Ultimate Series: The Strongest Class Tutor, Unlimited Rewards

Chapter 83: Exposed! Tame The Sword Demon In The Stone! Two Ways!

Chapter 83: Exposed! Tame the Sword Demon in the Stone! Two ways!

Golden time and space.

Practice room.

This is the room specially transformed by Wang Tulong for Wang Arthur!

Compared with other rooms, this room is more solid and contains many training props!

On weekdays!

Except for King Arthur, almost no one can enter this room!

And now!

In this room, three figures appeared.

"This, Teacher Ye Chen!"

"I was rude earlier, please don't take it personally!"

"This boy, Arthur Wang, didn't tell me in advance that he had already become your disciple, so he neglected you!"

Wang Tulong had a flattering smile on his face.

After knowing that Ye Chen is his son’s master!

Wang Tulong was immediately dumbfounded!

Because Wang Tulong knows very well how discerning his son is!

Once upon a time, he found many masters and wanted to be apprenticed to King Arthur!

However, for these masters, Wang Arthur did not like any of them!

Now, Arthur Wang is quietly looking for a master for himself!

In such a situation!

Why isn’t Wang Tulong surprised?


After all, he is the former adjudicator and now the leader of the Tulong Gang!

After a brief shock, Wang Tulong immediately came to his senses and complimented Ye Chen.

the reason is simple!

He had already used his own power to investigate Ye Chen's information!

Moreover, he also seriously discussed Ye Chen!

In the end, both of them agreed that Ye Chen was an extremely powerful master!


Wang Tulong didn’t expect it either!

The first time I met Ye Chen, it was like this!

Although, because of Wang Arthur, Wang Tulong kept all the words he scolded Ye Chen in his mouth!

However, Wang Tulong knew very well that Ye Chen could definitely see what he was thinking at that time!

For the future of my son!

Of course Wang Tulong didn't hope that Ye Chen would get angry again because of this incident!


"You are so noisy!"

"Can you be quiet?"

Looking at Wang Tulong who had been thinking silently.

There was a look of helplessness on Wang Arthur's face.

Of course he knows why Wang Tulong did this!

However, he knew even more clearly that his master Ye Chen could not take the previous trivial matters to heart!

Therefore, he does not want his father to continue like this!

"Okay, okay!"

"I will not say anymore!"

"Teacher Ye, let's start!"

Hear what his son said.

Wang Tulong looked at Ye Chen's face.

There was no sign of anger on Ye Chen's face.

Wang Tulong breathed a sigh of relief and walked aside silently, not to disturb them anymore!

However, he did not leave the practice room directly!

no way!

Ye Chen has already said before that he wants to help Wang Arthur tame the sword demon!

As a former adjudicator, Wang Tulong is very aware of the danger of the Sword Demon in the Stone!

He wanted to confirm whether Ye Chen was really sure to help King Arthur conquer the Sword Demon!

What if something unexpected happens during the process of taming the sword demon!

As a father, he will definitely stop it as soon as possible!


Seeing Wang Tulong stopped thinking in vain.

Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He really didn't care about what happened before!

However, he responded to Wang Tulong several times, but Wang Tulong pretended not to hear him!

This made Ye Chen very helpless and could only choose to ignore him!


"take it!"

Ye Chen turned around slowly and looked at Wang Arthur.

Then, he took out the Sword in the Stone and threw it towards Wang Arthur!

Wang Arthur reached out and grabbed the Sword in the Stone in his hand.

Just got the Sword in the Stone!

Wang Arthur was immediately stunned!

Because he was horrified to find that the cracks in the sword-locking stone disappeared!

When he held the Sword in the Stone, he no longer felt the influence of the Sword in the Stone on him!


"What...what's going on?"

"Have you repaired the cracks in the sword-locking stone?"

After a while.

Arthur Wang came back to his senses and asked with some surprise.

I see!

The master took away his Sword in the Stone to repair the Sword Locking Stone!

"You think too much!"

"Since we have to tame the sword demon in the stone!"

"How could I spend time repairing the sword-locking stone!"

Hearing Wang Arthur's inquiry.

Ye Chen shook his head and denied without hesitation.

His expectation for Wang Arthur is that Wang Arthur completely tames the Sword Demon in the Stone and no longer needs the Sword Locking Stone!

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Ye Chen to expend effort to repair the sword lock stone!

not to mention!

Even if Ye Chen is willing to repair the sword lock stone!

Ye Chen doesn’t know what to do specifically!


"Then...how come the sword-locking stone is intact?"

Wang Arthur was stunned!

Since my master has not repaired the sword-locking stone!

Where did the cracks on the sword-locking stone go?

Could it be that the Sword Locking Stone has repaired itself?

"the reason is simple!"

"The sword in the stone in your hand is not your original one at all!"

"The Sword in the Stone in your hand was something I snatched from the Black Dragon last night!"

Looking at Wang Arthur who looked confused.

Ye Chen didn't sell it, and directly revealed the truth!

Two swords in the stone, devouring each other!

Ye Chen never interfered in the whole process!

In the end, the Black Dragon's Sword in the Stone successfully devoured King Arthur's Sword in the Stone and became the top magic weapon!

Think of this.

Ye Chen took out a sword from the stone again and threw it in front of Lord Arthur! [013605016 Feilu 092120260]

This is King Arthur’s original Sword in the Stone!

Because all the demonic nature was swallowed up, it has turned into an ordinary weapon!


Wang Arthur looked at the Sword in the Stone in his hand, and then at the Sword in the Stone on the ground!

All of a sudden!

He had no idea what he wanted to say!

"Teacher Ye!"

"Are you the mysterious master who injured the black dragon last night?"

at this time.

Wang Tulong, who had been staying in the corner, quickly ran to Ye Chen.

At this moment, Wang Tulong's heart was filled with shock!

He knows Ye Chen is very strong!

However, he did not expect that Ye Chen would be so strong!

That's a black dragon!

Even the black dragon is no match for Ye Chen!

the most important is!

The Black Dragon and even the Sword in the Stone were snatched away by Ye Chen!

This means that the black dragon doesn't even have the ability to escape in front of Ye Chen!

After all, the Black Dragon, who wants to become a demon, regards the Sword in the Stone as extremely important!

If the black dragon has the ability to escape, it is absolutely impossible for the Sword in the Stone to be taken away!


"It's really you!"

Hear Wang Tulong's words.

Wang Arthur came back to his senses and quickly asked Ye Chen for confirmation.

"Do not misunderstand!"

"I didn't mean to cause trouble for the black dragon!"

"My purpose in going to the Black Dragon is just to ask for the Sword in the Stone!"

"He didn't want to give it to me, but he still wanted to fight with me, so I punished him!"

Ye Chen shrugged and answered casually.

Judging from the reactions of Wang Tulong and Wang Arthur, Ye Chen knew that this matter had spread!

However, Ye Chen doesn't care about these things!

After all, Ye Chen is a very purposeful person!

He only cares about whether he has achieved his goal and does not care about the influence of the outside world!

Seeing Ye Chen's indifferent attitude.

Wang Tulong and Wang Arthur were both speechless!

They even wanted to ask Ye Chen if he knew how much impact what he did had on the outside world!

However, they endured it after all!

After all, even if they really ask, they will only get an indifferent attitude!


"Don't mention the black dragon anymore!"


"The magic of your original Sword in the Stone has disappeared and turned into an ordinary weapon!"

"And the Sword in the Stone in your hand, the Demon Sword in the Stone is now complete and has been promoted to the top Demonic Weapon again!"

"As the Sword in the Stone becomes complete, its demonic nature increases!"

"It will become increasingly difficult for you to completely tame the Sword Demon in the Stone!"

"How about it?"

“Are you confident you can do it?”

Ye Chen spoke again and asked Wang Arthur.

The incomplete Sword in the Stone and the complete Sword in the Stone are not the same thing at all!

The incomplete Sword in the Stone is just a high-level magic weapon with slightly weaker magic power, so it is much easier to conquer!

The complete Sword in the Stone is a top-notch demonic weapon with powerful demonic properties. The demonic spirit is also intact, and it is very difficult to tame it!


If you can tame the complete Sword Demon in the Stone!

Then, the benefits that Arthur Wang can get will exceed Wang Arthur's imagination!


"Tell me, what should I do?"

Hear Ye Chen’s words.

Arthur Wang asked directly without any hesitation.

Regardless of whether the current Sword in the Stone is a high-level magic weapon or a top-level magic weapon!

It's impossible for him to back down!

He must tame the sword demon in the stone and become stronger as soon as possible!

Looking at Wang Arthur's determined expression.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"I'll give you two choices!"

(Okay?) "First, learn the art of thought control!"

"Ghost control is the superpower of Iron Spacetime!"

"After learning ghost control, you can use ghost control to try to control the sword demon in the stone!"

"This process will be long!"


"Even if you really use ghost control and control the sword demon in the stone!"

"With your own strength, you cannot completely suppress the Sword Demon in the Stone!"

"Then, you can't use the full power of the Sword in the Stone, otherwise it's likely to be backlashed!"

"If you choose this method!"

"Teacher, I can help you run over and get the ghost control technique!"


"Just take off the sword-locking stone!"

"My master will personally take action to help you tame the sword demon in the stone!"

"This method allows you to quickly control the sword in the stone!"

"But if you choose this method, you will have to endure some pain!"

"Because after removing the sword-locking stone, your body will be controlled by the sword demon in the stone!"

"I will directly suppress the Sword Demon in the Stone!"

"If it doesn't work once, try it twice; if it doesn't work twice, try it three times!"

"The demonic nature of the Sword Demon in the Stone is indeed very strong, but in order to protect itself, it will definitely choose to succumb!"


"The Sword Demon in the Stone has no entity. If I suppress it, I will suppress you."

"Although, I will control my strength to prevent you from being in danger!"

"However, some physical suffering is definitely indispensable!"

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