Chapter 20

Somewhere in the city, Kamen Rider Exide is fighting a group of small monsters

"All-around jump!"

"All-around flying kick!"

"Extreme all-around action X!"

"The almighty critical strike ends!"

"Explore the critical end!"

"Game Cleared!"

Kamen Rider Exide ended with a cool move, and all the monsters were destroyed.

The white time demon machine landed and attracted Exide's attention.

""Huh? What is this?"

The Kamen Rider Exide in 2016 had never seen the Time Magic Machine, let alone Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi. The two of them got off the Magic Machine, and the Time Magic Machine disappeared immediately.

"Humans? Who are you?"

Kamen Rider Exide looked at the two of them warily.

"Doctor Yongmeng, don't be so cautious. I came to see you for something."

"You know me?!"

Baosheng Yongmeng was shocked. He had never seen these two people before, and not many people knew that he was a Kamen Rider. How did they know him?

After a period of explanation, Baosheng Yongmeng finally understood the identities of the two people, but what he found out was incredible.

"What! You are from the future?"

"Yes, there is some bad news for you."

"what news?"

"There is a group of people who want to change history, called the Time Robbers. They will make your knight power disappear, and then create an alien knight, Exide."

"So you came here to remind me?"

"You will feel something unusual at that time, which is the signal that the alien knight has appeared. Once it appears, it will be not long before you disappear."

"It's so boring. What about the future, what about history? Don't waste my time with these nonsense.

Bao Sheng Yong Meng didn't believe what Xiao Tian said. He believed that only the present and doing well in the present are the most important things.

"You will believe it"......

Somewhere in the city, an ambulance stopped next to a residential area, and a little boy named Keisuke was pushed out of the residential area.

Today is the day when Aura created the alien knight Exside.

"Keisuke, are you okay?"

"I feel so bad, help me, Dad...."

Just as Keisuke was about to be pushed into the ambulance, time stopped and the Time Robber Aura appeared.

"You, who are you?!"

"I am the Time Robber Aura, I am here to tell you some not-so-good news and some very good news."

Aura glanced at the pale Keisuke,"This child's heart can't hold out for much longer, he will die soon after arriving at the hospital, this is the not-so-good news"


"But if you sign a contract with me, I can help you save the child. This is the super good news. You have 30 seconds to make a choice."

Keisuke's father looked at the pale child gently, nodded decisively, and agreed to Aura's request.

"Really obedient."

Ola smiled slightly, took out a watch and started it, and walked towards him step by step. Keisuke's father trembled. He didn't know why, but he always felt that this woman's eyes were a little creepy.

"Relax, I'm helping you."

Ola stuffed the watch into Keisuke's father's body, and a purple light lit up, and then he turned into an alien knight.


Ola smiled proudly,"From today on, you are Kamen Rider Exide"......

On the other side, Kamen Rider Exide, who was communicating with Xiao Tian, became unstable, switching between human form and Kamen Rider form.

Hosho Eimu was shocked,"What's going on?!"

Tsukuyomi was also stunned,"Has it started?"

Xiao Tian nodded,"It seems that Aura has already taken action."

Xiao Tian looked into the distance, he knew that the alien knight Exide had appeared, but he didn't know where exactly, so he could only rely on himself to find it.

"Ding, the system task is released: Defeat the alien knight Exide!"

Xiao Tian took out the Ultimate Time King Watch and the Driving Watch Head

"Time Drive!"

"Ultimate Time-O!"


"Knight moment! Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O!"

Hosho Eimu was shocked,"Ultimate Zi-O?! You are also a Kamen Rider?!"

"There is no time to waste on you, Tsukuyomi, let's go."

The Ultimate Zi-O summoned a motorcycle, and the two drove away at full speed, leaving Hosou Eimu alone in the wind.

Today, his worldview was shocked.

Someone from the future? The Ultimate Zi-O? The Alien Knight Exide? What's going on!

"Damn it!"

Hosou Eimu followed on his motorcycle.

Somewhere in the city, a young man was playing a game intently. Keisuke's father, who had transformed into the alien knight Exide, passed by.

Keisuke's father thought of a way to save Keisuke with his remaining consciousness: the young man playing the game was about the same age as Keisuke, and maybe his heart could match Keisuke's heart transplant. If he was knocked unconscious, he should be sent to the hospital. The young man was so addicted to the game that he didn't notice the alien knight approaching. By the time he noticed, it was too late.


The young man who was playing the game was startled and the game console fell to the ground. Exide grabbed him and touched his forehead with his finger, and he fainted.


The Ultimate Zi-O arrived on a motorcycle with Tsukuyomi.

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