Chapter 24:

Amanokawa High School.

Tsukuyomi, Xiao Tian and Gates stood at the door, looking at the big sign on the door.

It was still class time today, and Tokiwa Sougo went to class. The three of them were not here to study, so it was okay for them to skip class.

At this time, Tokiwa Sougo was absent-minded, slumped in his seat, staring at the book in a daze.

Why did they all skip class, but he had to go to class here alone!


Tokiwa Sougo sighed and buried his face in his book.

"I investigated the female students who ran away from home and got some information."

Tsukuyomi took out a piece of paper with some missing persons' information written on it.

"These girls are all missing persons from this high school. Almost all the missing cases over the years happened in this high school, so I think the same thing might happen here again."

"As long as we monitor the 18-year-old Libra girl here, we may be able to catch the alien knight. I also prepared some things for you."

Tsukuyomi took out a bag containing the uniform of Amanokawa High School.

If you want to stay in the school, you have to disguise yourself as a student of this school.

"You are really well prepared, Tsukuyomi"

"There is no other way. As long as I can prevent the world-destroying Oma Zi-O from appearing, I am willing to do anything."

"Don't say such heavy words, change your clothes."

The three of them changed into school uniforms and sneaked into Amanokawa High School. Facing a large number of students who were almost the same age, Tsukuyomi was also confused and didn't know where to start. With so many people, who should he monitor?

"What should we do now?"Tsukuyomi said with a wry smile.

There are thousands of students in Amanokawa High School, but there are more than a thousand girls. How to monitor so many people?

Gates sighed,"There is no other way. We can only hack into the school's server to find the students' information."

"There is also a simple way. The computer in the school infirmary will have the students' information. Just find a way to use the computer in the infirmary."

Xiao Tian, who knows the plot, knows that the despicable Tokiwa Sougo used fake death to trick the school doctor away, and then Tsukuyomi took the opportunity to sneak into the infirmary to peek at the computer.

Although Xiao Tian roughly knows that there is such a girl, it is better to confirm it for the sake of safety.

"Gates, this difficult task is up to you."

Xiao Tian looked at Gates with a smirk on his face, and Gates looked confused.

"What mission do you want me to do?"

At this time, they just walked to the stairs. Xiao Tian, who was behind Gates, kicked him on the buttocks and rolled down the stairs. Yue Du was dumbfounded.

"Ah! Oh! Ouch!...!"Gates screamed all the way

"I'm asking you to pretend to be a wounded person and hold on a little longer!"

"You bastard!"

Xiao Tian rushed to the infirmary with Yue Du, and Gates behind him cursed angrily.

There was only one doctor on duty in the school infirmary. Xiao Tian rushed into the infirmary and said anxiously:"Doctor! It's bad, a classmate fell in the corridor, the situation is very serious, you go and have a look!"

""What! I'll be there right away!"

The doctor picked up the emergency medicine box and ran out of the infirmary. Xiao Tian smiled triumphantly as he watched the doctor leave, and quickly sat at the computer to check the student's information.

"It would be a waste of your talent if you don't become an actor."

Yue Duxi said with a smile, she was really good at playing, the tone of Xiao Tian's words just now almost made her think that someone was hurt.

"Don't praise me, I'll be proud."

Xiao Tian entered the keywords and quickly searched for the relevant students' information. There was only one girl who met the search criteria, her name was Feng Chui Hua Lin.

"As expected, there is only one person."

Xiao Tian thought to himself. In fact, he had foreseen this, but when it turned out to be true, he was still inevitably surprised for a moment.

"Yamabuki Karin, 18 years old, Libra, is she the only one who meets these conditions in such a big school?"

Tsukuyomi was a little surprised. Could it be that the incidents in recent years caused all these girls to die?

Xiao Tian did not speak, but he knew that there was more than one girl who met these conditions in this school, and Yamabuki Karin was not simple!

School corridor.

Gates rolled from the third floor to the second floor. Although he was not injured, he still fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. What else could he do? He had to buy time for Xiao Tian and the others.

The doctor in the infirmary arrived and quickly examined Gates. He was relieved after finding no injuries.

"There are no broken bones, it's okay, your friends are worried about you."

Gates smiled and nodded to the doctor,"Thank you for your help."

"It's okay."

The doctor packed up his medicine box and left.

"Friends? Hehe..."

Gates smiled bitterly. Xiao Tian had just kicked him when he wasn't paying attention.

"In his eyes, I don't think I'm a friend."

She sold him out so decisively that he wondered if they were enemies or friends.....

After completing the investigation, Xiao Tian and Yue Du came back to find Gates

"Gates, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just feel a little hurt. How is it, is there any result?"

Gates patted the dust off his body. Behind him, a beautiful female student was walking towards them.

This female student was Yamabuki Karin.

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