Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1107: Twenty-one hit the door of Sedan! (16)

The most intuitive impact of technological progress on the battlefield must be a change in values.

In fact, this sentence is also common to the entire society, and technological progress will inevitably bring about comprehensive changes in distance, time, information, morality, ideology, and thinking patterns.

People who have spent months or even years contacting the times with letters and distant places, and people who can get in touch with hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from a single phone, both in terms of communication methods and vocabulary The gap. It is true that the development of communication technology has not made the letters themselves disappear. On the contrary, the letters will continue to exist in other forms, and they will become more suitable for the high-speed communication era and gain value. People no longer need to write, only need to move their fingers to write Send a short and crisp letter to the distant place. But the values, language, and morals of the "era of letters only" have quietly deteriorated without anyone noticing. "The correspondence of the era of letters only"-no longer exists.

This is the case in the mass society, so what about the battlefield where a large number of applications have eliminated technology?

There is no doubt that technological progress has changed the shape of the battlefield, changed people's perception of life, and also changed people's vision.

That kind of magical technology will distinguish "advanced" and "backward" on the battlefield in a particularly clear way.

"Russell! Let! Are you still alive! If you live, you promise!"

"Not yet dead, boss!"

"Boss, there are four Iron Kings and Eight in the Skeleton Land!"

"Fuck, this is always the case, come at the worst time!"

The resentful Captain Picard punched **** the wall, and the decayed beams made a groaning "chuck" sound, and a few strands of ashes fell, adding a bit of awkward color to the tired and dejected soldiers .

The soldiers of the 5th Light Cavalry Division are now anxious and helpless. They are full of anger but nowhere to vent. Now even if they look out of the window to greet the flying bastards, it is a highly dangerous thing. A guy who was stunned by his anger had no time to make a few headshots or hit a sieve. The defense forces, whether in the sky or on the ground, seem to have unusually sensitive nerves and hearing. Anyone who speaks bad things about them can't escape those abominable pointed ears.

This alone is extremely tricky. If you add an unusual sense of smell, the situation will directly escalate to "despair."

The soldiers of the 5th Light Cavalry Division were alive and vaguely aware that their position, course of action, and tactical deployment seemed to be controlled by the other party. No matter how they shift their positions, bullets and shells of various calibers always follow them like a shadow, and they will choose the worst time to take their lives.

"Damn it! How do they know where we are!!!"

Sergeant Russell covered his head, and his **** vision was full of flying debris and tracers. The beautiful military cap that he once cherished had been taken away by a 55mm stray bullet, and the shell was left on his head by the way. Some commemorations are still bleeding.

"Don't go near the window! Those flying **** will find us! Try to move in the shadows! Climb!"

"Understand, sir!"

As the three cavalry slowly moved slowly in the shadows on the side of the wall, soldiers in an armored vehicle 200 meters away were listening to their conversation with a directional sound collector.

"-6, confirm that C-20 found the target."

"A ground force called, and the C-20 confirmed the enemy, Angel Heinrich 15 (.15), permission to attack."

"Angel Heinrich received 15."

After a few messages followed by the rapid movement of the radio waves, a intensive burst of rain swept across the second floor of a building, and the three cavalry hiding there became a pile of broken corpses.

"Angel Heinrich 4, confirmed that 12-F found enemy infantry."

"Angel Heinrich 7, confirmed 4-E as an enemy observation post."

"Received, T-321, 12-F and 4-E confirmed as attackable targets, intelligence accuracy +15."

"T-321 received."

The roar of the 88mm tank guns tore the battlefield. The machine guns and guns repeatedly hit the fragile hiding places with the light whip of the tracer. The observation posts and anti-tank teams lurking in the buildings became tiger-style records. Some soldiers who could not withstand the artillery pressure rushed out of the hiding building, trying to launch a deadly assault, but before they rushed out of the house a few steps, they were killed by the armored grenadier, and the burning flask was lit in his hand. As those brave people fell to the ground and shattered together, bonfires and thick smoke guided the way to the Hall of Heroes for the brave soul

The same scene was staged everywhere in Libramont. In just 40 minutes, the 5th Light Cavalry Division's death rate has exceeded 70%. The contact and establishment were completely broken up. Those who survived can only stick to their strongholds and wait for the death Come and reap their lives.

Will evolve into this situation, all thanks to the most important part of the Defence Forces Blitz-informationization.

It is not a blitz composed of mechanized troops is a blitz.

Nor is it a blitzkrieg to quickly break through the enemy's defense line and implement strategic breakthroughs and siege.

Those are just a little reflection of the real core. If there is no advancement in remote communication technology, a rapid transmission channel for full use of information is not established, and a system and device capable of using this information reasonably and quickly are established. Even if there are powerful chariots and torrents of motor vehicles in the air, it is just that the medieval cavalry and riding infantry changed their mounts.~www.readwn.com~ It is impossible to achieve the strategic goals set by the defense army. It’s a pretty good result.

However, with the use of long-distance communication technology, after popularization and rationalization of its structure, combat effectiveness is not as simple as one plus one.

After the integration of target detection, tracking and identification, command and control, fire attack, battlefield protection, combat maneuvering and damage assessment and other combat functions, the land, sea, air, electricity and other combat units and various forces are integrated and networked. Combat capability-This is the unimaginable of the military in the era of communication methods and information utilization consciousness still in the era of human intelligence transmission.

How to issue commands, how to deliver, how to transfer, priority order, call sign code, password level, key change, the power given to the front-this huge and complex network system can be said to be the real core of the Blitz.

Based on the theoretical knowledge in the military school and his own experience, even if it is roughly known how armored combat is, how can an anti-armored infantry relying on an intelligence/command network that is still relying on manpower to transmit information and a group of anti-armored infantry grinds the gun. Will a whole meticulous system compete?

When Colonel Lazarus formulated the solidarity with Libramont, it was premised on the annihilation of the whole army. In his pre-war mobilization speech, he shouted "The enemy must cross our corpses", and he and his men practiced it perfectly. Own oath.

An hour after the battle began, the gunfire stopped and the ruins of Libramont raised the Black Eagle flag of the defense army. The defenders were all killed, and no one surrendered and no one fled.

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