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A cool long sword appears in the hands of the Ultimate Zi-O

"FINISH.TIME! (End time!)"

"HIGI.MIKANNKIRI! (Secret Technique! Citrus Slash!)"

"GIRIGIRI.SLASH's sword glowed orange, and the Ultimate Zi-O swung his sword, directly splitting the alien ninja.


, after a burst of flames, Shen Zang Rentaro turned back into human form, half-kneeling on the ground weakly.

Although he didn't have that sense of power in human form, the mental depression he felt when he became a Kamen Rider also disappeared.

""What are you doing!"

Swartz appeared in front of Shenzang Rentaro again and shouted angrily.

This bastard dared to resist his order!

Swartz was about to insert his hand into his chest, but was grabbed by Shenzang Rentaro.

"What are you doing! Don’t you want to gain power? Don’t you want to protect the vulnerable humans?"Swartz roared

"Stop it! My future is up to me!"


Swartz shook off his hand and looked at Kamiza Rentaro in surprise.

What on earth did the Ultimate Zi-O do to him? It was as if he was possessed by evil spirits!

Kamiza Rentaro stood up and said with a firm look in his eyes:"It is true that no one can protect me now, but I am willing to take a gamble and believe in my future self. The future me will definitely be able to transform into a Kamen Rider with my own strength!"

At this point, White Woz should be able to do it now, right?

Xiao Tian turned to look at White Woz on the roof, who was now smiling with satisfaction.

""Thanks to the Ultimate Zi-O, now it's definitely possible."

White Woz murmured, picked up the pen and quickly wrote on the book:

Ninja Clock, appeared.

As the period was drawn, the font lit up with green light, and gathered into a ball of green light in the air.

White Woz reached out to take the green light, and the light dissipated, and there was a Silver Knight Clock in his hand.

"SHINOBI! (Ninja!)"

This knight watch is the watch of Kamen Rider Ninja.

White Woz's eyes lit up and he grinned, revealing his white teeth.

At the same time, the system's voice sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining the watch: the Face Knight Ninja Watch."

An identical silver watch appeared in Xiao Tian's hand. He took a look and it was exactly the same as the Ninja Watch he saw on TV. The watch rewarded by the system, Xiao Tian glanced at it, he also had one in his hand.

Now, there are two Ninja Watches.

It's getting more and more interesting.

When they got the Ninja Watch, Swartz angrily grabbed Shenzang Rentaro's neck and said viciously:

"I won't ask for your consent!"

Before he finished speaking, he inserted his hand into his body and took out the Knight's watch.

"Since you want to resist me, your consciousness should cease to exist for now!"

Swartz restarted the watch, and the purple light became brighter, and the watch was inserted into Shenzang Rentaro's body again.

"SHINOBI (Ninja!)"

Under the manipulation of Swartz, the powerful negative consciousness completely invaded the consciousness of Shenzang Rentaro, and he became an alien ninja under his complete control.

"Thank you very much, Ultimate Zi-O. I will take over the next battle."

White Woz took out a watch and started it, loading the watch head.




"TOUEI!FUTURE.TIME! (Projection! Future time!)"

"SUGOIJIDAIMIRAI! (Great! Era! Future!)"

"KAMENNRIDER.WOZ! (Masked Rider WOZ!)"

"WOZ! (Woz!)"

Green light was projected onto White Woz, and the armor gradually emerged, and White Woz transformed into Kamen Rider.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Kamen Rider Wozniacki took out a watch again.


Of course Swartz recognized this watch, it was the watch of Kamen Rider Ninja!

How did Woz have this watch? Where did he get it from?

Woz activated the Ninja watch and loaded it into the watch head.

"SHINOBI (Ninja!)"


"TOUEI!FUTURE.TIME! (Projection! Future time!)"

"DAREJYAOREJYANINJYA (Who is this? I am a ninja!)"

"FUTURE.SHINOBI! (Future Ninja!)"

A purple spiral light covered Kamen Rider Woz, and Woz's form changed, transforming into Ninja Form Woz.

Woz turned into a black mist and appeared behind the Alien Ninja, punching him on the head.

The Alien Ninja looked back and saw that Woz had disappeared into the black mist.

The next moment, he appeared behind him again and kicked him to the ground.


The alien ninja also turned into black mist and seeped into the ground. The two groups of black mist intersected, and Woz grabbed the alien ninja's neck and lifted him up, punching him and knocking him to the ground.

"It's a really good feeling. If it weren't for you, Ultimate Zi-O, I really wouldn't be able to get this watch, so thank you, Ultimate Zi-O."

"Thank you, that's too polite. The Ninja Watch seems to be quite interesting."

The Ultimate Zi-O picked up the watch in his hand and gestured to Woz.


Woz stared, how could this be possible!

The watch in the hands of the Ultimate Zi-O was actually....

Ninja Clock! _

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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