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Swartz coldly glanced at Xiao Tian and Kadashi Xiaoye who were chatting happily not far away, and frowned.

Kadashi Shi's departure already meant that today's plan had failed, and there was no need to watch this battle any longer.

"Ultimate Zi-O, Oma Zi-O...hehe..."

Swartz sneered, turned around and walked away. He disappeared after a few steps.

Is he leaving?

Xiao Tian saw Swartz's departure. He was a troublesome person. Once he left, the battle would become much easier.

On the other side, Gates killed the robot controlled by Ur, and Ur disappeared.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Aura retreated immediately. In the blink of an eye, all the Time Robbers left the scene, leaving only a killing machine, Jiachen, still fighting with Zi-O.

"It seems that the battle is over, so I will leave first. Goodbye."

Menya Xiaoye smiled and waved to Xiao Tian, then turned and walked away

"Strange woman..."

Xiao Tian murmured, and changed from Kamen Rider form back to human form.


The Time Demon Machine controlled by Tsukuyomi landed in front of Xiao Tian, the cabin door opened, and Tsukuyomi hurried down.

"Xiaotian, what did that woman tell you?"

Tsukuyomi looked at Kadokawa Saya warily.

She didn't think Kadokawa Saya was a good person. She must have other purposes for contacting Xiaotian.

"Nothing, just chatting for a while"

"Chatting? She seems to be something special. Better be careful."

"I know my limits, don't worry."

Xiao Tian looked at Zi-O who was still fighting. They had been fighting for long enough. It was embarrassing to tell others that the master and servant had been fighting for so long.

Oma Zi-O was also a failure. His loyal servant was actually used by others to assassinate him. Could there be a bigger failure than this?

Gates controlled the Time Devil Machine and stepped on Jiachen. The two attacked Jiachen together. Jiachen was defeated and was finally killed by Zi-O. He disappeared after the explosion.

"Thank you, Gates!"

Tokiwa Sougo changed from Kamen Rider form back to human form and thanked Gates.

He had never expected Gates to help him. You know, not long ago, Gates was still shouting that he had decided to do it.

Gates walked out of the Time Demon Machine and

"Don't thank me, thank Xiao Tian. I believe Xiao Tian can stop you and defeat you, otherwise you would have died at my hands."Gates said coldly..

"I don't care, I'll just take it as you helping me"

"It's up to you."

Gates ignored Tokiwa Sougo and walked towards Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi.

Tokiwa Sougo also followed and came to Xiao Tian and others and said:

"Everyone, do you want to go with me to see the Great Demon Machine? It seems a bit dangerous for me to go alone."

"What's so interesting? Let's go back. The Great Demon Machine will naturally be reported in the news when it awakens. You can see why you ran away at home."

Xiao Tian turned and walked towards the Nine-Wan Wutang, and Yue Du and Gates followed.


Tokiwa Sougo sighed helplessly and followed Xiao Tian's footsteps.......

This evening is Christmas


"Come, I've prepared a full Christmas dinner, let's eat!"

Tokiwa Junichiro carried the last big cake and placed it on the dining table, which was full of dishes.

What was different today was that there was one more person eating with them, and that person was Mika.

On Christmas Eve, of course, you have to eat with your boyfriend.

"You two, have you really become a couple?"

Tsukuyomi was jealous, and her heart tightened.

"Yes, it happened not long ago."

Xiao Tian smiled and held Mika's hand. Mika blushed and lowered her head.

Tokiwa Junichiro looked at Xiao Tian and Tsukuyomi with pity. He thought they would have a chance to be together, but he didn't expect Xiao Tian to steal the hearts of other girls so quickly. What a pity!

"It's really hard to say about young people's feelings. Nowadays, there are so many couples who fall in love at first sight, hahahaha..."

Meijia blushed and whispered:"Brother Xiao Tian and I have known each other for three years."

"Three years?"

Tsukuyomi and the others looked at Xiao Tian in surprise. When did this bastard go back to the past to pick up girls?

"What are you doing? I'm a good person. Don't watch the incident with the alien spirit rider anymore. Have a good Christmas."

"No! You must make your affairs clear!"

"This is not good! How can you dig into other people's privacy?...."

The Christmas dinner was spent with everyone gossiping and asking questions, adding a bit of the noisy atmosphere of normal life.......

2018 has passed quietly, and 2019 has arrived.

On the first night of the new year of 2019, on the roof of a high-rise building in the city, several green lightning flashes continuously.

A translucent green square space-time tunnel is formed, showing a time:


"TIMEMAZINE! (Time Magic Machine!)"

A green and white Time Magic Machine flew out of the tunnel and landed steadily on the roof.

The cabin door opened, and a man in white clothes, holding a high-tech e-book and wearing a peaked cap walked out, with a slight smile on his face._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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