Chapter 43

Tokiwa Sougo doesn't care about the knight's power at all, and says with a smile:

"Don't be in a hurry. I think what I am doing now is very important for me to become the Demon King."

After saying that, he followed Danrito's footsteps and left Black Wozniacki alone, holding the"History of the Advent of Demons" and sighing in the wind.

Alas, what can I use to save this idiot Zi-O?

Black Wozniacki sighed and turned away.......

Tan Group Building.

Izumi Bina led the two to the corner of a hidden room. At the door of the room, there were two little ghosts guarding.

"That congressman is locked up in there." Izumi Hina whispered.

Is there anyone guarding him?

"Leave it to me."

Xiao Tian transformed into the Ultimate Zi-O and walked out generously.


The two little ghosts spotted the intruder and rushed up at the same time

""The end! Time shatters!"

The Ultimate Zi-O flew into the air, his legs burning with flames, and kicked the two little ghosts to pieces.



With two explosions, the two little ghosts disappeared.

""Amazing!" Izumi Hina exclaimed

"This is just normal operation, let's go."

Tsukuyomi looked at Izumi Hina who was about to become a fangirl, shook his head helplessly, and walked forward.

Xiao Tian changed back to human form and opened the door of the sealed room. As expected, there was a person locked inside.

This person was the congressman, Hino Eiji. He was also a transformer of Kamen Rider OOO before, and he had a knight watch on him.

The appearance of the alien knight caused his memory of Kamen Rider to disappear.

"Hino Eiji, I finally found you"

"Looking for me? Who are you?"

Hino Eiji was shocked. Why are they looking for him? They don't seem to know each other.

"Xiao Tian"

""Xiao Tian?"

Who is that? I have never heard of him. Hino Eiji shook his head repeatedly. This was the first time he had heard of this name.

"Don't worry, we are here to rescue you."

"Save me? Phew, I was so scared. It just so happens that I have something important to do."

Hino Eiji breathed a sigh of relief. I hope he is not here to kill him.

"What's up?"

"Find the king and end this."

"Let me take care of it. I came to you to get something."

"Something? What?"

"You have a Knight timepiece, right?"

"Is this what you are talking about?"

Hino Eiji took out a knight watch from his pocket. This watch is the watch of Kamen Rider OOO.

"That's right, if I want to defeat the Alien Knight OOO (Oz), I need this watch."

Hino Eiji took a look at the Knight Watch in his hand and said,"Actually, I have had this thing for a long time, but I never knew what it was used for. It turns out that its name is the Knight Watch. Since it is useful to you, I will give it to you."

Hino Eiji handed the watch to Xiao Tian, who took it and took a look, then put it away.

With the Kamen Rider OOO Watch in hand, the Alien OOO can also be declared dead. He is strong enough, that's how confident he is.

"That demon king, I'll leave it to you!" Hino Eiji bowed deeply to Xiao Tian.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hino Eiji's body suddenly shook and he fainted on the ground.

Izumi Hina was shocked,"What happened to him?""

Could he have died suddenly?

"It's okay, he'll wake up soon."

Xiao Tian said calmly. If he guessed correctly, Gates should have temporarily ended the alien OOO in 2016, and Hino Eiji's memory would be temporarily restored.

As expected, Hino Eiji's eyes suddenly opened, and he stood up with a start. His temperament was completely different, as if he had become a different person.

"Ultimate Zi-O? We meet again. I'll return the thing to you."

Xiao Tian gestured at the Knight Time Watch in his hand,"Got it, let's leave here first."

The four of them left the building of the Tan Group together. As soon as they walked out of the door, they ran into Tokiwa Sougo and several little ghosts.

Tokiwa Sougo was wearing the work clothes of the Tan Group, and now he was following Dan Lidou. Did he really surrender to the enemy?

Xiao Tian thought to himself, he had a premonition of this scene and was not too surprised.

"Sougo? Why are you wearing the clothes of the Danshi Group?"Tsukuyomi frowned and asked

"Oh, that's because I'm temporarily following King Danrito, and he appointed me as the leader of the royal knights. I'd like you to not worry about this for now."

Xiao Tian:"Then what do you mean by coming here to block my way?"

Tokiwa Sougo scratched his head embarrassedly and said,"Well, the king ordered me not to let that congressman leave, can you keep him here?"


His system mission is to rescue the congressman from the Tan Group, and it is absolutely impossible for him to stay.

"It's impossible to stay here, you should leave here first, Gates will be back soon, if he sees you wearing the clothes of the Tan Group, then there will be a fight."

Tokiwa Sougo smiled innocently and said,"I'm not afraid, doesn't Gates always think that I will become the Demon King? To become the king, I am not afraid of challenges."

""Hahaha! You really surrendered to the enemy, that's even easier to deal with!"

A voice came from the sky, and the Time Demon Machine flew past. Gates jumped out of it and transformed into a Kamen Rider in mid-air.


Speak of the devil!

"When Xiao Tian first said this, I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. You will indeed become Oma Zi-O. Today, let me put an end to you here!"

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