Chapter 45

"You are quite strong, Sougo." Xiao Tian said with a smile.

The attack of Ultimate Zi-O became more and more fierce, and Tokiwa Sougo gradually couldn't hold it back. Ultimate Zi-O kicked Zi-O in the head, knocking him to the ground with his head on the ground and his butt sticking up.

Zi-O stood up in a mess, and most of his energy had been depleted.

"You are so strong, Xiaotian."Tokiwa Sougo sighed. What

Xiaotian said just now was just a polite remark.

He was no match for Xiaotian at all.

"Do you want to continue?"

"No, no, fighting further will only bring humiliation upon ourselves, you guys go, we can't stop you, we can't stop you."

Tokiwa Sougo said with a wry smile, shook his head, turned back into human form, turned around and left, no longer trying to stop Xiao Tian

"Ding, successfully defeated Zi-O, and got the reward: 300 attribute points added."

Only 300 attributes, too stingy."

Xiao Tian secretly complained, distributed the attribute points, and the Kamen Rider level was upgraded to Silver 5.

He rose one level, and the speed of strength improvement was pretty good.

It was much faster than the speed of his playing King of Glory.

Xiao Tian changed back to human form and came to Gates, who was still dizzy at this time.

"How about Gates?"

"It's not a big deal, just a minor injury, it will be fine after a while of rest."

Tsukuyomi checked his injuries and found that they were not serious. After a while, he was a good man again.

"You take Gates back to Nine to Five Hall first, and I'll take care of the Alien Knights."

"Yes, please."

Tsukuyomi summoned the Time Magic Machine and took Gates away.

"That machine is so cool!"

Hino Eiji exclaimed as he watched the Time Demon Machine go away.

"Cool as hell, let's get out of here first."

The three of them did not encounter any obstruction and easily left the jurisdiction of the Tan Group. The mission to rescue the congressman was officially completed.

The system sent a message that the mission was completed, and the reward was still attribute points. After the distribution, the strength was slightly improved, but it was still at the level of Silver Five.

"Thank you for saving me. I'll leave the devil to you."

Knowing that Xiao Tianshi was a Kamen Rider, Hino Eiji didn't worry too much.

"Leave it to me, you leave here first."

After a brief farewell, Hino Eiji left, and Xiao Tian planned to go to 2010 to deal with the alien knight.

"I'm going to 2010, do you want to go with me?" Xiao Tian turned and said to Quan Binai.

Quan Binai was startled. Is Xiao Tian talking in his sleep?

"Go to 2010? It's 2018 now, you want to go back to the past?"

"Of course I can take you there. How about going with me?"

"Are you serious?"

Quan Binai stared at Xiao Tian with wide eyes. How could she believe this? Going back to the past, isn't this just a foolish dream?

There is no turning back in life, how could it be possible to go back to the past?

"The Ultimate Time Demon Machine!"

A cool and huge machine appeared in front of the two of them. Izumi Binai was stunned for a moment and took a few steps back in fear.

"This is……!"

"Come with me."

Xiao Tian inadvertently took Izumi Binai's hand and walked towards the Time Demon Machine

"He held my hand...……"

Izumi Bina was slightly startled, her heartbeat accelerated, her blood circulation quickened, and her fair face became rosy again.

Izumi Bina foolishly let Xiao Tian lead her away.

Seeing that she did not refuse, Xiao Tian was secretly happy in his heart. He was so excited to be able to hold the goddess' hand!

If it were in the past, he would never dare to do this. He didn't even know where to put his eyes when he saw the goddess, let alone take the initiative to hold her hand.

But he is a time traveler now, fearless, do it boldly!

If you don't hold the hand of the ownerless goddess in front of you, after you miss it, your goddess will be held by someone else, and you can only hold her left hand with your right hand.

Xiao Tian, who knew this well, how could he miss such an opportunity? Of course, he acted decisively.

The two entered the Time Magic Machine. Xiao Tian was a little reluctant, but he naturally let go of Izumi Bina's hand and sat in the driver's seat.

"Wow... so cool, such a handsome robot, is it yours too?"

Izumi looked around like a curious baby. There were high-precision machines inside, which looked very exciting. You could also see things outside in front.

"Of course, if you like, I can take you with me in the future."

Xiao Tian joked, and Quan Binai blushed again.

This person speaks so directly.

Could he also like me?


Izumi Hina was about to agree, and just as she said one word, a huge robot flew over in front of her.

"Ultimate Zi-O, we meet again!"

The one driving the robot is the Time Robber Aura.

"Ola? It's you again, bitch." Xiao Tian complained.

There are such bitches everywhere. Sooner or later, he will press her on the bed and rub her.

With a bang, the robot driven by Ola landed on the ground.

"You don't seem very happy to see me, Ultimate Zi-O, was it me who blocked your way?"

"Don't you think it's stupid to ask this question? Are you here to talk about love with me?"Xiao Tian sneered

"It's not impossible. I'll tell you a secret. You're very much my type, Ultimate Zi-O."

"Bullshit, I'd be surprised if I believed you, you're such a bad old woman!"

Bad old woman?!

The corner of Aura's mouth twitched, this bastard actually said that to her!

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