Ding Xiaoyu’s words.

Wang Arthur nodded, and then looked at Wang Dadong aside.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, he asked himself that he understood Wang Dadong's character!

Therefore, he had long discovered that something was wrong with Wang Dadong today!


[Dadong, you should have asked your uncle and aunt! 】

[Uncle and aunt, are you really related to the Knife Madness organization as the class teacher said? 】

Rex on the side also spoke to Wang Dadong.

As a good brother who grew up with Wang Dadong, he understands Wang Dadong better than Arthur!

…………Please give me flowers…………

Just because of Wang Dadong’s abnormality today!

Rex actually already has the answer in his heart!

However, he still wanted to get Wang Dadong's personal answer!


【I have already asked!】

[You will definitely not guess that my parents are actually crazy knife ghosts!]

[How does this have anything to do with the Knife Crazy Organization? 】

[The Knife Crazy Organization was basically created by my parents!]

I felt the eyes of several brothers.

Wang Dadong took a deep breath and cheered up.

After knowing that his father paid a heavy price for his stupid behavior when he was a child!

Wang Dadong's heart has always been filled with guilt!

Even though Wang Tianyang didn’t blame him!

Wang Dadong's guilt has not weakened at all!

That's why Wang Dadong's performance today was so abnormal!


【There's something wrong with you!】

[Since the Knife Madness Organization was founded by your uncle and aunt!]

[You should be happy to have the Sword Crazy Organization as your backing!]

[Then why do you still have a sad face, as if you are feeling very uncomfortable!]


Hear Wang Dadong's answer.

Ding Xiaoyu frowned and asked with some confusion.

According to Wang Dadong, this should be a good thing!

With the protection of the Knife Crazy Organization!

Even the Black Dragon would not dare to attack Wang Dadong easily!

But Wang Dadong's expression was definitely not happy, and even a little uncomfortable!


【Rex, Narcissist, Xiaoyu!】

[This involves some privacy of my parents!]

【So, I have no way to tell you for the time being!】


[I also asked my parents about the seventh adjudicator!]

[The existence of the seventh dragon is indeed recorded within the Sword Madness organization!]

[However, my parents don’t know the specific information about the seventh dragon!]

[My dad even suspected that someone had secretly done something to make everyone forget who the seventh dragon was!]

[My parents, like Arthur’s father, don’t know who the seventh dragon is?]

Wang Dadong spoke again and transmitted the message to several brothers.

Although he acts recklessly, he also cares very much about his brothers!

However, the impact of Wang Tianyang using his soul to save his life is really too great!

No matter how much Wang Dadong believed in Wang Arthur and others, it was impossible for him to tell this matter!

Therefore, he could only change the topic to the seventh adjudicator!

【The memory has been tampered with? 】

Rex was stunned.

He would not force Wang Dadong to do something that Wang Dadong didn't want to say!

Therefore, he quickly focused his attention on Wang Dadong's last words!


[The class teacher also said yesterday that there was something wrong with the adjudicator’s memory!]

[However, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang could not remember that the seventh dragon was Hui!]

【This is enough to explain one thing!】

[Not just my dad, everyone who knows about the seventh dragon must have memory problems!]

[But, can anyone really do such an outrageous thing? 】


Wang Arthur's eyes suddenly shrank, his face full of disbelief.

The expressions of Wang Dadong, Rex and Ding Xiaoyu on the side were also a little ugly.

Just as they were about to continue saying something.

Ye Chen's figure walked in from outside the classroom.

Without any choice!

They can only temporarily stop the discussion this time!.

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