Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1081: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (19)

"It's hard work."

The man in front of him didn't look back, and his cold back dropped his stern and warm greetings. The long-eared wisdom standing beside him actually bowed down and performed a graceful gesture. With a dignified and skilled and heroic appearance, it has a visual beauty. But if you want to ask the other party how much respect, Lucia thinks that it is too much thinking.

Under normal circumstances, it is unimaginable for intelligent species to disrespect ancient species. Even without the "Long Wei" effect, in front of a dragon with open eyes, the wise species can only imagine how they will be eaten or stepped on by wearing wet pants. Now... well, there is an outstanding leader who is strong enough, let alone ignore it, even if this one day whim wants to experience the feeling of a dragon cavalry, the dragon family goes up and down from the long-old dragon to the **** The little female dragons still sticking to the eggshell must all lie on the ground and wait for the adult to choose the lucky one (unlucky egg) to show his MAX level riding skills.

From planes, missiles, submarines, black dragons, dangerous species, Chimera, female elves...cough...can ride anyway, this adult has ridden (Roland: This cargo is a fighter in Rider... Li Lin: I am the man who became the king of riding.), riding a dragon...cough, it should be no problem.

The topic is a bit far away.

Lucia didn't have much opinion on Li Lin's lukewarm attitude, and even Brenhill's attitude could not make her feel or fluctuate.

Times have changed.

The obsolete things of the old era are crushed and engulfed by the tide in the tide of the times. In the vortex of ambition and strategy, iron and blood, strength is everything. In the process of breaking the tradition and gradually revealing the new order from tons of blood, nostalgia for the past and escape from reality is a deadly poison, not only killing yourself, but also often harming the surroundings. If you want to protect yourself and your clan from drowning in the chaos of the times, you must either rise up or choose your side. Considering the strength comparison of all parties, and various inside information, holding the thigh of Alfheim is almost the only way out for the dragon race.

neutral? Rebel against the agent of the will with humans Believe it or not, you make a decision in the morning, and a demon will have a barbecue meeting at the Dragon Clan gathering place at noon. After the event, you will blow up the whole gathering place to the sky to show you?

Perhaps humanists and internationalists cannot agree that the relationship between the state and the population has always operated on the basis of the brutal jungle law and social Darwinism. Even after entering the era of international coordination, let alone this world is still at a stage where imperialism is flourishing and racism is prevailing.

Without strength, it is necessary to rebel against the strong, only to perish.

Not to mention that this strong man is so creepy and so unreasonably strong.

Not to mention those powerful weapons, even the distance-whether it is hundreds or thousands of kilometers-is just a threshold for him and his men to walk through. For this group of people who can easily subvert the values ​​and strategic views so far, and who can do anything, what other people, countries and organizations can compete with? As long as Li Lin is willing, conquering the world is simply a process that only needs to be calculated in hours.

Enemy with this monster? Even just thinking about it made Lucoa shudder.

But Fafna...

"Your Excellency Quezal Coyatelle, do you believe in justice?"

The sense of disobedience across the space and the fear of being rejected, the fear of Fafna and even the whole family have not retreated, and the sudden problems have made Lucia a little puzzled. Diplomatic rhetoric and the price of the brain were suddenly jammed, leaving nothing at all.

"Did you say...justice?"


The decisive response made Lucoa even more difficult to turn, justice? This word would not bring any ridicule, and it came out of this man's mouth abnormally right? What is he thinking?

Hidden with anxiety and violations, Lucoa carefully managed to answer.

"I think...justice recognized by most people exists."

"Very standard answer."

A finger tapping on the desktop is like tapping a piano key, and the sound of poetry and music follows.

"I think that justice exists."

Regardless of the yardstick of measurement, as a generally recognized concept, "justice" does indeed exist in people's hearts. Even the thugs and terrorists who commit cruel acts, when they claim that "we know that we are not on the side of justice, so it is useless to condemn us with reason", there is also the premise of "justice and injustice". .

What is evil.

What is cowardice.

What is cruel.

Without the great premise of justice, it cannot be established, and atrocities can even be rationalized as natural acts of the beast.

"My people and I have our justice. We will not let justice be enforced by ourselves, but let others enforce justice. We will not use "unjust" to cover up conflicts. This is war, and it is also a struggle between different justices and ideas. . Our justice, Charlemagne’s justice, Roland’s justice-all kinds of justice determine who is right through guns rather than verbal debate."

"The verbal debate has no results and is meaningless...?"

"Negotiation is not a problem that cannot be solved, but there has never been the establishment of a country and the change of national borders by negotiation. In conclusion, when conflicts of interest and ideology cannot be reconciled, there is no other means of settlement except war."

"Even if the other party has a deep marriage with themselves?"


The rhythm of the fingers striking the desktop is not chaotic, and the soothing music reverberates in Lucoa's ears.

"'They have forgotten the ultimate purpose, only to see the possibility in front of them, it is simply to lay aside the end' and'Do not give up the possibility, continue to pursue the ideal'-the justice of both sides has its reasonableness and legitimacy, and anyone can convince When no one else is there, in order not to miss the opportunity to change the world~www.readwn.com~ In order to be responsible for his position and most people. Roland or me, the only thing I can do is as a national civil servant or affiliate camp One by one, they are facing each other. This is their own persistence and sincerity for each other."


"Now that the person has made a choice, entanglement and worry are useless."

The percussion sound ceased, and the soft voice reverted back to the steel-tough tone.

"Please tell the Elder the Great Elder, I am very satisfied with the Dragon Clan's attitude, please rest assured. We will try to deal with the relevant matters in the most appropriate way."

"...I really appreciate it"

After bowing to the salute, Lucia turned around and exited the command hall. The noisy noise and the crowded figure quickly erased her trace.

"May I?"

Brenhill leaned over and asked:

"Should it be better to put some pressure on the Dragon Clan?"

"No. Since the other party has fully demonstrated sincerity, we must also soften our body. Moreover, we can make the other party owe us a favor at the minimum cost, and we can still earn it in the long run. This is too greedy. Will cause unnecessary losses."

"You are saying."

"We still have a lot of things to do, and we must look longer, so--"

The corner of the mouth slowly hooked up, and the sound of mockery without a smile sounded:

"There really isn't much time to debate truth and justice with young people who are entangled in right and wrong."

Only children care about right or wrong.

Adults only care about success or failure.

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