Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1130: Twenty-two. War without weapons (11)

"The Special Envoy wants to know whether your country intends to continue fighting despite the progress of the peace talks."

His charming face whispered the words of the scenery, every word seemed to be soaked in poisonous juice.

"According to the information we have so far, your crown prince has issued an order for further mobilization, and now all men between the ages of 12 and 70 are eligible for recruitment."

"Our aspirations for peace are true. However, before the Defense Forces of Alfheim have stopped the aggression against our country, we need to take some measures to protect ourselves."

Yi Zheng's rhetoric, coupled with the girl's strong smile, made people want to believe the truth of this reply. However, including Roland himself, few people would believe this kind of reply full of diplomatic rhetoric.

The crown prince's credit has been overdrawn by himself. This extremely self-centered super prodigal not only squandered the capital accumulated by his ancestors over the centuries, but also lost the credit with domestic and foreign credits.

Prince Louis’s attitude towards treaties and commitments has always been: “The treaties I am willing to abide by are the treaties, and the one I do not want to abide by is the toilet paper. Perhaps one of the purposes of people signing the treaty is to tear up the treaty one day, but the society of intelligent creatures is not a wild jungle after all, beasts can care less about eating, but intelligent creatures have to care. Even if you just pretend to care, it is better than tearing up the treaty that you approved to sign with your own hands-this kind of thing is worse than hitting yourself on the face of others.

With such a crown prince in charge, Charlemagne’s national credit will always be negative.

What's more, the news made by Prince Wang this time is not so big.

"Not just a mobilization order."

Lance Luodai keeps a formal smile, but in Roland's eyes, the smile is more and more like a mixture of sneer and ridicule.

"Just a dozen minutes ago, we received reliable news that your crown prince also issued an order prohibiting surrender and execution of deserters in the name of the base camp."

The smile on Roland's face suddenly solidified.

Due to the means of communication, it was not until this time that the Clostridium and Vigna stayed in the guest room to receive the relevant information, as well as the abbreviation "Order No. 270", the full name of "About the fear of death and surrender of treason Problems and the measures taken to prohibit such acts”.

In this lengthy command filled with exaggerated and terrifying words between the lines, the crown prince first recalled the glorious tradition of Charlemagne’s royal army. He took the example of the gritty and successful anti-killing names in history as an example to fully praise Charlie. The excellent qualities possessed by the army of the King Man family-strong determination, high fighting spirit, conviction of victory, and the spirit of the kingdom buried by the enemy at the last moment of battle. Then the pen flicked and began to scold the recent Charlieman captives, such as Admiral An Qige, the commander of the Second Army captured at his wife's birthday party. Without showing firm determination and conviction to win, instead, Admiral Anqire panicked, timidly, and shamelessly surrendered to the enemy. As a soldier who once swore, he violated his oath and committed crimes against the motherland. An unforgivable crime was committed." Other captured high-ranking officers have not been able to escape the treatment of insults and curses. The labels of greed, fear of death, cowardice, escape from the battle, etc. have not fallen.

After a vent of scolding, the tone gradually became cold.

-Can we tolerate the existence of timid soldiers who surrender once surrounded by the enemy? Can you tolerate an officer who loses his uniform and fleees once he is hit by the enemy? No, this is absolutely impossible! If we succumb to these cowards and deserters, then they will soon destroy the glorious army and destroy our country. Cowards and deserters must be completely eliminated.

——Can we still regard those commanders who concealed themselves in underground bunkers during battles and are indifferent to the battlefield situation and battle progress as commanders? No, this is absolutely impossible! They are liars, not commanders. If we give in to these scammers, they will soon turn the army into a dumping ground for waste and scammers. We must dismiss these scammers and demote them to soldiers. If necessary, execute them immediately and replace them with subordinate officers, sergeants or brave soldiers.

Regardless of how it looks, this is all about preparing to pull off the posture and knock Alfheim to the end. After reading these words, I am afraid that few people would think that Charlemagne would have the sincerity to sit down and talk.

Of course, the above text can also be interpreted as the situation of Charlemagne is already very dangerous, and had to take extraordinary measures to resist the offensive of Yalfheim. But the content of the next order tore up this explanation.

Compared with the previous intimidation, the command content is surprisingly concise, with only three in total.

1. Officers and non-commissioned officers who fled or torn off their badges in battle or surrendered will be considered deserters, and their family members will be arrested as relatives of oaths, traitors and deserters.

High-ranking officers, gendarmerie and war squadrons have the right to execute such desertions among officers.

2. The units and troops surrounded by the enemy should fight back to the end, protect their equipment with life, launch attacks on the enemy from behind the enemy, and eliminate the evil heretic invaders.

If the troops they belong to are surrounded by enemy forces, every soldier, regardless of his or her position, is obliged to obey the superior command, fight to the end, and break through the blockade. If officers or soldiers do not organize active resistance and fight back against the enemy, but choose to surrender, they can be removed from the air or on the ground by any means.

The families of Charlemagne soldiers who surrendered to the enemy will be deprived of their national power and all state aid and transferred to military courts.

3. All division commanders have the right to immediately dismiss the commanders of the battalions who try to preserve themselves in battle and are afraid to exercise command on the battlefield. They can be regarded as scammers and traitors and deprived of their rank and honor, Reduced to soldier. If necessary, they can be executed on the spot and replaced by subordinate officers, sergeants or brave soldiers.

The order was issued to all infantry companies, cavalry companies, artillery companies, flying beasts, commanders at all levels and command headquarters to read;

Anyone with basic reading skills will not think that this is a manifestation of Charlemagne's intention to pursue peace after reading this instruction. In the eyes of a diplomat with a sharp political smell like a hound, this is a declaration of a decisive battle.

Right now the peace talks are falling into a delicate stalemate, and countries are negotiating whether to accept the terms of peace talks proposed by Yalfheim-especially the terms of the crown prince, this powerful gunpowder No. 270 brings The destructive power cannot be overestimated.

"Does your country's special envoy begin to accept the conditions offered by Yalfheim?"

"Our country's position remains the pursuit of peace. This has not changed, but Your Special Envoy believes that Charlemagne should show sincerity to the peace talks, not do the opposite."

The Prince's actions undoubtedly run counter to the peace. At this moment, even the special envoy Wood is desperate for Prince Louis. As a result, the conditions that Yalfheim used to look extremely harsh in his eyes gradually became acceptable.

The mood of Special Envoy Wood is understandable. Anyone who is working hard for peace will want to pull the trigger on Prince Wang’s head in the current situation. Since the conditions proposed by Yalfheim help to turn this imagination into reality, everyone will naturally choose to support it.

Fortunately, Roland still has a way to justify it.

"While seeking peace, is the war still going on? If a peace-seeking announcement is issued at this time, what does Lord Lancelot think will happen?"


Lance Luodai got stuck for the first time.

She is very familiar with the life of the army. She is very well aware that when the army is surrounded by the desperate situation, the new recruits who have not yet had the time to go to the battlefield may be relieved when they hear a pass, and the veterans who have long been ground into battle machines I would never be fortunate about this. Most of them would think that this is a betrayal-we bleed and sacrifice on the front, but the officials hiding behind are stepping on our bodies to seek peace with the enemy? ! This is a knife from the back!

New recruits, defeatists, and warriors who are really tired of war will think differently, but the vast majority of soldiers will only feel that they are bleeding, sweating, and crying. As a result, they were sold by senior politicians. Under the anger of the crowd, as long as a Mars, it is a mutiny. Thousands of heavily armed soldiers turned their guns and marched towards the capital, preparing to use bayonets, rifles, and cannons to "make a statement" to the big men who were above... This scenario is enough to make people sleepless at night.

If you add the riots of the people, it will really kill you.

For a long time, Charlemagne’s propaganda against the people has been to arouse foreign hatred, claiming that Charlemagne is superior, other countries should be conquered by Charlemagne, and all nationalities should be proud of serving Charlemagne unconditionally. This kind of naked extreme nationalism and populist propaganda had no problem when the war went well. When it was beaten down by others, when preparing to kneel and lick, the advocates suddenly found themselves out of populism. In addition to the previous policies of the Prince Wang and the Army's series of retrogression ~ www.readwn.com ~ angry people will be happy to help the army of the mutiny, and the Prince Wang and the General Staff of the Army will have a total liquidation.

Therefore, as a reactionary government that has long incited extreme nationalism and populism, it will never easily reveal its tone before surrendering, because this will inevitably lead to the collapse of order. On the eve of the German surrender, the "Head of State" Marshal Dennitz also announced on the radio that he would fight to the end; on the eve of the Italian surrender, Marshal Badoglio also announced in a public broadcast that he would continue to fight alongside Germany. In order to avoid the collapse of discipline, it is absolutely necessary to prevent a fanatical officer from launching a rebellion before the specific date and matter of surrender are announced, and to continue to maintain a tough attitude and deceive propaganda.

"I believe that your country does not want to see Charlemagne fall into collapse, so that no one can represent Charlemagne's negotiators?"

"Of course. My country also hopes that Charlemagne can usher in peace in a stable state, and is happy to suggest to your country to make efforts for peace. But—"

In response to Roland's determined and serious expression, Lance Luodai said in a sigh-like tone:

"Even if you understand your country's situation, you can understand the truth, but if the interpreter doesn't intend to pay attention to this, and only intends to preach lines according to the set script, how do you deal with it? What is your country planning to come up with? To satisfy each other. Or say—"

Lance Luodai's face was still gentle, and there was a fierce flame of unknown name in the clear eyes.

"Are you going to make this sacrifice yourself?"

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