Chapter 67

"Who are the Kamen Rider Decade and the beautiful lady who suddenly appeared?"

Xiao Tian shook his head and said,"Don't worry about them for now. What about the alien GHOST?"

"I don't know. When we came to our senses, he was gone." Sky Temple Zun sighed.

Meijia's frown never relaxed, and she asked Xiao Tian worriedly:"Brother Xiao Tian, could my brother be the alien knight?……"

In fact, she had this premonition at the beginning, but she didn't want to believe it.

Her brother was a policeman with a strong sense of justice. How could he become a monster who hurt others?

But after the alien GHOST looked at her and called her name today, she was basically sure.

Since Meijia had asked, Xiao Tian didn't want to lie to her and nodded gently.


Meijia was suddenly disappointed and murmured:"Is it really like this?……"

Now that he has become a different kind of knight, can he still be saved?

Will he become the object of everyone's dislike? He was such a righteous person before.……

"Don't worry, Meijia, I can rescue him safely."Xiao Tian said affirmatively.

Meijia's eyes lit up, with a glimmer of hope in them.


"Of course, trust me"

""Yes, thank you, Brother Xiao Tian."

Meijia bowed deeply to Xiao Tian, who quickly helped her up.

"Don't be so polite to me.……"

Sky Temple Master was jealous watching from the side. He hadn't touched Meijia for such a long time. Xiao Tian held her shoulders so naturally. It was really too much. He was so angry, but he couldn't say anything.

"Zun, I still need your help in this matter."

Hearing Xiao Tian's voice, Sky Temple Zun was stunned for a moment

"Me? How can I help?"

"I need that watch you always wear"

""Watch? Is this what you mean?"

Sky Temple took out an orange watch, which was the watch of Kamen Rider GHOST.

"Yes, it is this watch. If I want to successfully rescue my brother Mika, I need the power of this watch. Can you give it to me?"

This watch has always been in the possession of Tenkuji Zun. The strange thing is that he has never known what it is.

"I have never understood what this watch is for. Since it is helpful to you, take it."

Tenkuji Tsun handed the Kamen Rider GHOST watch to Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian took it, took a look, and then put it away.

He had seen the Kamen Rider GHOST watch, because Gates also had one. He stole it from Oma Zi-O in the future.

Among them, only Tokiwa Sougo did not have a GHOST watch. So far, Tokiwa Sougo only has a BUILD watch.

"OK, then I will go back to 2015. Meijia, you come with me.


Meijia was stunned.

"2015 has become history. How can we go back to the past?"

Xiao Tian took out a watch and started it. He threw it into the air. The watch changed rapidly in the air.

""Ultimate Time Magic Machine!"

A huge machine appeared in front of Xiao Tian, the cabin door opened, and Xiao Tian pulled Mei Jia up.

Mei Jia was still stunned, not knowing what Xiao Tian was going to do.

Xiao Tian started the machine and came to the screen for selecting the time to travel through, and asked Mei Jia to choose the time.

"Do you remember the day your brother had the accident?"

Of course I remember. That day, Mijia has never forgotten it, and it even appears in her dreams from time to time.

""Yeah." Meijia nodded.

"After we choose the date, we will go back and change history."

Change history?"

Meijia looked at Xiao Tian with wide eyes. Could such a thing really happen?

Xiao Tian nodded gently, signaling her to start choosing. Meijia chose the date with some doubt and clicked OK.

"Well chosen"

"OK, time-space transfer system, start!"

The hexagonal time-space tunnel opened, and the Ultimate Time Magic Machine passed through it and disappeared.

Mika was stunned inside the Ultimate Time Machine. It was very stable inside. Looking outside through the glass, there was only a wide blue light tunnel, and the Ultimate Time Machine was flying quickly.

After a while, the blue light tunnel came to the end, and the end was flashing white light.

The Ultimate Time Magic Machine passed through the white light, and a familiar scene appeared in front of Mika.

Below her was the city where she lived!

She could also see the construction site that she often dreamed of and the place where her brother worked.

This was where her nightmare began!

"2015! It really is that day!"

Was she dreaming? They really went back in time!

"Am I dreaming now? Did I dream about this place again?"

Mei Jia covered her head, unwilling to face all this. She didn't believe it was true. The only explanation was that she was still dreaming.

Poor Mei Jia...

Xiao Tian sighed, said nothing, and silently drove the Ultimate Time Demon Machine to land.

The cabin door opened, Xiao Tian came to Mei Jia, stretched out his hand

"Don't be afraid, follow me."

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