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"You are too confident, Ur."

"If you don't even have this much confidence, how can you boast of supporting a new king? This time, none of you can stop me, because none of you can make a timepiece, and you will never be able to defeat RYUGA."Ur said proudly.

"That's hard to say, it's just the person in the mirror. As long as Shiroto Shinji disappears, he will disappear as well."

White Woz said elegantly. He firmly believed that this method could solve the problem of the alien RYUGA.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ur slapped his thigh in amusement, mocking White Woz mercilessly.

"What are you laughing at?"

White Woz frowned slightly. This laugh really deserves a beating.

"I don't think it will work, after all, they live in different worlds. Well, I am looking forward to the arrival of the Day of Demons. I wish you all a good time."

Ur turned and left, waved his hand, walked a few steps and disappeared around the corner.

""Go! Let's defeat the Alien Knight together!"

Zi-O rushed out first, followed by White Woz and Gates, and the three of them surrounded and beat up an Alien Knight.

Although the Alien Ryuga was very strong, he couldn't stand the three people's attacks.

Moreover, the three of them knew the Alien Ryuga's ability to rebound attacks, so they didn't use their ultimate moves, but punched him hard.

"It doesn't seem fair to have four people against one, but you really deserve a beating."

Ultimate Zi-O clenched his fists and rushed out quickly.

"Get out of the way!"

Zi-O and the other two quickly made way, and the Ultimate Zi-O punched the alien RYUGA, knocking him to the ground.

It's really hard...

The Ultimate Zi-O shook his hand, this RYUGA, this armor is so hard

"I'll let you go this time.……"

A good man never suffers a loss in front of him. The alien RYUGA did not want to fight anymore, so he stood up and walked towards the glass of the building.

"Come on, Sougo!"


Tokiwa Sougo understood.

The two Zi-Os rushed out at the same time. When the alien RYUGA entered the glass, the two Zi-Os jumped at the same time and hugged the alien RYUGA. The three of them entered the mirror world at the same time.


Gates was shocked and rushed to the glass, but Zi-O and the other two were gone.

Gates touched the glass, which was solid glass. He had no way to get in.

"Don't worry, Gates, I'm the one who's going to go in this day."

"What, what are they going to do in there?!"

"I don't know, I didn't ask in detail, but Xiaotian must have his reasons for doing this."

Tsukuyomi touched the glass, and her fingertips felt cold and hard. She in the mirror touched the glass in the same posture, and their fingertips touched each other.

The world in the mirror, what kind of world is that...

The world in the mirror.

Xiao Tian, who fainted on the ground, slowly opened his eyes, slowly stood up and looked around.

It was still a familiar city, still a familiar place.

This is where he just fought with the alien RYUGA. All the scenery is so familiar. The only difference is that there is no one here.

Xiao Tian knew that this was the world in the mirror.

How could he be alone? Where did Tokiwa Sougo who came in with him go?……

"Is this... the world in the mirror?……"

"You are really smart. That's right, this is the world in the mirror."

A familiar voice sounded, and it was Xiao Tian himself.

Another Xiao Tian appeared, with a cold face and a fierce aura inadvertently emanating from him.

This Xiao Tian is the Xiao Tian in the mirror world!

Xiao Tian himself is very clear about this.

The self in the mirror is the self hidden deep in his heart.

Face the darkness deep in your heart!

"Another me? I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Xiao Tian looked at Xiao Tian in the mirror warily, his fists clenched.

"I am you, but you are not me."

Xiao Tian in the mirror smiled coldly, walked to Xiao Tian step by step, and suddenly punched him in the face.

Xiao Tian was prepared, dodged the punch, grabbed his hand and threw him to the ground

"You're still too young to attack me."

"A sneak attack? Haha, you think too much. It's easy to defeat you."

Xiao Tian in the mirror sneered and stood up, starting the transformation process, transforming into Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O.

Unlike Xiao Tian's original transformation movements, Xiao Tian's movements in the mirror are completely opposite to his real self. The real Ultimate Zi-O is good at using his right hand, while the Ultimate Zi-O in the mirror is good at using his left hand.

It seems that a fight is inevitable.

Let's see how strong I am!

Xiao Tian took out the Ultimate Zi-O watch and started it, loading it into the transformation belt.

While Xiao Tian was transforming, the Ultimate Zi-O in the mirror quickly approached and punched him in the face.

Xiao Tian was not in a hurry and continued to transform.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Ultimate Zi-O! )"


"RIDER.TIME!(Knight Moment! )"

A vortex quickly surrounded Xiao Tian, and the Ultimate Time King in the mirror punched the vortex, and retreated a few steps with a bang.

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O!(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"

"You can't attack when you transform, don't you know that, me in the mirror."_

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