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Meijia's face turned red like an apple, and she scolded:"If you keep talking nonsense, I will kick you out!"

Meijia's brother laughed heartily and said:"Haha, you are still shy? Why weren't you shy when I saw you three years ago? You kissed me shamelessly. Brother still remembers everything!"

"Oh! Get out, get out, get out!"

Meijia blushed and pushed her brother out the door.

"Hey, hey, hey, you silly sister, how could your brother not know what you are thinking about? I am helping you, silly sister!"

"You go, you go, you go..."

Meijia pushed her brother out of the door and locked it decisively.

Meijia's brother grinned outside the door. This silly sister is still shy. If you have something to say, just say it directly. When a girl chases a boy, it's easy to get him. When a boy chases a girl, it's hard to get him.

Meijia is so beautiful. If she works hard, she will get the person she likes. It would be a pity if she misses it.

After all, Xiaotian is such a decent Kamen Rider, which suits his taste.

"Sister! Follow your heart and express it decisively! Don't be shy, you hear me?"

"you go!!!"

""Okay, okay, I'll go."

Meijia's brother smiled and shook his head, then turned and left.

He was really worried about this silly sister.

Meijia took a deep breath and calmed her restless heartbeat.

She was stupid, but he was stupid, Meijia secretly complained. She was a girl, how could she be so direct? She didn't want to save face.

What if Xiao Tian thought she was not a reserved girl and had a bad impression of her? What should she do?...

It took a long time for Meijia to calm down, but the faint blush on her face never faded away.

It was all her brother's fault. The atmosphere was so awkward now.

""I'm sorry, Brother Xiao Tian, you shouldn't talk nonsense. He is a bit nervous and always talks nonsense. You also felt it three years ago. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Mei Jia returned to the table and apologized.

Xiao Tian ate and drank enough, burped, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair.

"I know, your brother is really an honest person, and he's easy to get along with. I like his personality."

"Really? That's good. Then do you like my personality?"Mei Jia blushed and whispered.

Xiao Tian's heartbeat accelerated when she saw her cute appearance.

It seemed that after three years, Mei Jia had opened her heart to him. Judging from the performance of the elder brother-in-law just now, Mei Jia, this little girl, fell in love with him.

Xiao Tian was secretly delighted. He really liked this feeling.

"A girl like Meijia is so good, she is pretty, gentle, and cooks delicious food. Any normal boy would like her."

"Then, Brother Xiao Tian, do you like me too?"

Mei Jia's voice became lower and lower. She would never say these words under normal circumstances.

Xiao Tian pondered for a while and did not answer immediately. It was true that he liked Mei Jia, but this kind of feeling was not like the feelings of ordinary men and women.

He was a time traveler, and he hoped to have a group of beautiful women, but it did not mean that he could be irresponsible.

He hoped that every woman who became his was willing and could accept his fickleness.

If she didn't want to, he would rather let her live at her original pace and not participate in his world.

"Of course I like you, Meijia. I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. I hope you can be my woman, but there is one thing you need to know. I am a playboy. I may have many women. I hope you can think it over carefully. If you can't accept it,..."

Meijia walked to Xiao Tian and put her finger on his lips, stopping him from continuing.

"I understand. My brother has told me many times that all crows are black and there is no man who is not unfaithful. Brother Xiao Tian is a normal man, so I understand."

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment. What Brother Meijia instilled in her was really...

It's not good to see through men so clearly....

"Since you understand, I won't say much. I respect your choice, and I hope you can think it over carefully and don't make a hasty decision."

Mei Jia shook her head calmly and said gently,"I have been thinking about this issue for three years. The only thing I am worried about is that you, Brother Xiao Tian, don't like me. I don't want to consider other issues."

Mei Jia...

Xiao Tian didn't expect Mei Jia to be so affectionate to him, which surprised him.

He originally wanted to keep things slow, but he didn't expect Mei Jia to be so proactive.

The girl has expressed her feelings to this extent, but if he still doesn't accept it, isn't he worse than a beast?

"Silly girl."

Xiao Tian gently embraced Mei Jia and held her in his arms. This action already explained Xiao Tian's choice.

Mei Jia's mouth corners raised, and she raised a beautiful smile. She was very happy because the thing she had been looking forward to for three years finally came true....

Meijia took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Xiaotian's waist, and the two hugged each other, speechless and heartwarming.

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