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"Hey Hey hey...! You two keep your distance!" Brother

Meijia turned over and stood between Xiaotian and Meijia with full energy.

His sister was such a good cabbage, how could he tolerate being pushed by a pig like this....You're going too far....

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly. This brother-in-law was too protective of his sister. They hadn't done anything yet, but he treated them like that.

Meijia grinned, revealing her white teeth.

"Bro, I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm fine to begin with, what could possibly happen to me? If you're fine, then I'm fine too!"

He said this with great righteousness, totally unaware that he had just turned into an alien knight.

Mei Jia walked over and said with a smile:"Brother, it was this brother Xiao Tian who saved you, you should thank him, don't look at him with such hostility"

"He saved me? What happened just now?"

Brother Meijia was stunned for a moment, looking at the three people in confusion, and found that they were all looking at him with a smile on their faces.

What's going on? Did he miss something?

Why does it feel like they are completely on different channels?

"Nothing happened, Meijia, we should go back."

Xiao Tian took out a watch, turned it on, threw it into the air, and the Ultimate Time Demon Machine appeared.

"Wait! I haven't made it clear yet! Meijia, you have to be careful, keep your eyes open, you have to remember that men are all pigs!"


Meijia covered her mouth and smiled, and said,"I know, brother, don't worry, I will be careful and won't let the bad guys succeed easily."

After speaking, she secretly glanced at Xiao Tian. Meijia's brother was looking at him warily at the same time, while Meijia looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not a good person....Ah! I'm not a bad person!"

The two Meijia covered their mouths and laughed at the same time. Brother Xiao Tian is so cute....

Brother Meijia looked at Xiao Tian warily and threatened:"Young man, I advise you to be kind. My sister is innocent. You'd better not bully her, otherwise, I will not let you go!"

They came from the future, and he couldn't change anything. There was only so much he could do.

Meijia blushed and blamed: Don't talk nonsense, he and I are not that kind of relationship..."

"Not now, but maybe in the future, men or something, okay, brother won't interfere with your choice, but don't be fooled by bad people, you must be happy, listen."

Meijia's face turned redder, and she lowered her head and was embarrassed to look at Xiao Tian. He was obviously their benefactor, but he had to suffer such treatment. How could this be possible?

"I understand, brother, you are so long-winded. I will not talk to you anymore. We are going back. Let's go, brother Xiao Tian."

Meijia took the lead to walk onto the Ultimate Time Magic Machine. Meijia's brother looked at him helplessly. Although he said a little more, it was all for her good.

Alas....I'm so sincere....

Xiao Tian was speechless. His brother-in-law really understood men too well. No man could resist beautiful women.

"In that case, we will go back first. Goodbye."

Xiao Tian waved to the two people in 2015, turned around and walked onto the Ultimate Time Magic Machine.

When the cabin door closed, Xiao Tian also heard the voice of Meijia's brother:

"Man! I advise you to be kind!..."

The cabin door closed, and Meijia's voice became much quieter.

Xiao Tian smiled helplessly. This brother-in-law is not easy to deal with.

"Brother Xiao Tian, don't mind it. My brother is just like that. He is not familiar with you yet. Once he gets familiar with you, he will become very enthusiastic. He is a very good person."

Mei Jia explained embarrassedly. This is too embarrassing....Her brother is unusually talkative today.

"I know, we are going back."

Xiao Tian activated the Ultimate Time Magic Machine and determined the time to go back.

"Time-space transfer system, activated!"

The time-space tunnel opened, and the Ultimate Time Demon Machine passed through it and disappeared.

""Brother! What are you doing? Brother Xiao Tian is a good man. He just helped us save you. Have you forgotten that you turned into a monster?"

Mei Jia blamed her brother resentfully. Really, he is nagging like a woman.

"Monster? What monster? Are you saying I turned into a monster?"

"No way? You really don't remember anything about what happened just now?"

Meijia's brother shook his head in confusion.

Meijia began to describe what happened before to her brother vividly, and he was stunned.

"Is everything you said true?"

"What do you think? If it weren't for Brother Xiao Tian, how could you still be standing here chatting with me so comfortably? You monster, don't you know where to eat people?"

"yes...Is that so?"

Brother Meijia scratched his head embarrassedly, and his impression of Xiaotian changed a lot.

That guy turned out to be a righteous Kamen Rider.

No wonder he has such advanced technological machines. If Meijia can really be with him, he should be able to protect Meijia very well.

I don't know if Meijia's silly sister will seize the opportunity.

If you meet Xiaotian in the future, you must apologize and get to know him.

"Hey, did Meijia from the future tell me where Xiao Tian lives?"If there is Xiao Tian in the future, then there should be Xiao Tian in their era, right?

Meijia from the past shook her head and said,"No...."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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