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Looking at Wozniacki and Xiao Tian, who were moving freely and with relaxed expressions, Swartz could not help but snorted coldly:

"As expected, these two troublesome troublemakers were able to resist my time freeze."

Xiao Tian joked:"You just found out now? You are too uninformed, Swartz."

He could have ignored the time freeze ability of the Time Robber.

As for Woz in white, he could control Ur's time freeze ability, so it was easy for him to ignore the small matter of time freeze.

Swartz was immediately annoyed. This Ultimate Time King could make people angry in a minute.

"Oh, don't be too arrogant, Ultimate Zi-O, I will eliminate all those who get in the way one by one. Do you think you have defeated the alien ninja? I tell you, he is invincible and cannot be defeated. Feel the despair! Hahahaha...!"

Wozniacki in white said elegantly,"Invincible? Are you too confident, Swartz?"

Swartz's eyes shifted to Wozniacki in white, and he looked him up and down.

Wozniacki appeared one after another, which was really annoying. Was it a hodgepodge of Wozniacki?

"It's another Woz. You keep showing up one after another. I'm annoyed by you guys!" Swartz complained.

"Did our presence hinder your plan to create a new king? I'm really sorry."

Swartz glanced at the fainted Kamizura Rentaro and said coldly:

"You want this Kamen Rider Ninja watch, right?"

Woz in white raised his lips and smiled elegantly,"As expected of Swartz, you see through everything."

"cough cough……"

A cough sounded, and Shen Zang Rentaro woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a man in a purple windbreaker standing in front of him.

Swartz said coldly:"Don't dream, Woz, I won't give you the watch. I told you, he is invincible."

After that, Swartz squatted down, his fingers lit up with purple light, and under Shen Zang Rentaro's horrified gaze, he reached into his body.


As Shen Zang Ren Taro was in pain, Swartz stretched out his hand, and there was a watch in his hand.

Swartz restarted it, and the watch lit up with purple light.

Intense tearing pain spread through Shen Zang Ren Taro's body, and Shen Zang Ren Taro screamed in pain.


Shen Zang Rentaro's face was hideous, and he was struggling in pain. His body was changing rapidly, and black mist was spinning rapidly, accompanied by violent purple lightning, enveloping him.

"SHINOBI!(Ninja! )"

The black mist dissipated, and Shen Zang Rentaro transformed into an alien ninja again.

Swartz ordered:"Retreat."

The alien ninja made a ninja gesture and turned into black mist and disappeared

"Goodbye, both of you."

Swartz looked at the two men coldly, turned around and disappeared.

With Swartz's departure, time resumed flowing, and Gates and others who were still standing continued their previous time.

When they came to their senses, the alien knight who was knocked to the ground by the Ultimate Time King had disappeared.

They had no idea of Swartz's appearance.

"How about the guy that Xiaotian knocked down? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

Did he turn into a ninja and disappear while we weren't paying attention?"

"Could it be the time robber?"

"I don't know, it's not impossible.……"

Wozniacki sighed, turned around and smiled at Xiao Tian:"They actually escaped."

Xiao Tian walked to Wozniacki and whispered:"How could they escape from your grasp?"

"As expected of the Ultimate Time King, I will leave first. I think we will meet again soon."

White Woz turned and waved to Gates, saying,"Savior, I will leave first. I hope we can meet again soon. Bye." White Woz turned and walked away while waving.

"Just left like that.……"

Yue Du and others came to Xiao Tian and watched Wozniacki leave.

"What is going on? I feel so confused now. There are so many Wozniacki and so many things to do.……"Tokiwa Sougo scratched his head in worry.

Xiao Tian felt that his thoughts were very clear. What was the confusion?

"What's wrong with you?"

"So many Wozs are confusing enough. I have a suggestion. Let's distinguish the three Wozs first."

All three Wozs are named Woz, and when you say Woz, you don't know which one you are referring to. Tokiwa Sougo said it was a bit confusing.

Tokiwa Sougo suddenly had a good idea and continued.:

"Hasn't Xiaotian's Ultimate Woz already been decided? The Woz in red is called Ultimate Woz. My Woz wears black every day, so I call him Black Woz. Gates' Woz wears white, so I call him White Woz. What do you think?"

Okay, this name, except for the addition of his Ultimate Woz, the name doesn't change much.

Xiao Tian nodded and said:"Let's decide it like this."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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