Chapter 73

Kadoya looks at the transformed Ultimate Zi-O in shock....The power belongs to him!

How could the Ultimate Zi-O possess his power!

How is this possible? This is unscientific!

Could it be that he could obtain his power just by fighting him once?

If so, then he is too amazing!

Kadokawa Saya shook his head and sighed,"He already has your power, brother. What a pity. I wanted to give this to him as a reward. Now forget it if he has it."

Kadokawa Saya took out another DECADE watch, took a look at it with regret, and then threw it back to Kadokawa Shi. Kadokawa

Shi took it and was stunned for a moment, then shouted:"When did you...Xiaoye! Please control yourself!"

"When you give someone something as a gift, of course you have to give something useful. Otherwise, how can it be worthy of your status as a brother? Don’t you think so?"

"You really are!"

Kadoya Shi sighed helplessly. He really had no way to deal with Kadoya Xiaoye. He raised a big ungrateful wolf!

At the same time, the Ultimate Zi-O continued to transform.

"ARMOR.TIME!(Armor Time!)"

Countless illusory cards appeared, surrounding the Ultimate Zi-O, and then suddenly transformed into various illusory Kamen Riders, merging into the Ultimate Zi-O’s body!

"DECA!DECA!DECADE!!!(Decade! Decade! Decade!!!)"

The appearance of Ultimate Zi-O changed dramatically, transforming into Ultimate Zi-O DECADE armored form!

On the iron frame, Black Woz grinned, opened his hands, and celebrated:

"Rejoice! He is the one who has all the power! He is the king of time who transcends time and space and knows the past and the future! At this time, he becomes....."

Kazushi Kadoya interrupted him with disgust,"Hey, who are you talking to?"

Black Wozniacki froze halfway through his recitation, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward, but this was his job, and he still had to recite it. If he was interrupted, he would have to start over again.

"cough cough..."

He cleared his throat and shouted again:"Celebrate!..."

"You talk too much."

Kazushi snatched the book from his hand, closed it, and threw it back to him, interrupting Black Woz's celebration again.

Black Woz smiled awkwardly and said,"Forget it, anyway, I am celebrating for Oma Zi-O and Ultra Zi-O, I am just a guest appearance."

Suddenly, a powerful and passionate voice came from the sky:

"Congratulations! He is the one who has all the power in one! He can ride the world! He can transcend time and space! He is the king of the world who knows the past and the future! Now he has obtained the power of another Kamen Rider! He has transformed into Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O - Decade Armored Form!"

At this time, a young man in a fiery red windbreaker was floating in the sky. This man looked exactly like Woz!

"That's it!!!"

Black Wozniacki's eyes widened, looking at the person in the sky who looked exactly like him in shock.

Kazushi Kadoya kept looking back and forth between the two people, and was sure that they were basically the same person, just wearing different clothes.

"Isn't that Woz too? What's going on?"

Black Woz was confused and said,"How should I know? I'm also very curious!"

Kadokaya Saya always maintained a beautiful smile and said,"It seems that he is also in the same group as the Ultimate Zi-O. How interesting. Brother Xiao Tian seems very mysterious." Hearing the passionate voice in the air, Xiao Tian was also stunned for a moment. When he saw the appearance of the man in the air, he was even more shocked.

Isn't this fucking Woz!? He came out to celebrate for him. What's going on?

White Woz shouldn't come out so soon. Is it because of his appearance that history has changed?

Also, doesn't White Woz wear white clothes? Why did he change to a red windbreaker?

Things are becoming more and more mysterious!

Now Xiao Tian can no longer see the direction of the plot.,

Red Windbreaker Woz in the Air closed a thick book that was opened, and there were several big words on the book:

《"Ultimate Zi-O: The History of All Worlds"!

Woz in a red windbreaker slowly floated down and landed beside Kadoya and the other two. Seeing the big words on the book, Black Woz was completely shocked.

If he guessed correctly, this was also him, but this him was not a minister of Oma Zi-O, but a minister of the Ultimate Zi-O!

Due to the appearance of the Ultimate Zi-O, history changed, and thus another person was born, a man who changed his plan and served the Ultimate Zi-O!

"Hey, I say, who among you is Woz?"

The red windbreaker Woz smiled faintly, and said to the shocked Black Woz:"Another me, why are you so surprised? You should know that Oma Zi-O is no longer the king of this world. The Ultimate Zi-O is the pinnacle of this world! My name is Woz, or you can also call me——"

"Ultimate Woz!"

"Ultimate Woz?!"

Black Woz was trembling in his heart, is that really the case!

Kadoya smiled coldly and said:"I don't care who you are, you'd better not quarrel in my ear, I will kill myself when I get ruthless."

Ultimate Woz was calm and smiled:"You won't, your relationship with Ultimate Zi-O has just begun"


Kamen Rider looked at Ultimate Woz with a sidelong glance and said disdainfully:"I am just a Kamen Rider passing by, a destroyer of this world, remember this."

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