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Chapter 100


Tokiwa Sougo was shocked. Isn't this the same as what he dreamed of?

No way?!

Ultimate Woz continued:"Yes, it is a ninja. He is a Kamen Rider, but he does not exist in the present or the past, but appears in the future."

"The future?...2022?"

Ultimate Woz nodded and said,"That's right."

"Let's go find that alien knight and see what's going on."......

On a road, a white car was driving at a speed of 80 miles per hour.

The driver was a middle-aged man, who was listening to music and whistling leisurely. Suddenly

, a purple lightning flashed in the car, and a thunder sounded at the same time, scaring the driver half to death.


The man driving the car was terrified. Dark clouds began to fill the car, and it began to rain heavily!

Right in front of the car stood a purple alien knight, who was the alien ninja.

The alien ninja retracted his hand, and the heavy rain in the car disappeared. The man driving the car fainted, and the alien ninja turned around and disappeared.

Wuer, who was watching from the side, smiled faintly and said to himself:"It went smoothly."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Wuer's ears:

"Ur, suddenly encountered a car accident."

A white car traveling at a speed of 80 miles per hour suddenly turned around and hit Ur.

Ur was shocked and opened his hands. Time suddenly stopped and the speeding car stopped on the spot.

Ur breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to see a man in white clothes, a baseball cap, a book in his left hand and a pen in his right hand standing behind him.

This man looked exactly like Woz.

Ur frowned,"It's you, what do you want to do suddenly?"

The white-clothed Woz said easily,"I just want to know about the alien knight just now."

Ur snorted coldly,"Are you worthy of being my opponent?"

The white-clothed Woz said coldly,"Of course, although I don't want to."

The white-clothed Woz wrote on the e-book with a pen:

"Ur, the stopped time starts running again, and he is in danger."

As the period was drawn, the e-book lit up with a green light, and the stopped time resumed flowing. The car continued to move and hit Ur. Ur was shocked and dodged to the side, but no matter where he went, the front of the car was always facing him!

Ur opened his hand again, and time stopped again. It only stopped for a moment, and time continued to flow.

The car was already in front of him. Ur fell to the ground in fright, and used all his strength to stop time again. The speeding car suddenly stopped in front of him.

Wozniacki in white smiled and walked towards the fallen Ur,"Do you want to keep pausing time like this, or do you want to answer my question?"

Ur roared:"I don't know about that alien knight! I just got the time table from Swartz."

"Ha, I'll spare your life, young man."

"Whoosh whoosh...."

Ur gasped for air. What was wrong with this Woz?

How did he suddenly have such a strong power?!......

On the other side, Xiao Tian and others were walking on the road, the sun shining on them and leaving a shadow behind them.

Suddenly, a black mist flew up from the shadow, and Xiao Tian immediately noticed it.

"Watch out behind you!"

The black mist quickly passed by them and landed in another shadow.

"what happened?!"

"It's an alien knight!"

The black mist flew up again and attacked Tsukuyomi. Xiao Tian pounced and hugged Tsukuyomi in his arms. The two of them fell to the ground.

The black mist passed by them and suddenly stopped, turning into a human figure. A purple alien knight appeared.

"It turns out to be an alien knight!"

"Let's go!"

Tokiwa Sougo and Gates started the transformation process at the same time

"ZI-O! (Zi-O!)"



"RIDE.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ZI-O (Masked Rider Zi-O!)"

"KAMENRIDER.GEIZ! (Kamen Rider Gates!)"

The two transformed Kamen Riders rushed towards the Alien Knight at the same time.

On the ground, Tsukuyomi was tightly protected by Xiao Tian and was not injured.

Tsukuyomi's mind was blank, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. He felt his face getting hot and his heartbeat accelerated.

"Are you okay, Tsukuyomi?"

"Um~ It's okay~"

"That's good."

Xiao Tian let go of Tsukuyomi, and pulled her up while standing up.

Tsukuyomi had a very good figure, and it felt very comfortable to hug her. There was also a faint body fragrance, and Xiao Tian secretly savored it.


What are you thinking about? Too evil!

Xiao Tian looked at the three people fighting in the melee. This alien knight was an alien ninja, and his strength was not weak. He was not at a disadvantage against Zi-O and Gates alone.



Gates and Zi-O simultaneously took out their weapons and fired several beams of light.

The alien ninja's body turned into a tornado, easily deflecting the beams, and then pushed back with his hand, and two water columns burst out, hitting the two people.



Gates and Zi-O were knocked to the ground by the water column, and the alien ninja turned into a black mist and disappeared.

When the two stood up, there was no sign of the alien ninja.

"What a failure, I got soaked and still let him escape."_

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