Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1054: 19.Panzer.Vor! (3)

Prüm, 9th, 16pm.

"After supper, there will be a batch of new spare parts available. You can take someone to check and confirm the quantity before signing. Don't worry about how the guys in the logistics department are crooked, this is not a drill. If something goes wrong, everyone can't keep their heads. "

"Yes, sir!"

"Check the enemy-self identification device again, work **** the preparation class, and put another anti-aircraft identification mark on the roof of the car. I don't want to be blown up by myself."

"Observe, sir!"

"Have the'OBM' sent in the morning pass? This time the task is very heavy. We must cross the 170 kilometers of rugged mountain roads within 60 hours to reach the Maas River. Officers and soldiers should do well for 3 days without sleeping ready."

"It's all posted, together with the "Anti-Fatigue Guide." I have also told various medical classes. If anyone finds that there is an uncomfortable reaction to the medication, immediately organize treatment."


After a hurry, Nona waved the medical officer and the logistics officer back, and walked between the neatly arranged chariots accompanied by several company commanders. Looking up at the fierce war machines, the colors of tension and excitement passed her eyes.

It is a legendary sum in the history of war, enough to be included in the history textbooks of the miracle battle that the descendants look up to-it is an honour for soldiers who can take part in battles of such important significance and regard honor as life. And being able to serve as a vanguard in such a one-hit battle to change the world has made the 101st heavy armored battalion that has been descended from Nona jump up and down.

The only thing that makes them unhappy is that the waiting time is too long.

For a whole month since the beginning of the month, the B Group Army was in standby. Day-to-day exercises quickly march, clear obstacles, repair bridges and pave roads, and rush to land. The high-intensity training has given the group army a certain degree of experience on how to quickly pass through rugged and narrow roads. During the exercise, it also worked together to discover and solve various problems, laying a solid foundation for the rapid passage of the Ardennes in the future.

After high-intensity training, the morale of the group army is even higher, and it is more urgent to enter the battle as soon as possible.

This is not only true for soldiers, but also for officers. Officers who are worried that soldiers will be eroded by the food, beautiful scenery, and the excellent life of a hot bath once a day will be more urgent than soldiers, eager to fight as soon as possible.

But it is not the front-line officers who decide when the battle will start. Even the General Staff has no power to decide. The timing of starting the revolving door is composed of several crucial factors.

The depth of the Charlemagne's army on the Rhine front;

The combat readiness of the B Corps of the Defense Forces;

The deployment of the Charlemagne army in the Ardennes to Sedan areas and the command of the Defence Forces;

Has the development of the international situation formed a situation of full isolation of Charlemagne?

When Charlemagne's domestic economic crisis broke out;

Weather in Ardennes;

The first three items are purely military elements, and have generally entered the final stage; the fourth item has also been completed with Charlie Man’s unremitting efforts. The countries that have been heavily chased by Charlemagne are now in anger. The group of realist animals of interest are certainly not determined to assist Yalfheim, but at least for a considerable period of time, they will look at Charlemagne. This period may not be very long, but it is enough for Alfheim to establish the situation before the countries react; the fifth item officially broke out a few days ago, Charlemagne’s economy is like a stepping on the throttle and rushing into the cliff The car continues to crash at a rate that will cause everyone to change color.

There is no doubt that it was Yalfheim who made the last cut to Charlemagne's economy.

When the Charlemagne authorities made up their minds to issue massive gold coupons to solve government expenditures and military expenditures, the outbreak of inflation was doomed, and no one could deviate from the laws of economics to stop this disaster. This is like a snowball pushed down from the top of the mountain. During the rolling process, the volume and mass are continuously increased while accumulating potential energy. When the last reaches the foot of the mountain, the snowball has become an avalanche disaster.

Of course, this requires a process, price fluctuations, the issuance of gold bonds, the expansion of bureaucratic monopoly capital, the decline of private capital, official precious metals and foreign exchange reserves... etc., from quantitative change to qualitative change requires cumulative fermentation, if it is natural development, at least It will take three years for the economic crisis to break out completely.

It took only a few weeks for Alfheim to successfully detonate Charlemagne's economy.

Why is this happening?

The answer is actually very simple. It is Yalfheim who controls the circulation of materials.

It doesn't matter whether it's precious metals, banknotes, or materials. Only when there is demand is there value. To a certain extent, precious metals and foreign exchange dominate the market order, but only gold and silver and foreign exchange can be used as guarantees, but there is no equivalent of living materials, production materials, industrial products, and agricultural products. The currency is still just a stamp. Digital paper, gold and silver are nothing but a pile of shiny, inedible, unusable waste.

People need food, cloth, and fuel for their lives. If gold, silver, and banknotes cannot be exchanged for these things, then it is meaningless. The currency that can be exchanged for living materials and that can really play the role of the purchase medium is the real money in people's eyes, and the currency that is trustworthy. This is why the Alfheim mark is repeatedly banned in Charlemagne, but the value has always been strong and has been in circulation. Because there is sufficient precious metal reserves behind this currency as a guarantee, there is more massive material support.

All industrial capacity and means of production of Charlemagne are given priority to military production, coupled with the squeeze of bureaucratic monopoly capital on private production enterprises and the surge of popular speculation, Charlemagne’s production and living materials industry has actually collapsed. Now it is just barely maintained by the previous reserves. After the supplies of Agento Raton flow into the rear, they are successively invested in the black market to change hands, after speculation of high prices. Under the dual psychological effects of making a fortune dream and worrying about damage to one's own interests, more materials are flooding into the black market, and materials are scarce on the market. The more gold certificates are printed, the higher the price.

It is this time that Alfheim has been waiting.

Their approach is very simple. While withdrawing from Ajanto Raton, a large number of silver coins were thrown out to grab shopping resources from the black market. After the material purchases were almost completed, they announced that they would no longer accept silver coins as trading currencies after gold coupons. Mmack is the only currency in circulation.

At this time, the international trade is either the gold standard currency or the Yalfheim mark, and the silver coins are depreciating every day. Emptying them as soon as possible can avoid losses. More importantly, Charlemagne is still the silver standard at this time. No matter how depreciated silver is, it is still a precious metal. All of it depends on a large amount of silver as a credit guarantee, and the gold coupons did not immediately collapse. But what if even the silver coins are devalued and cannot even be used for purchase transactions? What is that gold certificate? Toilet paper for toilet?

What's more terrible is that not only are there scarce materials on the market, but even the black market is difficult to find traces of living materials, because the main supplier on the black market is still Yalfheim. In front of this currency issuer, exchange rate setter, supplier and game rule maker, Charlemagne's businessmen and people simply could not resist. They can neither produce the materials they need, nor have a strong currency, nor have hedging foreign exchange and gold reserves, and even the only supply and marketing channel is in the other's hands. Faced with this kind of super-monopoly trust, people are not allowed to protest or question (Li Lin: golf card, side card, plus host, co-class, all units, all are my people, how do you fight me?!乛? 乛).

Dare to protest? Would you like to experience a life of eating grass roots and gnawing bark? Don't worry, what you have is opportunity.

Complaint? Well, don’t say that I am Alfheim is a first-class international citizen, who dares to pick up your false accusation by Charlie Man, a fourth-class international. There are no international rules and institutions for arbitration. I don’t think I need to be afraid.

Monopoly can really do whatever it wants.

So ~www.readwn.com~ In a very short period of time, people throw out a lot of silver coins, and gold coupons are completely waste paper. Adults use whole bundles of soaked gold round coupons to cook on fire, because it is more resistant to burning. The children used golden coupons to build blocks and origami. From officials to the public, every attempt was made to exchange the mark. Many people exchanged the gold heirloom jewelry from the underground to the black market for the mark, and then went to buy the necessities of life. Even if you don’t need to buy it for a while, people will save it to preserve its value. More people took the national debt and gold savings certificate to the National Bank and underground banks to snap up gold to exchange for the mark. Innumerable banks and money houses went bankrupt overnight. A large number of beautifully printed gold round notes filled the streets like fallen leaves. With the closure of shops, the streets of beggars, the yellow skinny scenes of passers-by, and a doom-like gloomy atmosphere that swept across the entire Charlemagne land. .

And Yalfheim not only made Mark the only currency in circulation in Charlemagne, but also successfully inhaled Charlemagne’s private gold reserves in large quantities at low prices. By the way, it also broke the last trace of Charlemagne’s trust in the government. Governments that don’t know anything except banknotes and enemies everywhere are no longer regarded by the people as "us" and "one's own." As long as there is a sufficiently heavy military defeat, everyone will completely abandon it.

——Just kick the broken door and the whole broken house will collapse.

Now it's time to take this goal.

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