Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1101: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (12)

As the opponent predicted, Colonel Lazarus made up his mind to turn Libramont into the battlefield, using a chaotic street battle to block the opponent's rapid mobility.

This was originally an impossible task. Today's battlefield is already in the era of three-dimensional warfare. Without air control, let alone launch an attack. It is the mother god's care to keep a small life under the continuous air raids. With air combat power-high-speed cluster assault MDS, heavy fire attack aircraft, long-stayed battleships-no matter which one can completely destroy the enemy army lying on the ground like a pest. Rather than a annihilation war, it is better to say that it is a unilateral massacre battle.

Even the cavalry, who is extremely scarce in volleys, wants to survive the swept air forces of the enemy? This is really a cruel task.

But nothing is absolute.

Air power certainly has an absolute advantage over ground moving targets, but in turn, if they are busy with other things, can’t free up their hands to take care of the ground?

Don’t rush to say “how is it possible that there is no air force that can compete with the Defense Air Force”. Let's take a look at the situation first.

Generally speaking, the air force’s targets are all enemy air forces. After seizing air supremacy, they are transferred to strategic bombing and tactical attack on the ground. The Ardennes region where the B Group Army Group is located does not have Charlieman’s air power, and the part to seize air control can be omitted. However, this does not mean that they can be relaxed. Battlefield cover, forward reconnaissance, clearing of enemies, transportation escort... Basically, they are in the role of guest aviation aviation, and these tasks have contained nearly one-third of them. Mobile power. When the railway torpedo "Icarus" was discovered, in order to completely capture the railway facilities and eliminate the engineers who damaged the railway bridges, the air force had to further divide the troops. In order to save the fighting power for the next stage, and in order to avoid destroying the road, they can not use the large-caliber gun of the battleship. In the end, they can only choose to let the ground troops race with the 5th Light Cavalry Division.

——While competing for speed and passing quickly, you must not destroy the road. When planning operations on the premise of this dilemma, most of the defense forces have already anticipated this situation. I am afraid that even the exercises have been done.

——However, did the exercise mention that the enemy's stationing position was between Libramont and Neshato?

——If you know this information, can you be as calm and calm as you did during the exercise?

——If you can’t, then sorry, let us take advantage of that anxious mood.

Colonel Lazarus and his cavalry smiled boldly, and ran to death with their beloved horses.


"The enemy is only half an hour away from Libramont! The action is fast! The whole army is looking at us from top to bottom. Do you want to humiliate the reputation of the defense army's undefeated victory?"

"It is already the highest speed! Company commander, if you increase the speed, it will be out of touch with the armored grenadier company!"

"Then maintain this speed! All the car groups have listened! The goddess of victory is lifting your skirt to you, but don't let other men take the lead!"

"Understood! A bang! Sir!"

There were loud shouts on the radio, but Bi Dianfeierte did not smile like "the gang guys" bitterly as in the past.

On Peace Day, speech and performance were reversed. Lieutenant Karl Eberhardt Joseph Bidenfeldt was born into a famous family. His ancestors used to be a famous magician pedigree in the age of the Old Kingdom. He also had a territory and the title of "Von". Now the titles and territories have become illustrious, but the tutor still exists. The officers who have worked with him have rated them as "excellent gentlemen" and "armored knights." Dirty exports and vulgar talk are just gestures made to facilitate closeness with subordinates. For grass-roots officers and soldiers, this kind of river and lake style is more easily accepted by them.

Now that appearance had been stripped, Lieutenant Bi Dianfeldt, who had calmed down, began to carefully count the cards in his hand.

At this time, the forces under the Bidenfeldt command system included his own three companies of 14 Tiger heavy tanks (3 4 tanks, plus 2 command tanks), and an armor throw. The infantry company has 15 armoured personnel carriers and 4 off-road jeep (barrel trucks), as well as 2 3-wheel motorcycles. Together, the two sides are almost equal to more than half of the heavy armored battalion or armored grenadier battalion, not to mention grabbing a village and town, angering a cavalry division, that is, the entire 2nd Army of the Charlemagne Army is in front, and Bidenfeldt is also confident. The pig suddenly put the other party on the duck.

But that was also a hypothetical encounter on the premise of the plains. With today's situation and terrain, the head is hot to play the pig rush, and it really becomes a gift.

According to the combat regulations of the Defense Forces, when using wheeled or tracked vehicles to support the movement of the troops, the maneuvering speed of the head car is 24 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed cannot exceed 32 kilometers. The reason why the marching speed of the armored column is set so low is on the one hand the consideration of safe driving (what kind of road killer is the 32 km/h rear-end), on the other hand is the comfort of the chariot and the armored personnel carrier On a par with civilian vehicles, fatigue caused by high-speed driving and long-distance driving will cause loss of equipment and occupants' physical strength, making them unable to quickly enter the battle (early armored forces also have special service logistics such as the'service team', which is specifically responsible for non-combat At the time of personnel transfer work, you must know that the early models of tanks did not have such high-level equipment as air conditioning. In the summer, they changed to ovens, and in winter they changed to refrigerators. The long-distance off-road march vehicles shook to the bones of all the crew. , Coupled with the smell of generators, lubricating oil, and gunpowder smoke in the closed car body...it is sour and sour), especially those heavy tanks, the impact of the previous high-speed drag racing is showing, although Not too far, but 2 cars have reported abnormal noise from the motor.

Increasing the speed may not only cause the queue to be disconnected, but also cause traffic jams if the Tiger tank accidentally breaks down.

"It seems impossible to catch Libramont before the enemy."

"If you speed up..."

"Don't get the key wrong."

Bi Dianfeierte interrupted Lieutenant Lieutenant Steinmeier Eugen, thunderous voice categorically rejected this idea.

"Which side is more important for the honor of a company and the victory of the whole army? If you win a tactical victory at the cost of strategic failure, a shot in your mouth is much happier than this."

"The commander of the camp commander is--"

"The battalion commander's motto is'adapted to emergency', do you think she would have foreseen this situation? Think about the order again?'Be sure to take the Libramont before the enemy arrives', listen It was won, not the "intact occupation". In other words, the encounter and the tough battle were already within the expected range."

After a pause, he sent to Eugen's ear with an almost hesitant voice.

"...Do you think the townspeople in that town have been evacuated?"

"Impossible. Without mentioning the intelligence blockade of our army, even if the enemy army arrives first, it will take half a day or even a whole day for the average person to load the necessary property and foster care into the carriage. I am afraid that when we arrived in Libramont, the army Make a mess with the people."

"It's a mess...is it?"

"Yes, attacking the enemy forces at this time will definitely affect ordinary people."

The radio fell silent, leaving only current blindness and breathing sounds, until 30 seconds later, a thunderous roar went through all the receiving terminals.

"Pay attention to each row! Pay attention to each row! Confirm the tactical information link on the 16th! All members are in the state of preparation! Listen, as long as there is any house and a window in Libramont town dare to shoot a bullet, you will Immediately attack me with full force! If you see the enemy, you will kill! Have you heard that? If you see the enemy, you will kill!!"

"Observe! Sir!"

A murderous response sounded, and in front of the long line of heavy cat carnivores, the top of the iconic clock tower in Libramont was already vaguely visible.


"Mr. Officer! Mr. Officer! You can't do this! This is a guest house for travelers! Oh, the mother **** is on, be careful! That's an ancestral famous painting!"

The mayor of Libramont, Henry Renell Fillon, stomped his feet while holding a clean and clean porcelain jug to make him sad.

Among Charlieman's completely decaying grassroots officials, the mayor is neither greedy nor incompetent, and once used tourism resources to develop Libramont into a leisure resort town. In the days before the war, the chariots often appeared in Bouillon and Libramont. Those rich people either relax in the hot springs of Bouillon, spend their money in the casino, or enjoy the fun of camping in a forest hut in Libramont.

Now, not only are there no big spenders, but even the wooden houses that were cleaned up and ready to reopen after the war were left with black shoe marks by Qiu Bamen. Uncle Qiu Ba may feel that this is not enough, and encourage the townspeople to leave Their home. How can this tell Mayor Feiyong not to be upset.

Is this justified? ! Is there any other way? ! Do those Yau Babing know what they are doing? How did you raise such a group of bandits and bandits? !

The mayor’s complaint did not receive any response~www.readwn.com~The cavalrymen were busy constructing barricades. The townspeople were hurrying to move the property into the carriage, even the village chief’s two sons were under the command of his mother. Then put all kinds of valuables on the carriage. Everyone is in a hurry to prepare for the battle or to evacuate before the arrival of the group of ghostly beasts. No one has time to care about the mayor's nagging.

The only one who could speak, and was willing to listen, Lazarus corrected and held a telescope on the tallest bell tower in the town, looking into the northeast. When the billowing smoke rose from the jungle, the colonel roared downstairs.

"That group of **** is here! Prepare for battle! Remember! Put them in to fight! Don't waste ammo!"

"Observe, sir!"

"How are they preparing for Yakov?"

"In place! Sir! The shooting position has been set up, and it's almost time to move the thing that can be used to kill the dragon!!"

"Spark off! Stop off!"

A group of cavalry roared all the way and carried a huge box into a small building. The originally bright two-story building was very dark at this time. All the windows were either nailed to the wood or piled with sandbags. The cavalry hurried to a window with only one shooting hole, and took out a giant rifle with a bipod from the box that was taller than people.

This gun is called an "anti-tank rifle", nicknamed "Eins.", which is "a rifle that can only be fired once."

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