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Kadokaya Saya waves to Xiao Tian as she walks towards the door

"Then I'll go first. If you want any reward, you can tell me. If I can satisfy you, I will try my best to satisfy you."

After saying that, she winked at Xiao Tian like she was flirting with him, and then left Chao Jiu Wan Wu Tang with Kadoya Shi. Kadoya

Shi's scolding voice came from outside the door, gradually spreading away.

Xiao Tian smiled faintly, this Kadoya Xiaoye is a bit funny, why don't you leave a contact number.

Want to tell her about the reward? Where can I find her?


The next morning.

It was another beautiful day.

I woke up again under Tsukuyomi's call. Downstairs, Gates and Tokiwa Sougo were doing their daily routine.

Tokiwa Sougo was wearing pajamas, and Gates held a piece of bread to his neck and said sternly::

"I'm going to get to know you here today!"

Tokiwa Sougo didn't take it seriously at all,"Don't be like this, you always make a lot of noise but do little, and always scare me, is that fun?"

Tokiwa Sougo pushed Gates away and walked towards the dining table. Gates kicked him on the butt and knocked him to the ground

"You are filling the future with despair! I came here to stop you, but the situation has changed. Two inexplicable guys, Kadoya Shi and Ultimate Woz, have appeared. Before you are defeated by Kadoya Shi, I will kill you with my own hands.……"

Tokiwa Sougo stood up with a grin and said nonchalantly:"What can you do to me?"

Gates changed the subject, grabbed Tokiwa Sougo's shoulders and said earnestly:"It's not too late now, throw away your belt, so that you won't become Oma Zi-O!"

Xiao Tian yawned as he passed by the two of them.

"You two must have had a bad fate in your previous life. You can fight so passionately every morning. If you throw away the belt, won't you become Oma Zi-O? You are too naive. Gates"

"what do you mean?"

"Even if his belt is destroyed, you will still give him your belt, do you believe it?"

"How is this possible! How could this happen? I was so happy that Oma Zi-O's belt was destroyed, how could I possibly give it to him?"

"If you don't believe me, forget it. Stop talking nonsense and have breakfast.……"

"Wait a minute!"

Xiao Tian just picked up the knife and fork, and Yue Du shouted

"Have you forgotten something again?"

Xiao Tian was so confused that he asked,"What?""

"Go brush your teeth and wash your face!"

Tsukuyomi came over and dragged Xiao Tian to the bathroom.

Tokiwa Sougo looked at him enviously and sighed:"Tsukuyomi is so good to Xiao Tian!……"

Gates grabbed Tokiwa Sougo by the collar again and asked,"It's none of your business whether they are good or not! Why do you have to be determined to become a demon king?"

"There is no reason for this, maybe I was born to be a king."

Tokiwa Junichiro came out with a dish and just happened to hear the conversation between the two.

"What are you talking about becoming king? Then Sougo, tell them about your dream."

"Do it……"

Black Wozniacki suddenly appeared at the door and said to himself:"Dream? That's really interesting."

Several people in the restaurant also noticed Wozniacki who appeared at the door.


"You are here, Woz."

Xiao Tian came out of the bathroom. He was not too surprised by Woz's appearance. It was just the normal development of the plot.

Tokiwa Junichiro smiled and said,"It's you. You must be Sougo's friend, the serious customer who came to repair the clock last time."

"That's right, can you help me fix it?"

Hey Woz took out an old broken clock.

Tokiwa Junichiro's eyes lit up immediately.

"Is this a clock?! Okay! I'm happy to help!"

Tokiwa Junichiro excitedly took the broken clock handed over by Black Woz and looked at it carefully.

This guest is indeed a serious guest!

"You have a good eye for choosing our house. I will definitely help you fix it. Then I will fix it first and skip breakfast."

Tokiwa Junichiro walked towards the repair room with the clock, muttering as he walked.:

"It's badly damaged. This will take some time.……"

Tokiwa Sougo was not happy about the arrival of Black Woz, but was slightly displeased.

Because he knew that Woz had teamed up with the Time Robber.

"Woz, I want to ask you something. You have already stood on the side of the Time Robber, right?"

Xiao Tian ignored them and ate his breakfast by himself, just listening quietly.

Woz said calmly:"You can understand it this way"

"What on earth do you want to do, can you tell me your purpose?"

"You'd better not worry about this for now. Something bad is happening outside.……"

Is that really the case? Xiao Tian put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth with the tissue.

"Is the Great Demon God Machine about to appear?"

Black Woz raised his mouth,"Ultimate Zi-O-sama knows a lot, yes, the Great Demon God Machine is about to come! Feel the fear! Hahahaha……!"

""Great Demon God Machine?!"

Gates and Tsukuyomi were shocked and ran out of the door.

Tokiwa Sougo was confused. Great Demon God Machine? What is the Great Demon God Machine?

"Let's go and have a look first."



Above the city, seven spiral holes slowly opened up, and seven giant robots slowly descended, making sharp chirping sounds. These seven giant robots were the Great Demon Machines belonging to Oma Zi-O!

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