Chapter 50

Tokiwa Sougo glanced at Xiao Tian, who was looking around at something

"I don't have any plans. My companion is missing, so of course I have to go find him."

Hearing this, Xiao Tian, who was looking to see if the other Tokiwa Sougo would show up, couldn't help but roll his eyes. He had so much fun beating up Gates before, and he still had the nerve to say he was your companion.

Beating up a teammate with his strength?

It's amazing that he could say that.

Black Woz came to Tokiwa Sougo and opened the"History of the Advent of Demons".》

"This book states that Mingguangyuan Gates has nothing to do with your path to dominance, so you don't need to worry about him."

"You are still reading this crappy book, Woz."

Xiao Tian stood up and said, his appearance had disrupted the history of Oma Zi-O, and this book had lost its original meaning.

"What is a broken book? This is a historical record of the advent of the great Oma Zi-O, and it has important historical significance."

"History has changed, hasn't it?"

"That's just a small part, it doesn't affect the overall situation. Like that Gates, he is an obstacle to Oma Zi-O, there is no need for him to be by your side."

Tokiwa Sougo suddenly said affectionately:"But... I need him."

With a bang, Black Wozniacki fell to the ground with white eyes.

Is there really any hope for the current Zi-O?

Is this really the Oma Zi-O who killed everyone decades later? Why is he so gay?

"Because I want to be a good demon king." Tokiwa Sougo said seriously.

Black Wozniacki slowly stood up and picked up the alarm clock on the repair table.

"If something essential is broken, it can be repaired and still be useful, but if it is not essential, it can only be thrown away."

Black Wozniacki took the alarm clock to the trash can, loosened his grip, and the alarm clock fell straight down.

When it was about to fall into the trash can, a hand reached out and caught it. It was Tokiwa Junichiro.

"Don't throw it away, leave it to me, I'm eager to try."

Xiao Tian came to Wozniacki, picked up the"History of the Devil's Coming" and flipped through it.

The important events recorded in it were very detailed, and the unimportant ones were all briefly mentioned. Perhaps because of the magic, a large part of the handwriting was not displayed.

"In your book, Gates may be useless, but in my story, Gates is indispensable, so Woz, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Xiao Tian closed"The History of the Advent of Demons" and patted Black Woz's chest. Black Woz took it with both hands, speechless.

This Ultimate Zi-O has a bit of kingly aura. It is much stronger than the kingly aura of Tokiwa Sougo.

What happened to this history?

Why can't Xiao Tian be found in the past and the future, but he appears at this point in time? Where did this Ultimate Zi-O come from?

Xiao Tian picked up a newspaper on the repair table. The headline of the newspaper reported the disappearance of a dance troupe member.

It was indeed this case...

Xiao Tian thought to himself that he probably knew where Gates was, and he would not have a good experience.

Tsukuyomi came over, and the headline of the news read:

"Weird: Continuous disappearances of dance troupe members!"

Tsukuyomi frowned slightly, having a premonition in his heart,"Is this the work of the Time Robber?"

"Time robber?"

Tokiwa Sougo also came over, Xiao Tian handed him the newspaper, turned around and walked out the door.

"Gates is in this dance troupe, let's go find him."

Tsukuyomi was stunned for a moment, what could Gates have to do with the disappearance of this dance troupe?

"Wait for me."

Tsukuyomi and Tokiwa Sougo hurriedly followed.

Outside the Nine-to-Five Hall, a white beauty with an extremely good figure stood in front of the door, her fingers constantly intertwined, as if she was hesitating about something.

This beauty was Izumi Hina, whom Xiao Tian had just met.


Xiao Tian was very happy to see the goddess when he just walked out of the door.

He had just separated from Quan Binai not long ago, and he didn't expect to meet her again so soon.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go home?"

Xiao Tian came to her happily. Quan Binai blushed. Could she say that she didn't know why she came here?

"No, I just happened to come here accidentally while walking. I was just thinking whether to go in to find you, and you came out."

Come to find me?" Xiao Tian was overjoyed.

"You can come to me anytime you want. I will always welcome you no matter when you come."


Izumi Hina's face became even redder. This feeling,……

"I just happened to be going out to look for a dance troupe called Baron. Do you know where that troupe is?"

The name of the dance troupe whose members were just reported in the news to be missing is the Baron Dance Troupe.

Izumi Hina nodded,"Yeah, I know this dance troupe. They were very famous before, but something seemed to have happened recently. They seem to have a dance recording today, not far from here."

Damn, he really knew. Izumi Hina is really his soulmate!

"How about we go and see it together?"


Izumi Bina lowered her head slightly, feeling a little shy. Was Xiao Tian asking her to go to the dance hall? Did they go on a date?

"What's wrong?"

Quizumi Hina's shy look was very cute and moving, Xiao Tian's heart was moved.

It seemed that he wanted to hold her in his arms...

But he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, he had to take it step by step...

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