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Black Woz looked at White Woz in shock.

He didn't expect that White Woz, who regarded him as an iron enemy, would actually ask him to join forces!

But what White Woz said was not wrong. Now his plan to support Oma Zi-O has undergone a huge change.

He is also worried that Tokiwa Sougo will not be able to become the Oma Zi-O he expected.

And the source of all this is because of the appearance of Ultimate Zi-O.

"You should know that if things continue to develop like this, there will be another huge change in the future, which is something neither you nor I want to see."

"In the duel between you and me, there shouldn't be the Ultimate Time King. In that case, let's work together to deal with him first, and then have our duel, how about that?"

White Woz persuaded again. The future he wanted was a future where Gates became the savior.

The new future was too uncertain, and he was unwilling to take such a risk.

"Now the Ultimate Zi-O is beyond our control, and he also has an Ultimate Woz. It may not be easy to defeat him."

"So we need to join forces. The two of us are not enough. We also need the power of the Time Robber to have a chance."

"Let me think about it for a while. Now the Ultimate Zi-O is still helping Zi-O. Maybe this is a good sign for me."Black Woz hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you some time to think about it. Come to me when you're done. Don't think too long. The Day of the Demon is getting closer and closer."

White Woz turned around and was about to leave when a voice suddenly rang out.

"Want to join forces to fight against the Ultimate Zi-O? You guys are too naive."


White Woz looked around vigilantly, and Ultimate Woz appeared and walked towards them step by step.

""Ultimate Woz!" White Woz was shocked.

He had no idea when Ultimate Woz had appeared to eavesdrop on their conversation!

"White Woz, you are courting death. We advise you to do your job well and not to reach out to His Majesty the Ultimate Zi-O. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.……"

Before he finished speaking, Ultimate Woz once again.

White Woz frowned, and the hand holding the book tightly exerted force.

How could this Ultimate Woz be so powerful? Could it be that they really have no way to deal with the Ultimate Zi-O!

"It seems that we are threatened by another me. It seems that the new future is beckoning to us. I wonder if Tokiwa Sougo still has a chance to become Oma. Alas.……"

Black Woz sighed, closed the"Demon's Descent History", turned around and walked away.

White Woz's face was heavy, and he turned to look at Xiao Tian who was talking and laughing in the distance, and frowned even more tightly.

"Ultimate Zi-O... Why do you appear in this history!"

White Woz frowned even more tightly.

Could it be that he is no longer able to influence the future development...

Can Gates still be the savior of this world?……


As soon as Xiao Tian and his companions entered the room, they saw a familiar face - Shiroto Shinji. Shiroto Shinji was chatting happily with Tokiwa Junichiro.

"Welcome back!"

Seeing Xiao Tian and his friends coming back, Tokiwa Shunichiro interrupted his chat and quickly stood up to greet them.

"You must all be thirsty, I'll go make you some tea, and there's a guest coming to see you, please entertain him."

After saying that, Tokiwa Junichiro entered the inner room with great interest.

"Shinji Kido? Why did you come to see us?"

"I came here to tell you about another me. I am sorry to have caused you trouble.

Shiroto Shinji stood up and bowed to them apologetically.

"Are you talking about the alien RYUGA? Are you the one who transformed into the alien knight?" Gates confirmed again.

"No, that can't be said, that's another me in the mirror."

Shiroto Shinji walked to a floor-length mirror and looked in the mirror. The mirror was empty, and his reflection did not appear.

"No mirror image!?"

Tsukuyomi was shocked. This was too strange. How could someone not see anything when looking in the mirror?

"Because the me in the mirror has become a monster, and the people he attacks are all former readers of ORE News."

"This in the end is why?"

"Because of hatred. If those readers had continued to support us, ORE News would not have closed down."

Shiroto Shinji was the most passionate and active reporter of ORE News. After ORE News closed down, he was devastated.

"You are taking your anger out on others!"

"Yes, on the surface I did not show this stupid hatred, but deep in my heart, I still had this unspeakable emotion. Maybe the me on the other side of the mirror is the real me. In fact, I really don’t want to admit this."

Shiroto Shinji looked at the empty mirror, smiled bitterly and continued:"But if you don’t want to admit this, this matter will never come to an end, and I can only stay where I am. If I don’t do this, I’m afraid the mirror will never reflect my appearance."

"So, please help me, defeat the other me, limit his monster power, I want to become one with him!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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