Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1119: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (28)

After the fall of Saint-Mange, Charlemagne’s 2nd Army no longer had any power to stop the B Army from rushing towards the Maas River. The sporadic resistance failed to turn up in front of the armored spearhead. The brave resistance often only had the time to shoot a wheel of bullets and became a mess of meat under the tracks of the defense tank.

There is no predetermined position, and it is an open area near the river bank. With **** courage and a single-shot rifle in his hand, how can he stop the stormy steel torrent?

In just an hour, the Balk battle group and the 1st Armored Division had arrived by the Maas River. According to the planned plan, the Balk battle group immediately began crossing the river, and the first armored division was waiting for the engineers to bridge.

This is the order planned in advance. During the construction of the pontoon by the engineers, the tanks of the Balk battle group immediately installed the submersible equipment carried by the vehicle, forcibly crossed the Maas River, and consolidated the bridgehead on the other side of the river before the enemy responded. After the first armored division finished crossing the river, and follow-up troops followed up, they will be the fortress with the cooperation of the Air Force.

The tanks of the Defense Forces listed the submarine capability as a hard indicator in the design stage. Obviously, it is to respond to the operational needs of the developed rivers and rivers. In fact, just look at the ten-meter-long soft type in the selected equipment. The snorkel, people with clear eyes know who this ability is aimed at.

This is basically going towards Albian. At the depth of the river in Charlemagne, a 3 to 5 meters long hard snorkel is enough to cope with it. What do you want to do to make a snorkel nearly 20 meters long? ? Isn't it just to prepare for the landing across the sea? With this thing, even in the absence of a dedicated tank landing ship, the tank can also dive into the water at a distance of three kilometers from the coast. Next, when the defending army was completely unprepared, a large number of aquatic iron kings screamed out of the sea and fired at the beachhead position of the defending army. After the defending army was suppressed, the follow-up landing echelon began to implement beach landing.

At this stage, the cats in the 101st Heavy Armor Battalion do not need to go to the submarine, but the above picture can be previewed on Charlemagne.

There are detailed precautions for diving in the Operation Manual of the Defense Forces. All 14 parts to be sealed are marked with numbers in the tank. The accessories for sealing these parts are stored in the accessory box at the rear of the turret. As long as all installations and inspections have been completed and the submerged section is determined, the tank can be launched.

The average water depth of the Maas River is 2.7 meters, and the deepest is only 3.5 meters. Shallow motorcycles can be wading. For the Tiger tanks equipped with submersible equipment, without heavy artillery, air strikes, or mines interfering with them, the Maas River is just a larger bathtub, and the throttle will pass. In case any lucky person broke down in the water, they need not worry about drowning. Each vehicle group will receive a life jacket, emergency oxygen cylinder and gas mask before launching. When encountering an anchor, the captain will pull a pull ring, and a rubber ball buoy will pop up in the accessory box behind the turret to indicate the position of the tank, which is convenient for salvage and rescue. During the time before the salvage team came, the crew members who put on life jackets before launching will open the cork for water injection, and wear gas masks and emergency oxygen bottles at the same time. After the water filling in the vehicle is completed, the internal and external pressures are the same. Then open the hatch to surface (either a tank or a submarine, it is absolutely impossible to open the hatch when the external pressure is greater than the interior).

It took more than 40 minutes to complete the river crossing before and after the 101st heavy armored battalion. At this time, the first pontoon was half completed. Air force battleships are still airdropping prefabricated pontoon assemblies. The articulated pontoons are spread out on the river. Engineers standing on the pontoons prop up bamboo poles like a raft to arrange the pontoon groups in a straight line. The hinged lever was pulled down, the hook and the groove engaged, and a straight square pontoon appeared on the river. Next, as long as it is fixed on both sides of the strait and then connected to the upper and lower gentle slopes, the troops can pass.

According to the current progress, five passable pontoons can be built in an hour at most, and the pilot troops can be ready to go down to the city in the evening. The strengthened leader cluster will complete the siege of the fortress at night, and launch a general attack on the fortress under the cover of Air Force battleships, attack aircraft, and bombers the next morning.

If a shell or a suicide plane hit the pontoon at this time, Charlemagne might be able to rescue him. However, from beginning to end, let alone the artillery bombardment and the air raid, the leader did not even see the shadow of the enemy. Just as the defense armor essence steadily crossed the river like a precision-operated clock, a direct command from the General Staff and accompanying information was sent to Nona.

Because of this order, the schedule of the B Group Army was again greatly advanced, and the previous schedule was almost reduced to a piece of waste paper. Because of this command, the Sedan fortress has become a permanent sad place for the Charlemagne. The place name "Sedan" is always closely related to "humiliation" and "shame". When the later Charlemagne mentioned Sedang, they would feel embarrassed, hesitant, and sad for a while, and then there was a cursed anger. What is interesting is that the majority of the curses are not the Yalfheim Defence Forces, but those who are stationed in the Sedan Stronghold.


At 18 o'clock on the 12th of the month, the Sedan Fortress was already at the beginning of the lantern festival. Many brightly dressed guests had gathered in the garden of the fortress headquarters in Zhang Dengcai. Local officials and senior generals carried their families and stayed with interest. Between the dining table and the cold plate. The band played soft dance music, and the waiter servants carried the tray between the guests. From time to time, guests called on a waiter to refill or change to a valuable old wine.

There is never a shortage of banquets and salons in Sedan Fortress, but today it is more than ever. It can be said that the elite of the entire Champagne-Ardenne region is gathered in the fortress: champagne merchants with more than a dozen plantations, university professors from Rudes, employees of local government agencies, high-class socialites and social flowers, and many others Young army officer.

This grand gathering of great heroes was initiated by Admiral An Qire, commander of the 2nd Army. In order to celebrate his wife's birthday, the Army Admiral spared no effort.

As usual, it is wartime, and any luxury banquet should be temporarily suspended. Even if it is done, it should be converged, and cooperate with the light control. However, some people are naturally not bound by the rules, especially the local military and political officers who have the power to kill and kill one side. For them, the shortage of supplies, the rationing system, hunger, war and death are the things of the distant world. Civilians who died from incendiary bombs, soldiers crushed by enemy chariots-for ladies and gentlemen, there is no difference between the ants in the grass on the roadside, even if you witness the fire caused by the bombing in the slums from the tower or balcony, They still won't frown. The loud explosions and howling screams did not prevent them from cursing the brutality of ghosts and animals while admiring the spectacular fire. After all, this is a war, and there will always be people dying. Anyway, in the end, it will be like the story of the novel. The right Charlemagne will surely rule out the evil ghost and beast, will it?

Since the war is still far away from itself, of course there is no need to restrain yourself. Upon hearing the birthday of the wife of the army commander of the group army, all sorts of flatterers and ghost-bearers immediately gathered around Mrs. Anqire. At the instigation of these people, the wife moved Admiral Anqire with the pillow-side wind. In order to celebrate this "important day", Admiral An Qige ordered a luxurious banquet to be held in the stronghold headquarters on the night of June 12, and celebrities from all walks of life received a gold-plated invitation letter.

Admiral An Qire undoubtedly loved his wife very much, but he made such a smile only for the Bojia people, and it was also too small to look at the mind of the commander of the group army. The main purpose of the Army Admiral's luxury ball is actually to highlight "everything is under control", in this way to counter the rumors that "ghost animals are coming from Arden". Imagine that the big people are still as stable as POI, which means that the situation is still stable, and the people will naturally settle down, and all kinds of rumors will not break through. Rudes sent people to inspect only to see the stable and prosperous scene of all social strata. When he returns, he will definitely report to the commander of the army group that you have done a good job in keeping the place. Everything is still the same, luck is good enough to hang a medal. In addition, Admiral An Qire also wanted to take this opportunity to contact his old friends in the military and political circles to see if there is any opportunity to make a fortune recently. The admiral's wife regarded the carnival as a great opportunity for their own daughters to match their marriage. From the beginning of the ball, they were surrounded by ladies and ladies, wearing a small telescope for the opera house among young officers. Search for prey back and forth.

As for the high-level and grass-roots officers who have gone to the ball, what should happen to the fortress where no one is commanding-such as what to do when the enemy forces attack at night... There is no one who does not open eyes will take this insignificant question What about disturbing your Admiral Yaxing? Ghosts and animals are still hundreds of kilometers away, and they can't fly. How could they kill Sedan City overnight? Besides, the headquarters of the group army just reported to the central government during the day: "The enemies in front of the 2nd group army launched a full attack, but our brave light cavalry still completed their tasks at a normal pace, perhaps slightly at the leftmost wing of our army. Hurry up a little bit." At this moment, it is said that ghost animals are hitting open flames. Are you stupid? Do you want to show that you are smarter than the group army command, or you want to face your group army commander to show your contempt for that one?

So deliberately indulgent, from 19 o'clock, this man waited to gather in the headquarters garden and danced circle after circle, until the carnival until late at night. At the same time, the subordinate officers and soldiers of the fortress were drunk and drunk - in order to seal up, all alcoholic beverages were open during the night, and everyone including the soldiers on duty were drunk. Naturally, no one would talk. The decisive moment came in a carnival atmosphere of intense fire.

"Look, what is that?"

A young lady shouted pointing at the sky, initially did not cause any response, and soon as the night sky was illuminated, the guests looked up at the sky.

A golden ball of light dragged down the shiny tail slowly, showing a golden waterfall that spread radially. In the exclamation of people, an angel with open wings was shown in the night sky.

Just one such firework is enough to make everyone wonder, not to mention a lot of dense, almost turning midnight into daylight.

Looking at the magnificent scenery in the sky, people couldn't help admiring.

"As a finale, this is really perfect, Admiral."

"Even the masters of Rudes have never seen such a grand scene."

"Really a masterpiece."

"Angel that illuminates the night sky, isn't this just a symbol of my Wang Jun's help from God?"

"Admiral, how can you do this..."

A celebrity voted around the landing admiral to send cheap praise. More people were planning to get rid of the fireworks formula for profit. As for Admiral An Qige, although he did not know what was going on, it did not hinder him. Enjoy compliments and praise. Admiral An Qire made up his mind to reward the intimate and thoughtful person who came up with this finale the next morning, just as he whispered a few words of painless and itchy scenes. Rumbles of gunfire and rapid gunfire sounded, and the noise subsided, and people stared in a stunned direction in the direction of rising fireballs.

The officers present reacted first. The violent sound of guns and guns was obviously not a fire, nor was it the movement of Charlemagne-style weapons. At the urging of the angrily destructive army general, a senior officer scrambled to head towards the headquarters, before they rushed to the gate. With a loud noise, a steel monster broke through the gorgeous stained glass painting gate, In the screams of the women, the steel tracks rolled over the carefully trimmed green grass and rushed straight to Admiral An Qige surrounded by many officers and gentlemen. A beast-eared girl in a black uniform climbed out of the turret, adjusted her collar, and condescended to ask:

"Admiral Shire Leon Clemente Anzire, commander of the 2nd Army of the Royal Army of Charlemagne?"

"Yes... yes~www.readwn.com~ you are..."

"The Empire will win (Sieg. Reich)! I am the commander of the 101st heavy armored battalion of the Alfheim Defense Forces. Nona Georgsky Armored Corps. Admiral, ladies and gentlemen, evening party It's over, you are all captive."


A senior staff officer had just called out, and he was interrupted by a dense gunshot of torn linen. After a trembling, the bullet-filled body hit the ground like a bag of flour.

"What a brave man."

The wolf-eared girl leaned happily on the control tower, fluffy tail flicked back and forth. Behind her, armored grenadiers in spotted camouflage entered the venue one after another, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed at the trembling crowd.

"Who do you want to be next?"

Glancing at the noble, shivering people, a satisfied smile appeared on Nona's face.

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