And the fog is very thick in some places.

  It is impossible to see things in the distance at all.

  Lei Ting did not dare to shout loudly.

  She had already seen the speed of that person.

  The speed at which she followed Xiu was completely faster than if that person found her one step earlier than Xiu...

  In order to survive, she could only drag her severely injured body, grit her teeth and insist.

  I don't know how long it took, but when the person's breath no longer lingered around, Lei Ting slumped in front of a tree trunk.

  She was leaning against the tree trunk, without any water or food on her body.

  There is also nothing to bandage wounds and reduce swelling.

  The sky gradually darkened, and the air became extremely cold.

  On Lei Ting's body, there was no lighting.

  She could only curl up under the tree trunk and hug herself tightly.

  There are many strange sounds in the woods at night.

  Although Lei Ting has a cool personality, she is still a girl.

  She was terrified to be alone in the woods at night with someone who was chasing her all the time.

  She hugged herself tightly, shivering.

  She can only pray.

  It was Xiu who found her first.


  The two of them returned to the ultimate class together safely.

  The whole night, Lei Ting spent in chills and barely closed her eyes.

  The biting cold of the night and the ubiquitous danger made her nervous all the time.

  Morning finally came.

  But the thin sunlight cannot penetrate the thick white fog.

  Lei Ting used all her strength, gritted her teeth and stood up.

  Her right foot was more swollen than yesterday.

  As soon as it hits the ground, it hurts.

  But she must live.

  She is going to return to the final class alive.

  In the future... she will also see Yan Qingfeng.

  Yan Qingfeng's face appeared in her mind.

  Thinking of him, Lei Ting didn't know where the courage came from, but she walked all morning in one breath.

  When the sun was high in the sky, Lei Ting was too tired to walk.

  Her lips were cracked and her body was covered in dirt and leaves.

  "I can't give up...I can't give up...I still want to...see Qingfeng..."

  Just with the obsession to see Yan Qingfeng, Lei Ting climbed abruptly for a few hundred meters.

  Suddenly, that oppressive feeling that made her feel terrified reappeared.

  That proves... the person who attacked her is nearby.

  Lei Ting bit her lip tightly, dragging her tired body and moving forward little by little.

  It was full of tall trees, and she couldn't climb them now, and there was almost no place to hide.

  After climbing dozens of meters, she finally couldn't hold on anymore.

  Her slender fingers were oozing blood.

  That power was getting closer and closer to her... After trying to continue crawling, Lei Ting gave up.

  She rolled over and turned her face to the sky.

  Spots of light shone through the gaps in the leaves, shining on her face.

  At this moment.

  She wanted Yan Qingfeng to be by her side.

  Tears dripped down the temples and auricles, drop by drop, into the soil.

  "How could he show up..."

  "He must be in another time and space now."

  "Qingfeng, I miss you so much..."

  "I really hope you can appear by my side..."

  That mighty force is getting closer and closer.


  Lei Ting has no way to move forward half a meter.

  Her body was extremely weak, and the scene of encountering and getting along with Yan Qingfeng flashed before her eyes.

  It was the most precious memory in her life.

  "Could it be... Am I going to die here..."

  "The ultimate class... Can I still not go back..."

  "I... can't wait for Qingfeng..."

  Lei Ting closed her eyes in despair.

  ——————————————— "Lei Ting! Lei Ting!"

  "Where are you"

  "Lei Ting!"

  Xiu's throat almost burst.

  He was also in the woods, looking for Lei Ting all day and night.

  After the man led him to a place, he disappeared.

  When he felt that he had been fooled, he rushed back immediately.


  The most disturbing thing happened to him.

  Lei Ting is gone.

  That person must be chasing after Lei Ting.

  Lei Ting sensed the existence of that person, so she fled first.

  Xiu didn't even know where Lei Ting was now and what kind of state he was in.

  "Looks like... I'll go back to the final class first."

  Xiu murmured.

  He was looking around here, just wasting precious time to rescue Lei Ting.


  He decided to go back to the final class first and seek the help of everyone.

  ———————————————— Whoosh! An extremely powerful force rushed towards Lei Ting! Lei Ting did not open her eyes.

  she knows.

  He couldn't escape by himself.

  Boom! Suddenly.

  A figure descended from the sky, smashing the energy violently! [There is one last update! I am so difficult! 】

Chapter 10? The furious Yan Qingfeng! 【10/[-]】

  That extremely arrogant force actually caused the tall trees around it to be uprooted and fell to the ground! Moreover, that force hit the invisible man with extreme precision.


  The man clutched his chest and knelt on the ground.

  A mouthful of blood spit out, staining the weeds in front of him red.

  That person, who also showed his true form, was a man.

  "Lei Ting."

  Yan Qingfeng hugged Lei Ting.

  Feeling the familiar breath and the warmth of her embrace, Lei Ting slowly opened her eyes.

  "Qing... Maple..."

  "Am I dazzled..."

  "Still... I'm dead"

  When Lei Ting saw the familiar face, she couldn't believe her eyes at all.

  She also thought.

  It's my own hallucination.

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