Chapter 41

"Woz, what a coincidence!"

"Ultimate Zi-O, it's you again."

Why are you everywhere?

Black Woz's eyes darkened, he raised his head helplessly and sighed.

Xiao Tian smiled and walked in front of Black Woz.

"Why, you don't seem very happy to see me."

Tokiwa Sougo was very anxious and wanted to find Danrito. He didn't continue chatting with them. He waved and ran away, saying:

"You guys chat, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first!"

"Your Majesty the Demon King......!"

Black Woz stretched out his hand to stop him, but Tokiwa Sougo had already run away. He shook his head and sighed helplessly again, and continued:

"It seems that he is very interested in those who claim to be king without permission."

"Isn't this very much to your liking? Sougo has always been clamoring to be the king."

Black Woz grinned,"That's what I said, but I've always been a little worried in my heart. Because of your existence, Ultimate Zi-O, history has changed a lot, although His Majesty the Demon King is still developing in the direction of Oma Zi-O."

Although his strength is a little weaker, and the power of the knights he has obtained is also less.

No, it's not less, but so far, Zi-O has only obtained the power of one Kamen Rider.

The most amazing thing is that although Zi-O has obtained his power, Ultimate Zi-O also has it.

In other words, so far, Ultimate Zi-O has obtained the power of all the Kamen Riders he deserves.

Black Woz can't help but wonder, will the power of Ultimate Zi-O be above Oma Zi-O, and if so, why is there no record of it in history?

"As long as the direction is still right, what do you have to worry about, right Woz."

Xiao Tian patted Black Woz's shoulder lightly, walked around him and walked in the direction of Tokiwa Sougo, and Tsukuyomi hurriedly followed.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, Black Woz shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"Ultimate Zi-O..."

Is it possible for you to become Oma Zi-O?

A bold idea came to Black Woz's mind.


Tsukuyomi walked while glancing behind him. When he could no longer see Black Wozniacki, he whispered in Xiao Tian's ear:

"Xiaotian, listen to me, you'd better stay away from Woz. He is not a good guy and may be a threat to you."

Xiao Tian nodded,"I know, I know my limits, you don't have to worry."

Tsukuyomi pouted, always telling her not to worry, if she didn't worry, it would be weird, she was on the edge of a knife every day, how could she not worry.

The building of the Tan Group.

Dan Lidou had a cruel look on his face and sat angrily on a high seat.

He was very angry after being beaten up by the Ultimate Zi-O.

He is now thinking of a way to get rid of the Ultimate Zi-O.

Not far in front of him, stood a charming beauty with a measuring tape in her hand.

She was forcibly brought here by Dan Lidou to make new clothes for him.

But now Dan Lidou has completely lost the mood to make new clothes.

Looking at Dan Lidou's angry look, the beautiful woman smiled charmingly and said,"I didn't expect that you would have this day. You deserve it for making everyone like this!"

"How dare you!"

Tan Lidou was so angry that he slapped the table in front of him. With a bang, the table broke into pieces.

"How dare you comment on me without permission? Are you tired of living?"

Tan Lidou walked towards the beauty step by step.

When he got closer, he found that she was very beautiful. He immediately became lustful. His angry face softened a little and smiled evilly.

"What's your name?"

Dan Lidou stretched out his hand to lift her chin, but the beautiful woman was not afraid at all and slapped her open.

"I am Izumi Hina from the clothing department. Everything you did was wrong. Now there is finally someone who can punish you. Stop it now, or you will be killed!"

Dare to hit him?

Dan Lidou's eyes twitched. If she wasn't beautiful, she would have been killed by him now.

"You should be careful with your words. How can you talk to the king like this? I will forgive you for what happened this time. From now on, you are my princess."

Izumi Hina flatly refused and said,"Don't even think about it!"

"You dare to reject me!"

Dan Lidou was completely enraged. He didn't expect Izumi Hina to be a rose with thorns. Since she didn't obey the discipline, don't blame him for destroying the flower!

"Come on, kill me. Anyway, I didn't think I could get out alive after coming here! I tell you, you, the devil, will definitely be punished by God!"

Izumi Bina raised his head resolutely. He would never bow down in front of a devil like him!

""Bitch, I'll take you on your way!"

Danrito turned his palm into a knife and chopped towards Izumi Hina's white neck.

Izumi Hina closed her eyes and waited for death.

There was a bang, but Izumi Hina didn't feel any pain. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a warrior in full armor. He caught the palm knife that Danrito chopped with one hand.

The person who came was the Ultimate Time King.

"Who are you...?"

"It's you again!"

Danrito was furious, and his body instantly transformed into Alien Knight OOO, kicking towards the Ultimate Zi-O's abdomen.

The Ultimate Zi-O grabbed his kicking foot with one hand and swung it hard, and Alien Knight OOO was launched like a missile, breaking through the wall and falling down the stairs.

Alien Knight OOO fell heavily to the ground, knowing that he was no match for the Ultimate Zi-O, and turned into a wisp of black smoke again to escape.

"Are you OK?"

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