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TảTime: 0.044s Scan: 0.058sChapter


"Of course, I'm not stupid, and I won't let you suffer any loss. Come on, let's make a promise and never regret it."

Kadokaya Saya put down her coffee cup and extended her pinky finger to Aola.

Aola smiled bitterly and extended her pinky finger, hooking it with hers.



The Ultimate Zi-O punched Kachen, who flew backwards and hit the wall. Kachen, who landed on the ground, seemed to be uninjured. He shook off the dust on his body and fought with the Ultimate Zi-O again.

Gates frowned, clenched his fists, and turned his sharp eyes from the battlefield to Tokiwa Sougo.

Tokiwa Sougo shuddered in fear. This cold little look was a bit scary.

"What are you doing, Gates? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I must make up my mind now. I am a soldier. I have come to this era. Of course, I must use all means to prevent the future from developing in the worst direction."

Gates paused and continued:"I once thought that because of the appearance of us and Xiao Tian, you would not become a vicious demon king, so I let you go like this."

"Now it seems that Xiao Tian and I were both wrong. History is still moving in the direction of Oma Zi-O. Now I must be a warrior again!"

Gates took out his Kamen Rider watch and held it tightly.


Tokiwa Sougo didn't know what to say.

No matter how much he said, it was not as convincing as the development of history. He felt Gates' determination.

"Gates, you……"

"Stop talking! Let's make a decision here today!"

Gates decisively activated the Knight's watch and loaded the data into the watch head.



"RIDER.TIME!KAMENRIDER.GEIZ!("Knight's Moment! Kamen Rider Gates!"

Kamen Rider Gates clenched his fists, opened his five fingers, and his exclusive weapon bow appeared.

"I came to this era to defeat you, I won't hesitate any longer!"

Hearing Gates' resolute voice, Tokiwa Sou knew that the battle was inevitable, so he would use his actions to tell him that he could be the most benevolent and kind devil.

"Time Drive!"

"ZI-O!(Zi-O! )"

"RIDER.TIMEKAMENRIDER.ZI-O!("Knight's Moment! Kamen Rider Zi-O!"

Gates rushed towards Zi-O without hesitation and attacked him fiercely.

Xiao Tian noticed the two people fighting and couldn't help but sigh.

These two fell on the street, it's really troublesome!

""Your Majesty the Demon King!"

Seeing that Gates and Zi-O had started fighting, Jiachen had no intention of getting too entangled with Ultimate Zi-O, so he gave up on Ultimate Zi-O and rushed towards Gates.

Xiao Tian was about to chase him when an illusory wall suddenly appeared in front of him, and a man in a suit holding a camera slowly walked out of it.

Wang Xiaoming! (Kadoya Shi!)

Damn it, you came out at the right time

"Your opponent is me, the Ultimate Zi-O." Kadoya took out the Transformation Device and stuck it on his lower abdomen.

"Wang Xiaoming, are you here to get beaten?"

Wang Xiaoming?

Kadoya was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked around, and found that he was the only one around.

"Wang Xiaoming is referring to me?"

Kadoya asked, pointing at himself.

"Am I talking to the air? Why, are you dissatisfied with this nickname?"

Kadoya Kadoya grinned and said,"Haha, not really. This nickname has a bit of Chinese culture. There's nothing wrong with having another Chinese name. I'll accept it reluctantly." Kadoya

Kadoya pulled out the card of Kamen Rider DECADE and swiped it on the transformation device at his waist.


"KAMENRIDE!(Masked Driving! )"

"DECADE!(Kamen Rider DECADE! )"

Kadoya opened his hands casually, and an illusory knight figure appeared around him, gathering around him and transforming into Kamen Rider DECADE.

Xiao Tian did not hesitate, and directly took out the DECADE watch and started it, loading the watch head

"DECADE!(Decade! )"

"ARMORTIME(Armored Moment! )"

Countless translucent cards appeared, surrounding the Ultimate Zi-O, and then transformed into the appearance of various knights, converging on the Ultimate Zi-O, transforming into the DECADE armored form.

"DECADECADECADE(Decade! Decade! Decade! )"

Kadoya Shi laughed and said:"Isn't that my timepiece? It always feels weird to fight with myself."

"Weird? You ungrateful loser, you eat my food and still want to cause trouble for me, doesn't this feel weird?"

""I feel a little ashamed when you say that. As for why I did this, I'm still trying to figure it out. Forget it, I'll just change my form and fight you."

Kazushi Kadoya took out another card and swiped it on the Transformer.

"KAMENRIDE!(Masked Driving! )"

"BUILD!(Create a Ride! )"

"HAGANE.NO.MOONSALTO!(Steel Moon Counterattack! )"

"RABBITTANK!(Rabbit tank form! )"_

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