Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1141: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (8)

"Are you crazy?! Actually put the "wolf army" into Rudes, did you want to kill everyone in this city?!!!"

The spider's exhausted roar almost overturned the underground track. Minerva on the side couldn't help shrinking. This action was both surprised and yelled by the spider, and also infected by the spider's uncovered fear.

No pretentiousness, no cover-up, pure fear.

"In the end are the werewolves..."

"The Guards can also be regarded as a group of lunatics, ah, right! The Guards are all lunatics!"

With a bite, the spider nudged the messy hairstyle, adjusted his emotions, and said in as gentle a tone as possible:

"The so-called human-wolf unit is actually a suppression unit affiliated with the guard."

Terrorism, major malignant cases, internal separatist forces, foreign spy penetration, anti-government armed forces, secrecy protection, security of important persons and facilities-In order to respond to various forms of threats, each country will establish a special response force. Some belong to the internal affairs department, such as the police system; some belong to the military, the intelligence department; and even have troops under the Ministry of Finance (Kennedy Commander established himself to protect the safety of the US Commander after he was headshot by a neuropathic gunman) The Secret Service was named under the Treasury Department, and later transferred to the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, the U.S. Treasury Secret Service was originally established to use agents to catch counterfeit money makers, tax evasion and tax evasion, and even an exclusive prison at that time. ...Well, the German SS has a concentration camp, the Soviet Internal Affairs Committee has Gulag, and the US Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service has its own prison to accommodate non-taxable nationals-even if the guy just owes ten dollars in taxes. OK, nothing wrong).

The Guards are also nominally such internal forces, specializing in responding to various violent conflicts and major emergencies in the country, and ensuring domestic social security and order. Judging from the scope of the mission, despite occasionally reaching out abroad, the Guards are not much different from their counterparts in other countries.

If there is any difference, it must be a huge difference in style.

"Rather than solving problems and suppressing targets, the combat forces of the Guards are more inclined to produce intelligence."

"Making information?"

The direction of the topic seemed a bit wrong, and Minerva couldn't help but stunned.

The internal force responsible for suppressing tasks;

Manufacturing information

How are the two linked together?

"What do you think is the fastest and easiest way to stabilize order?"

The spider did not answer the question positively, his eyes focused on the front.


Without any hesitant answer, Minerva's eyelids jumped with the conditioned reflex answer.

"Could it be that……"

"It's not prevention, but deliberately waiting for the event to happen. Under the eyes of everyone, with the super tough and cruel style, the information of'fear of national violence' is deeply imprinted into the minds of the people-to scare with fear All the troops who are not crazy enough for potential offenders and rebels are the Guards. The best of them, or the cruelest and toughest styles are the werewolves. When I was still working in the Stasi Special Service Together with them, they once handled a hostage crisis. At that time, more than a dozen human workers occupied the assembly plant of the military factory and took hostages including several human supervisors and an elf accountant. My task is to use spider silk to provide Personnel position, deployment, dialogue and other information are responsible for the intrusion and suppression. It is the Wolf Corps. The whole incident lasted a total of 5 hours, and the time spent in combat was only five minutes. The hostages rescued were zero—"

"Could it be that……"

Minerva gently covered her trembling lips.

The fighting time is so short, and the hostages are completely destroyed. There is only one reason for this result.

"...The guys even killed all the hostages. No, the first thing they shot was the hostages that were used as meat shields. First, the machine guns fired, then the grenade exploded, and finally the flamethrower swept all possible possessions. People's place. So if the hostages can survive, I really want to see what he looks like."

The spider's forehead is constantly seeping sweat. In this slightly cool underground passage, such sweating is not due to temperature and humidity.

Looking back, I still think it is hell.

Covered with fire, the wailing hostage rolled over on the floor; stacked like a hug, with gunshots and hostages all over him; half of his head was split off by the axe, and he stumbled and walked a few steps before he fell to the ground. With the sound of torn burlap, holding a general-purpose machine gun and shooting into the sky, stepping on the scorched black body and jumping and shouting, shouting, "The people inside are listening! The hostages have been killed by us! Hurry up! Wash your neck and die!!" The guard members...

Even the agents who are used to killing will be sickened by it, and the scenes of fear are no adjectives other than hell.

"As long as you try to challenge the authority of the country, the wolf that will bite everyone into pieces will be released-this is the basic reason for the existence of the human wolf army. The kind of troops established to create a terrorist atmosphere do not understand anything. Light and heavy, as long as you block the road, all will be killed. The opposite is a group of madness that is not inferior to them. For their doctrine and the order of the saint, it is also a fanatic who will not hesitate to turn himself into a human bomb. When these two What do you think will happen when you help the lunatics together?"


There is no doubt that it will be a **** with brutal, crazy and **** condensed, like a witch's boiling pot, all evil things will come up from the bottom of the pot.


The sound of wading echoed, people were running, wolves galloped.

The white battle flag of the Holy Church;

The dark uniforms of the Guards;

Jing Wei's distinct black and white interspersed in the sewer, and the red blood covered the black and white little by little.

This is not a battle, not a killing, but a mere carnival. Everyone is a carnival of ghosts, fanatics and death, everyone is a musical instrument, every soldier is a player, howling, cracking, begging for mercy, blood splatter, swearing Waltz in the Shura field. Dignity and reason were stepped into the rain ditch mixed with blood, internal organs, brains and sludge by the wild wild steps of the dancers. No one cared about this matter. The idea of ​​how to kill the opponent completely occupied their brains. The body is full of killing intentions and adrenaline, even fatigue and pain can't trip their dance steps, everyone bets on their lives until they fall down and become part of the stage background...

If they are literati and artists, they will beautify the scene into this crazy and elegant violent aesthetic picture.

However, just as there is no more noble battlefield than hell, the so-called elegant killing, the battle between knights betting on life for the noble belief, also does not exist. At the very least, there wouldn't be Rudes in the sewer at the moment.

There is no battle between the rabid dog and the hungry wolf, either you die or I die, or else you will die together, and nothing else.

Whoever has sharper teeth, who has sharper claws, who can bite the other person's throat more quickly, who can survive-it is such a simple rule, such a simple thing.

The big axe that had just chopped off a palm was raised again, and that hand was only a few centimeters away to be able to hook the pull ring of the explosive bag on the chest. At that time, thousands of steel balls, iron nails, screw nuts and even old watches in abandoned watches The gears will be scattered like a storm, and the priest wearing the explosive bag and the enemy wearing strange armor in front of him will be blown into a pool of rotten meat that no one can recognize.

The priest who lost one hand resisted the severe pain that almost fainted in the past. The broken right hand splashed blood on the enemy's face. The left hand, full of energy, held the dagger, lurking in the **** thick fog and aimed at the enemy's throat. Pierce--

He once again missed the success by a few centimetres.

At the moment when the left hand was slightly retracted to maximize the power of the stab, the blood-red axe had been swung down, breaking the scapula clavicle, splitting the rib chest cavity, and finally splitting the liver and kidney into the body. The dagger, who had lost his strength halfway down, only left a scratch on the mask and sagged weakly, sinking into the black ditch along with the face with the grim expression on his face.

The soldier who solved the priest did not look at the corpse more, did not stay for a moment, and quickly ran to the next prey. Not far away, accompanied by the sound of a logging chain saw or a high-speed sewing machine, the figures wearing vests twitched and cramped in the rain, and then torn apart a little.

Tear the flesh, break the bones, burn the internal organs, and stir up the brain — even so, the killing will not stop.

It can be said that it is an abuse of violence, it can also be said that it is unnecessary stubbornness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Continuous shooting, continuous shooting, the prisoner will not even be allowed to fall, just like a line puppet, the broken body is in a bullet storm There was a funny dance underneath.

After a full minute, the firing stopped. The soldier holding the general-purpose machine gun pulled back and pulled a new chain from the bullet box at the back, opened the gun cover and reloaded. At the same time the soldier with the flamethrower stepped forward, and fire dragons rushed to the dead bodies floating on the water.

There is no mercy. There is no sympathy.

No matter which side of the enemy, there is no "moral" luxury goods owned by normal talents.

The wolf army is also good.

The church purifiers are also good.

Both sides, as the spider said, are two-legged beasts. How can the fighting between beasts be "moral"?

"...Understood, the task here has ended, and immediately enter the next stage...what? No, the subordinates understand and execute immediately."

The commander's communication line was closed, and the company's communication was switched to. The company commander Captain Barbrand's deep voice immediately rang in the commanders' ears.

"The ministries quickly ended the task of sweeping out the remnants of the enemy, and quickly moved to the G6 block according to the "Betty" plan! Finished!"

"Observe, sir!"

The neat answer, the soldiers wearing special MDS quickly began to move, accompanied by the sound of footsteps and splashes, the dark red infrared night vision left a stream of blood in the dim sewer, which looked like a distance. A group of hungry wolves with glaring red eyes went all out to chase the next prey.

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