Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1105: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan! (15)

What exactly is Blitz?

The only one who can clearly explain this issue is probably the Defense Force and Li Lin. Even Roland, who has a deep knowledge of Yalfheim's inner feelings, would be quite difficult to let him elaborate on this issue.

Blitz is a deep-breaking operation of a large corps, a mechanized operation, a mobile operation, and an annihilation. This is a comprehensive strategic tactic with "fast maneuver" as the core. From a certain point of view, all annihilation battles based on the rapid movement of the big regiment can be called "blitzkrieg". For example, the Soviet Union’s large corps of deep combat thoughts, the “Prague Spring” incident, the Chinese Covenant Group raid on Czechoslovakia, and the US Army’s Operation Desert Storm in the early 1990s can be considered different versions of Blitzkrieg.

The Defence Force's blitz is also a customized version developed according to its own conditions and objective environment, just like the above cases. Due to ills in human resources, the Alfheim Defence Force cannot, like Mao Zi, easily use group-level multi-wave steel torrents to tear open opponents’ defense lines and then expand breakthroughs. If one division is not enough, two divisions and two If the division is not enough, the five divisions are smashed. This kind of trick to drown opponents with their own blood at any cost is unbearable for the elf camp, so they do not hesitate to move closer to the US military who also likes to use technology to kill lives. Relying on the C4ISR system as the basis, the rapid assault of the air-to-ground integration of the combined arms and combat operations of all arms is realized. This is the essence of the blitz of the Defense Force.

in other words--

"Your tactics are useless! Charlieman's cavalry!!"

Bi Dianfelt stood on the command tower shouting loudly, and the billowing iron was rushing towards Libramont.

3 companies now displayed a standard assault formation, each of the three tank rows discharged an inverted V-shaped impact formation, the two rows in the front kept parallel at a distance of 50 meters, and the rear of the two rows It is the third tank platoon, keeping a distance of 100 meters from the front. The company headquarters immediately followed the third row, and finally the infantry fighting vehicle, which was fully loaded with armored grenadiers, acted as a defender and launched a coordinated impact to expand the results.

This is a standard "motorized attack formation", perfect from formation to morale. However, anyone familiar with the Defense Force’s step-by-step coordination tactics will see at a glance that this formation is actually set up on the premise that “the enemy resists no anti-tank obstacles near the front, and the tank guides armored grenadier attacks”. of. When a place such as Libramont, which is full of anti-tank traps, is the target of the strategy, shouldn’t the infantry be the leading unit to clear obstacles for the advance of the chariot? Is it true that Bi Dianfeierte has forgotten his basic tactical knowledge in order to get credit?

Bi Dianfeierte's mental state may be a little exciting, but there is no abnormality, and it is impossible to forget the knowledge that has been deeply remembered on the soul.

The reason why he will adopt this assault formation is just because it is enough.

In front of the Tiger chariot, Libramont is still a sea of ​​fire, and the death angels flying in the sky are still spitting the rain of death, and tons of steel and flames are accurately poured into each In the building, blazing fire and black smoke almost covered the entire sky.

The tactics and layout adopted by Colonel Lazarus are very correct. Judging from the resources and on-site environment in his hands, he has done a very good job.

However, his tactics were well-defined, and the default environment was ignored.

He is not fighting against an army, not a group of army, but an entire system.

The advancement of technology is not just the increase in firepower that flows on the surface. Cannons, tanks, and aircraft are indeed majestic. No one is in awe in front of the steel giant, and no one is in fear. But in the final analysis, these are still machines that require operators to perform. There are no excellent operators, and there is no system that can guarantee their expected performance, but it is just a pile of unmovable and rusty scrap iron.

There are quite a few cases of asymmetric confrontation against weak enemies and success, but it should be noted here that even successful asymmetric confrontation cases are firstly confrontation between the two systems, and secondly with clear targeted In the end, the opponent can’t be led by his nose—the above three, let alone Charlemagne hasn’t researched a ugly man, and Roland himself hasn’t come up with a set of specific theories, at best there are only some tactical guiding principles. The guidance and system to fight against the integrated air-ground cooperation of the defense army that has achieved informationization? In addition to a total devastation that cannot even be called a battle, what other results can be achieved?

The soldiers of the 5th Light Cavalry Division fully realized that they would fail before the action. They might be beaten into honeycombs, shredded into shredded rags, crushed into meat sauce by tank tracks, and used by themselves. The weapons of the chariot exploded to the bones, but they believed that these sacrifices were worthwhile, the enemy’s footsteps would be tripped, and the Zu Congress was saved because of their sacrifices.

For the soldiers in Baoding's mortal heart, is there a better burial place than this?

But if you can’t even see the face of the enemy, you can’t even see the shadow of the chariot, and it turns into ashes under the fierce blow that even steel will melt...

The stormy rain of tracer and rocket bombs washed every building that was hiding over and over again. In front of the 55㎜ and 75㎜ shells, the wooden and masonry building structure was not stronger than the paper-shattered debris, hiding in these fragile The same is true of the human body behind the barrier; the suffocating screams sounded one after another, and they were pressed down a little bit from the top of the head, just when people speculated when the seemingly endless screams would stop, and the 500-kilogram aviation bomb removed them from trouble and The fear was liberated, and even the whole building was turned into ashes in a roar.

The soldiers of the 5th Light Cavalry Division finally waited for their opponents after doing all the combat preparations. However, they did not come from the imaginary armored forces without defense, but a whole group of attack aircraft~www. readwn.com~ No air strikes along the way made these fighters forget. They used to occupy important roads and the MDS troops were busy with other matters before they could rush to Libramont in a dangerous way. Try walking through the path or walking through the forest. Air battleships and attack aircraft are happy to practice shooting with thermal imaging devices.

Now that they have left the road by themselves and walked into the tombs they have arranged, what are the defense troops polite to you? Upon receiving the report from the front, the group army command immediately ordered an attack aircraft group on standby near Libramont to provide close support. The order also specifically pointed out that all buildings except the railway station, road and railway Things are attackable targets.

This is actually the indiscriminate attack command in disguise. It should be known that each light standard airborne firepower of those heavy attack aircraft is equal to a tank (1 75㎜, 4 55㎜ aerial guns, which is equivalent to moving a tank equipped with a fully automatic loading system to the sky) Shooting.), 8 hanging points under the belly and wing can also mount aerial bombs, 32-unit 57㎜ rocket launcher, 6-unit 90㎜ rocket launcher (the top of the defense army has cloud: pilot’s protective gloves, The rocket launch of the fighter plane and the marine soul shirt of the Marine Corps are the three treasures of the army! The glorious tradition cannot be lost!).

This frenzied monster is enough for just one, and now there are a full group of 34, plus tanks on the ground and armored armored grenadiers-

The 5th Light Cavalry Division had no chance at all, and they had no chance to understand why they even failed.

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