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""Celebrate! He is the king who is above all other knights, transcending time and space, knowing the past and the future. At this moment, he transforms into Kamen Rider Zi-O, the second stage!"

Black Wozniacki appeared beside Zi-O, looking at the"History of the Advent of Demons" in his hand and celebrating.

Zi-O leaned close to Black Wozniacki's ear and whispered:

"Haha, it feels like I haven't heard this for a long time. It's been a long time since I last heard it. Wozniacki"

"Then, Your Majesty, please fight to your heart's content."

"Ahem... OK."

Zi-O straightened his chest and walked towards the alien RYUGA with his head held high.

Black Woz closed the book in his hand and retreated to Xiao Tian's side.

"Thank you, Ultimate Zi-O, I didn't expect you would help the Demon King transform into the second-stage form."

""Thank you for being so polite. Do you have any actual rewards?"

Xiao Tian looked at him with amusement. Black Woz rolled his eyes and was speechless.

This Ultimate Zi-O is really shameless.

"Since you mentioned it, I warn you to be careful of White Woz. He has ideas about you. He wants to create the future he envisions. Your existence is beyond his expectations. You know."

"Bai Woz?"

Xiao Tian smiled calmly.

"Can you still laugh?"

"I hope he doesn't do anything stupid, otherwise, I won't be polite."

If he dares to stab him in the back, he can guarantee that he will die a miserable death.

Although he doesn't really want to attack him.

The alien RYUGA holds a big knife and chops on Zi-O, sparks bursting out.

"You are really amazing."

Zi-O had an extra sword in his hand and launched a counterattack, temporarily suppressing the alien RYUGA


Ur shouted loudly. When the alien RYUGA defeated a person, they would absorb the life energy of that person and use it for their own use to improve their own strength.

Ur originally wanted to accumulate more energy for later use, but now he would not have the chance.


The alien RYUGA opened his hands wide, and a large number of blue transparent light spots floated out, and then gathered on his body, and his strength skyrocketed.

"That is...!"

"It's life energy. It seems he wants to fight."

Xiao Tian knew the purpose of Wuer's doing this. It seemed that he didn't want to let the alien RYUGA go, but he didn't plan to let him go. It was wise to do so.


Ryuga the Alien punched out with a full-energy fist, hitting Zi-O's fist.


The violent energy exploded, cracks appeared on the ground, and dust filled the sky.

The two took a few steps back at the same time, and Zi-O's arm was numb from the shock.

Has Ryuga the Alien's strength improved?

When watching the drama, Zi-O's second stage should have completely defeated Ryuga the Alien, but how come they are evenly matched now?

However, in the drama, Ryuga the Alien did not use life energy.

Forget it, let's do it myself.

Xiao Tian's Ultimate Zi-O Second Stage Watch started up and loaded into the watch head.

"ULTIMATE.ZI-O.(Ultimate Time King Stage 2!)"


"RIDER.TIME! (Knight time!)"

"KAMENRIDER.ULTIMATE.ZI-O(Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O! )"


The circling dragon quickly revolved around Xiao Tian, and finally turned into light and merged into the Ultimate Zi-O armor. The cool Ultimate Zi-O appeared in front of everyone.

"Ultimate Sword!"

A brand new Ultimate Sword appeared in the hands of Ultimate Zi-O, with a dragon pattern circling on the sword.

With a bang, Zi-O fell in front of Ultimate Zi-O. The Alien RYUGA took a few steps back and rushed towards him again.

"Let me do it."

The Ultimate Zi-O passed Zi-O and swung the Ultimate Sword, while the Alien Ryuga swung the sword. The swords collided, and with a clang, a sharp metal collision sound was heard.

The Alien Ryuga was blown away and fell backwards to the ground, while the Ultimate Zi-O stood firmly in place.


Tokiwa Sougo looked at the Ultimate Zi-O in shock. He sent the alien RYUGA flying with one sword?!

Everyone is at the second level of Zi-O at the same time, why is there still such a big difference in strength?


Ur sighed.

As expected, he was still no match for Ultimate Zi-O. What a pity, but it didn't matter. Without the corresponding Knight Time Watch, he couldn't really defeat Alien RYUGA. He should be able to wear him down.

His energy couldn't be infinite, could it?

Alien RYUGA turned and rushed towards Ultimate Zi-O again, slashing down with his sword.

Ultimate Zi-O dodged sideways, and the sword slashed at him horizontally. Large sparks flew everywhere, and Alien RYUGA flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

"FINISH.TIME! (End time!)"

"ULTIMATE.RIDER.KIRI! (Ultimate Knight Slash!)"

The Ultimate Sword slashed horizontally, and a sword energy slashed at the Alien RYUGA, and the Alien RYUGA's body suddenly became limp, and bursts of faulty electric sparks appeared on its body. A mirror formed, and the Ultimate Zi-O's attack was about to be launched, but the mirror shattered and disappeared.

"Brother Xiaotian’s attack was not rebounded!"

"It must be that the attack was too strong and could not be rebounded!"


The Ultimate Zi-O used the Ultimate Knight Slash to slash at the Alien RYUGA, and the defenseless Alien RYUGA took the blow firmly.

Boom, a ball of explosion flames lit up, the Alien RYUGA disappeared, and a figure appeared, half kneeling on the ground.

This person was Shinji Shiroto in the mirror._Fulu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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