Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1153: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (20)

The priests looked at each other, and after a hundred battles, the brave warriors who did not frown in front of Daoshan Huohai were all dumbfounded at the moment, as if they heard and saw something incredible.

Correct it, it doesn't seem to be, it's really incredible. For a moment, all of the audience, including the Lady Ji Aier, thought that there was a hearing problem in their ears. A divine agent declared that he was an atheist... It was as ridiculous as a devout Jew who ran into the restaurant and ordered a smoked pork leg. Well, it is actually worse than this. Many devouts will be shaken by this speech, and the whole world will be shocked by this. The spreading ripples will cause a series of waves in the future, and may even completely shake the future.

The matter is so serious.

I just don’t know why, and no one feels inconsistent with Li Lin saying this in person.

What surprised everyone was the content of Li Lin's identity and words, and he had no doubts about Li Lin's mental state and mental health. It seems that as long as it is not a public place, it is natural and reasonable for him to say this.

"You don't believe in God? Is this really..."

Ji Aier shook her head, her expression and movement were natural and smooth, and she couldn't see that she had been distracted for three seconds.

"There is a song that I may not have heard under the crown, and there is an impressive lyrics in it. ‘There has never been a savior, nor do I rely on gods and emperors’.”

Playing with cigars, Li Lin gave a mocking smile.

"Even if we stand on a position that is diametrically opposed to this song, we should admit that it does contain truth."

"It's an incredible song."

The saint who had never heard of "Internationale" tilted her head and pulled the topic back to the right track.

"So what does this have to do with you, the atheist?"

"It doesn't matter."


"So, what does it matter? Have you heard this song will not determine whether you are an atheist, the same is the atheist, whether you believe in the mother goddess, whether the belief is firm, is not the only criterion for determining the agent of divine will .Is loyal enough, and strength and ability to meet the needs-these are the first and most important judgment conditions. Faith... is only a trivial matter of detail."

"It's real, not cute at all."

"Same feelings. Obviously a first-class politician and strategist, or a first-class magician and combat expert, but I must maintain a weak and unstoppable appearance-I don't think it fits the definition of the word "cute"."

Ji Aier's eyes hung slightly, and the smile on his lips deepened.

Not "feeling not cute", but "not meeting the definition of cuteness"-this interpretation is really interesting.

"You really are a rationalist like a rumor. You pay more attention to rationality than you feel. You are more inclined to cruel realism than moral ideals. Since this is so-"

"It goes without saying, that's impossible, miss."

The raised finger shook, and there seemed to be no room for negotiation in the seemingly cynical smile.

"Betrayal and betrayal can be said to be commonplace in politics and war. Cooperating with the devil for the benefit is the basic principle of action for everyone. However, this is not the same. Your problem is not to betray the adult, really not. Church His every move is under the control of the adult. The reason why you have always kept your eyes closed is that you are generally obedient and your actions are still generally within the established framework. However, you You have touched the world, you have touched things that you should not touch, in order to keep the balance of the world from collapsing, and in order to ensure the continuity of various races, you must exclude churches that have become dangerous goods."

In theory, realists and rationalists are the easiest objects to get along with. As long as there are enough benefits and benefits, everything will become easier.

But if it touches on issues of principle and the balance of payments cannot be balanced, realists are the most dangerous potential enemies, even those who want to take away everything from you.

This is the problem of the church.

In all fairness, neither the mother goddess nor Li Lin, until a certain point in time, did not put "eliminate the church" as a priority on the calendar. More important things than this are that there are plenty of time and opportunities in the future Why not rush to repair the church. But when the secret research progress of the church was mastered, the disposal of the church quickly became urgent.

There is no delay, and there is no room for negotiation.

"What shouldn't touch? Almighty mother **** and invincible **** agent will feel nervous about a small group of human beings?"

Ji Aier returned the color without giving in.

Li Lin did not shake anything, and continued to say with a charming smile:

"If the flower garden you manage suddenly has a flower infected with disease, the flowers in the whole flower garden will suffer as a result if you do not dispose of it as soon as possible. Should you, as the administrator, be nervous about this, should you act decisively before the loss expands?"


"Honestly, you were a very good pawn. In these ten centuries, you have really done a good job. If you can effectively use you, I believe that even on the stage I set, you can get much higher than the investment. Benefits. But you are no longer needed, and you will no longer need to obey the lord in the future, follow the oracle, run around, fight, be injured, go to death... Uh huh? Although the final way of achieving it is somewhat what you expected Not the same, but your long-cherished wish has indeed been fulfilled. At this point, ~www.readwn.com~ shouldn't you have any opinions or dissatisfaction with this?"

"So it turns out."

Ji Aier's smile lost its temperature, and the icy voice echoed in the conference room.

"That's why it's called'execution of death penalty'-not only has it dealt with the imminent scourge, but it has also given the world a warning to use'terrorism' to establish the foundation of a new order."

"It’s a worry to talk to smart people. It’s impossible to eliminate the church secretly and eliminate the impact you have caused. Anyway, it’s all about public execution, so set a big enough stage for everyone to appreciate a wonderful one. It’s reasonable for performance to benefit everyone."

"Since that is the case, then--"

Ji Aier buckles the table, and Sister Leia sends a card to the saint again.

"It's better to gamble, if I win, the place and time of the decisive battle will be designated by me, how?"

With Spade A on, the petite saint challenged Li Lin with immense heroism. At that moment, the delicate flower-like figure looked taller than many men behind him.

"Do you want to let go of the person who is favored by the goddess of luck? Oops... It's a nerve-wracking, beautiful lady's invitation is difficult to refuse, even reason will be defeated. Just--"

The cigar was pressed **** the table and turned a few times, Li Lin also snapped the table.

"It is not a proper act to rely too much on the care of the gods, after all, "the gods will not roll the dice ()"."


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