Chapter 22

The system's voice sounded in Xiao Tian's mind,"Ultimate Power (Hidden) is a very powerful force that can temporarily increase the master's strength to the King's strength for five minutes. Each time it is used, the Ultimate Power will enter a cooling state. The cooling time is five days."

King's strength?!

Xiao Tian was shocked. What kind of concept is this? He is still just a bronze scum, and he can become a king in a second?

"Are you sure you're not kidding me? This is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Then let's try it! Ultimate power, start!"

A continuous flow of energy instantly filled the body of the Ultimate Zi-O. The level on the attribute panel in front of Xiao Tian continued to soar until it stopped at the King level. The attribute values rose at a rapid speed, and finally formed two horizontal bars, which could not be displayed at all.

An invisible energy wave spread out from the Ultimate Zi-O as the center. Black Woz, who felt the energy fluctuation, trembled and his legs trembled slightly.

What's going on? Such a powerful force...!

Black Woz looked at the Ultimate Zi-O in shock. The current Ultimate Zi-O looked fundamentally different from the original one. Now, he felt terrible at a glance.

This power is enough to rival Oma Zi-O. What's going on? How could there be another Zi-O so strong in this world?

Black Woz couldn't help but wonder if he had walked into the wrong historical set?

"real...Such a strong force...."

Xiao Tian now feels very special, as if the whole world is under his control

"Time stands still!"

The Ultimate Time King raised his right hand slightly, and time stopped at this moment, and everyone froze in place


The Ultimate Zi-O shouted in a low voice, and the city within a radius of dozens of miles was instantly destroyed into powder. The original city turned into a desert. Only under the feet of the Ultimate Zi-O, there were still tiny traces of the city's existence.

How perverted!...!

"Time goes back!"

Ultimate Zi-O snapped his fingers, and time went back quickly. The city that exploded into powder recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to its original appearance again, as if nothing had happened.

Five minutes passed quietly, and the ultimate power limit was up. The power of the king disappeared, and Xiao Tian turned back to the level of Bronze III again. The still time returned to normal at this moment. No one knew what happened in the previous five minutes.

Black Woz felt something abnormal, but he didn't know what happened. When he looked at the Ultimate Zi-O again, his original terrifying aura had disappeared.

What happened just now? Was it an illusion? Black Woz couldn't help but doubt himself, shook his head, and disappeared.

Xiao Tian was ecstatic. Having such an awesome ability was already against the sky! Who can stop him? Who else!

Cooling time: four days, twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes......

Forehead...Well, there are still five days.

Xiao Tian's mouth corners secretly raised, this reward, he is very satisfied

"What are you laughing at? You look so happy."

Tsukuyomi waved her hands in front of Xiao Tian's eyes. Xiao Tian finally came back to reality and grinned,"Nothing, I'm just in a good mood.""

"I didn't expect you to be so helpful. This kind of thing can make you so happy."

Uh...Thinking too much, Xiao Tian did not speak. Keisuke's father, who fell to the ground, gradually regained consciousness, but he was confused. During the time he was controlled by the alien knight, he did not know what he had done. All he could think about was how to save his child.

Hosho Eimeng hurried over to help him up,"Are you okay?"

Keisuke's father looked around in confusion. He had no idea where he was, who these people were, and why his body was in so much pain.

"What happened to me? Why am I here? Oh, where is Keisuke? Where is my Keisuke?!"

Xiao Tian changed back from knight form to human form and came to Keisuke’s father,"Don’t worry, Keisuke will be fine. I have a very good doctor to recommend to you who can save Keisuke."

Keisuke’s father’s eyes lit up, and he stood up excitedly and looked at Xiao Tian with expectation,"Are you serious? Who is it? Whoever can save my child, I will do anything for him!"

Xiao Tian turned to look at the pediatrician in a white coat, Eimi Hosho. Eimi Hosho was stunned for a moment. Could he be talking about him?

"Doctor Yongmeng, his child is now in your hands. You can definitely save him."

Xiao Tian explained seriously. This was what Baosheng Yongmeng told him before he left in 2018. In 2018, he firmly believed that as long as the child named Keisuke was delivered to him in time in 2016, he would be able to save him.

Baosheng Yongmeng took a deep breath, smiled and nodded,"There is no other way, let me try, take me to see the child"

"Come with me quickly."

Keisuke's father took Baosheng Yongmeng away, and Xiao Tian and Yue Du, who had completed their mission, took the Time Magic Machine back to 2018.......

In 2018,

Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi were on their way back to the Clock Hall when they happened to meet two people.

These two people were Keisuke and his father who were seriously ill in 2016. Now Keisuke has fully recovered.

Due to Xiao Tian's intervention, history has changed. Keisuke, who was originally dead, was miraculously rescued, and Keisuke's father's experience as an alien knight for two years also disappeared in history.

Xiao Tian smiled slightly,"It seems that history has changed."

Tsukuyomi nodded,"Yes, if it weren't for you, this might be a sad tragedy."

"Having said that, let's go."

The clock hall.

It was already dinner time. Tokiwa Junichiro prepared a table of food. Tokiwa Sougo was stunned.

"Isn’t this too exaggerated?"

"Alas, it's a rare occasion for so many people to gather together, how can we not treat them well? Oh, there is one more dish, wait until I finish cooking it, and then we can eat."

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