Chapter 62:

Tenkuji Takashi, who was previously the incarnation of Kamen Rider GUOST, has a knight watch, but because of the appearance of the Alien Rider, his memory of Kamen Rider has disappeared.

Recently, he is paying attention to the incidents of people being attacked by the Alien Rider, and wants to catch the Alien Rider and save everyone who is unconscious.

"Sure enough, it's the same symptoms again, that damn monster……"

The alien GHOST came and went without a trace, and he wanted to catch it, but it was completely powerless.

Sky Temple wanted to give up, but he couldn't give up because he accepted a commission from someone.

""Sky Temple Master?"

A voice sounded behind Sky Temple Master. Sky Temple Master was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around, he saw a handsome young man whom he didn't know looking at him.

"Who are you?"

"Xiao Tian."

Xiao Tian stretched out his hand, and Sky Temple Master shook it with a confused look on his face.

"Do we know each other?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Now we know each other, are you investigating the alien knight?"

Sky Temple's eyes lit up,"Did you see that monster? Where did he go? I must catch it!" Catch it?

Xiao Tian shook his head secretly. Who gave him the courage? Now he can't transform into Kamen Rider. Even if he finds the alien GHOST, what can he do? He is still giving away his head.

"The alien spirit rider comes and goes without a trace, so it's not that easy to catch it, but I can help you. Why don't I go to your place first and talk to you slowly?"

""Okay, okay, follow me."

Sky Temple Master was very happy. He didn't expect to meet hope here. As long as he could deal with the alien knight, everything would be fine.

It was better than him being unable to do anything and having to watch more and more people being poisoned by the alien knight.

"Xiaotian, what should we do with this person?"Tsukuyomi pointed at the person who fainted on the ground and said

"You guys can do whatever you want, let's go, Zun."

Rescue the citizens? Are you kidding, he is not so idle and has no interest in it.

""Sougo, I'll leave the person to you."

Tsukuyomi simply said, and quickly followed Xiao Tian's footsteps.


Gates shouted, helplessly looking at the people going away.

He also wanted to follow Xiao Tian, but he had to follow Tokiwa Sougo, because his main goal was to monitor whether he would become Oma Zi-O.

Not to mention Tokiwa Sougo, he had to obediently pull the fainted man.

"Don't just stand there, lend a hand."

Tokiwa Sougo and Gates carried the fainted citizen towards the hospital.


The Paranormal Research Institute.

This is where Tenkuji Zun often stays. Here, he has a few close friends.

"Welcome to the Institute of Paranormal Studies. We have been tracking the incident of the alien knight. At the beginning, three years ago, he made a person disappear. Later, more and more people were attacked by him and all fell into a coma."

"The doctors tried their best but couldn't treat them. There was nothing wrong with their physical features, but they just couldn't be woken up no matter how hard they tried."

The reason they couldn't be woken up was that GHOST had absorbed their souls. As long as their souls returned to their bodies, they would be fine.

Sky Temple Master pushed open the door, and a pretty beauty in black stockings ran out.


Xiao Tian recognized this beauty at first sight, mmp, she was even prettier than what she saw on TV!

Her upper body was curvy, her skin was white and beautiful, and her two tight and smooth legs in black stockings were so beautiful!

No wonder Sky Temple Master was so concerned about Meijia's brother's affairs. He had to do what a beautiful woman asked him to do!

""Zun, what's the situation?"

Mika ran out anxiously to greet him, and looked at Xiao Tian and Yue Du strangely.

"Who are these two, sir?"

"Oh, let me introduce you. This is our client, Miss Mika. These two are Xiao Tian and Yue Du, who are here to help us deal with the alien knights."

Hearing that they were here to help, Mika relaxed her guard and extended her hand to Xiao Tian.

"Hello, I'm Meijia. I'm sorry to bother you with my brother's matter."

Tiankongsi Zun explained:"Brother Meijia is the first person to disappear, and it's related to that alien knight."

Xiao Tian certainly knew this. The alien GHOST is Meijia's brother.

But there's no need to tell Meijia about this. He can handle this matter.

Xiao Tian happily shook Meijia's hand, and the touch was as smooth as silk.

"You're welcome. My name is Xiao Tian. Please take care of me in the future."

"As long as you can save my brother, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Xiao Tian raised his eyebrows. This flag is a bit serious.

Xiao Tian did not respond immediately. From Mei Jia's eyes, you can see that she cares about her brother.

"What on earth is going on?"

Tsukuyomi was confused. What on earth was going on?

Mika explained:"I am looking for my brother. Three years ago, I went to deliver lunch to my brother who was a policeman.……"


In front of the police station.

A policeman was standing guard seriously. He was Meijia's brother.

Next to the police station, there was a construction site. Meijia came over with a lunch box.

"elder brother!"

"Meijia? Why are you here?"

"You forgot to bring your lunch box. You are so careless. Here it is."

Mika handed the lunch box to him. Her brother took it with a shy look, scratching his head.

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