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Seeing that Aura was about to hit the wall, a black shadow flashed out and hugged Aura, and the two fell to the ground.

The person who caught Aura was Xiao Tian.

Unlike last time, Xiao Tian did not transform into Kamen Rider form, this time he caught Aura with his physical body.

While catching Aura, he subconsciously protected Aura above him. Xiao Tian landed on his back with Aura on top of him.

Aura widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Tian who was so close to him in shock.

"Please let me go..."

Aola tried to struggle, but found that Xiao Tian still held her tightly like last time.

"You are such a goblin."

Xiao Tian pushed Aura up and took a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

Aura's face flushed. This was the first time she felt shy. Although she was a little angry, she still thanked him:

"Thank you, Brother Xiaotian..."

Aola expressed his gratitude with such an attitude, and even called him Brother Xiaotian. Xiao Tian's blood, which had just calmed down, suddenly became hot again.

This Aola was really a beauty!

"It's really touching, such a familiar scene of a hero saving a beautiful girl."

White Woz appeared behind Gates, smiling elegantly at the two of them.

It was him who stopped Aura's time stop, and it was also him who knocked Aura away.

Because of Aura, Gates' training plan was hindered.

"Woz, it's you again. Why are you so rude every time? Don't you know how to be gentle and considerate to women?"

"Be kind to women? Haha..."

If the future falls under the brutal rule of Oma Zi-O, it will not be as simple as being gentle and kind to women. Gates must be turned into the Resurrection Gates in order to realize the plan to save the future.

Although the current future has deviated from the original track

""Woz, don't go too far!" Ola Jiao scolded. This Woz is really going too far.

"Is that too much? It's just a coincidence. I don't want you to cause trouble. It would be best if you leave tactfully."

"Brother Xiaotian! He bullied me..."

Ola suddenly took Xiao Tian's hand and acted coquettishly.

Ola acted coquettishly?

Oh my goodness, Xiao Tian had never seen Ola like this before, this is too...too....

I can't bear it any more....

Xiao Tian had a preconceived impression of Aola, that she was a cold goddess. But now Aola was no longer cold at all. She was so cute that he couldn't stand it....

"cough cough...Well, although this trick works for me, it doesn't mean you can use me."

"Humph, you bad guy, you took advantage of me and you won't help me."

Aola shook off Xiao Tian's hand like a spoiled child.

"Hey, how did I take advantage of you? I was just saving you, okay?"

"I don't care, you just took advantage of me. As far as I can remember, no man has ever hugged me, and you hugged me twice in one day. Do you think you took advantage of me?"

"Forehead...This can't be calculated like this, right?"

"Man!"Ola stared at Xiao Tian fiercely, as if he wanted to eat him.

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly. Is this really Ola? Is he mistaken? Why is his personality like this?

Did he have any misunderstandings about Ola?

"Ahem, let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s talk about your Alien Knight. You don’t need such a weak Alien Knight. What’s the point of having him? He can’t even beat Gates. What’s the point?"

"You don't know that the new king we want to support can grow up. He just hasn't grown up yet. You come every time he appears. When he grows up, you will not be his opponent."

"Oh? Really?"

Xiao Tian glanced at the alien QUIZ who was being beaten up. He didn't know when he would grow up. The most important thing was that he would not let the alien knight exist for too long.

"So, Brother Xiaotian, help me, I still want to take him away"

"What good can I get this time?"

"Just owe it first..."

While the two were chatting, Tsukuyomi and Tokiwa Sougo ran over.


Seeing Xiaotian and the Time Robber standing together, Yuedu rushed to Xiaotian without hesitation, took his hand and left.

Aura looked helplessly at Xiaotian who was pulled away. Yuedu appeared, she knew she had no chance.

"There are so many people getting in the way."

Ola turned and disappeared

"Why are you standing with the Time Robber? The Time Robber is very dangerous, you must be careful!"

Seeing Aura disappear, Yue Du was relieved and told Xiao Tian

"I know, it's okay."

Seeing Ola leave, White Woz urged Gates:"What are you waiting for? Come on, savior."

Gates glanced at the intimate Yue Du and Xiao Tian, hesitated for a moment, and then rushed to the fighting Kamen Rider QUIZ

"It's you again!"

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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