Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1167: Twenty-four.1 week (8)

The positioning of Charlemagne by various countries is "a firewall that blocks the expansion of Alfheim". The countries are willing to help Charlemagne get rid of the predicament, willing to take the risk of turning over with Alfheim and promote peace talks, and even prepare to provide Charlie later. Man's various aids-that is not based on the chivalrous heart, but by paying money in exchange for a safe way of protecting yourself.

As long as Charlemagne still exists, Yalfheim cannot focus on expansion in other directions. As long as the elves are not crazy enough to start multi-line combat scripts, the security of all countries is equivalent to preservation.

To this end, Charlemagne must continue to exist, and also needs a suitable leader to lead the country against Yalfheim.

Some people may say that it's enough to put on a puppet?

Indeed, it is the easiest way to find or directly use the operation system to forcibly brainwash to create an obedient puppet, and use this puppet to remotely manipulate Charlemagne. However, there are several problems that cannot be circumvented by this method, such as who will manipulate it? How to manipulate?

Although the countries have reached consensus on assistance to Charlemagne and containment of Alfheim, this temporary alliance facilitated by external forces is not as strong as it seems on the surface. Under the shell of cooperation, various interests are intertwined. , Conflict, if without Alfheim and Charlemagne, this alliance will split in a flash, followed by a long and **** total liquidation of various countries to resolve the accumulated grievances.

In this alliance with different dreams, whoever controls the puppets that dominate Charlemagne will not make other members feel relieved.

What's more, the puppets obtained through brainwashing mostly lack the ability to think independently. They are literally "puppets". They can't do anything without instructions. It takes a lot of energy to cope with the operations of various public occasions, and it is even more difficult to estimate the difficulties caused by not revealing the essence of the puppet in daily life. The most important thing is that as long as there is something wrong, the entire plan may be exposed, and the troubles caused at that time will be unbearable for any party in the alliance.

From the results, a person who cannot think autonomously is not suitable for sitting on the Charlemagne throne.

Although it is too active and autonomous, there is a danger of getting out of control, but people like Minerva who can face the status quo and take corrective actions do meet the needs of various countries.

However, such Minerva himself said, "In order to meet the worst situation that may come, we have prepared to abandon the Charlemagne homeland, hoping that the countries can provide convenience for our immigrant overseas colonies."

What a joke? !

Although Charlemagne's situation is not optimistic, it has not reached the point where it is necessary to abandon the country? Without Charlemagne, what should you do with the strategy you planned? Is it all thrown into the trash?

It is for this reason that the Special Envoys did not propose to the country to support Minerva. Before the Her Royal Highness rectified her thoughts and gave up her crazy thoughts, the Special Envoys were not prepared to make too much contact with her.

Special Envoy Wood is also one of those who have this idea, but unlike others, he believes that Minerva was only frightened by the bad situation-in the face of the current crisis of Charlemagne, adults may not be able to bear that kind of Not to mention the pressure on girls. As long as the elders psychologically counseled her and calmed the fear in her heart, she would soon be able to cheer up and regain the responsibility of leading Charlemagne.

With this in mind, and one step ahead of other countries, Special Envoy Wood walked into the theater and happened to walk into the Minerva box.

To the surprise of the Special Envoy, Minerva is not a pessimist, but a serious delusional mental patient who needs immediate treatment.

Should a royal family lead their citizens abroad to establish a democratic republic?

When the coldest joke this year appeared in front of him, Special Envoy Wood found himself unable to laugh at all.

"...The beautiful manor is trampled down, the gorgeous and beautiful carpets are full of mud and shoe prints, and the beautiful velvet sheets are splashed with saliva, stains and footprints. The goddess is on it, it used to be called the land of honey and milk The crown of China’s crown actually fell like this. The so-called republic is to give the country to the untouchables who do not know the beauty and the nobleness... Thanks to the goddess, this is only a nightmare after all, the world is still on the right track..."

The above text was written by an expensive Albi tribe after Charlemagne extinguished the revolution of the Saint Eastman crown and led into a manor occupied by the revolutionary masses. The sharp and sharp tone of his voice almost made him think that he was a Charlemagne nobleman, but this not only a serious Albion gentleman, but also hated Charlemagne very much. But this did not affect his hostility to the Republican revolutionaries at all.

It may not be absolute, but this is also the view of the vast majority of nobles on the democratic republican revolution-the following offenses are invincible, and the mud legs actually dare to cut the noble master’s head and must burn it.

The early nobles may indeed abide by their obligations, and they also obtained the noble identity matching them with their temperance and Gao Jie. However, after hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance, most of today’s nobles except Charlieman’s emerging military nobility do not rely on their own efforts and talents, but inherit power and property through blood relationship, together with privileges on spiritual and intellectual Corrosion is passed down from generation to generation. For decades, these privileged people have been living intoxicated by themselves. Everything is centered on themselves. They always think that they are right. They do not know how to reflect and make changes. They only ask others to push their responsibilities and obligations onto others. This has become their instinct.

Count on them to appreciate the hardships of the people, reflect on their own mistakes, and control their own behavior-things of this degree are impossible to achieve, let alone let these people who do not know why control embrace the democratic republic, and divide their wealth and power into a part To their eyes, even the humans are not counted, at best they can only be counted as untouchables.

In contrast, it is easier to embrace the upstarts of the empire, at least the empire can bring them some benefits.

Without meeting Roland and witnessing the lives of the people and the new order under Yalfheim, Minerva might also agree with this noble arrogant opinion. But now that he knows the real situation outside of the deep boudoir, after having an immediate cognitive recognition of the fact that "ordinary people are like human beings with blood and flesh", Minerva's views on foreign nobles are only ridiculous and ridiculous .

noble? humble? At the beginning of the birth of all beings, who was the nobility? Without the hard work of the civilians who are "undifferent from half humans and half beasts", how come the country and the nobles have a decent life? Before speaking of shameless selfishness, you may wish to look at your own face first, lest one day be sent to the guillotine by angry people and do not understand why you end this way.

Although I really want to throw these words to the faces of the guys who are still unclear about the situation, it is not wise to ask for people. Besides, there are other remarks that are more likely to impress nobles.

"Your Special Envoy, I believe you also know the dictator's declaration?"

"Slightly heard."

The opera "Magic Flute" is being staged on stage, and the female singer who plays the Queen of Night is singing loudly, her singing voice is so beautiful, the audience is intoxicated by the gentle singing, no one notices that the atmosphere in the box changes with the topic And a subtle change has occurred.

"That...Mr. always seems to like to surprise others."

Envoy Wood smiled bitterly and said:

"He has always been able to create dazzling surprises, both good and bad, this time..."

"Siegfried Otto Li Lin is always right and never makes mistakes."

Minerva tapped his palm with a fan and smiled faintly.

"Someone said that. Although reluctant, I have to admit this in terms of Mr. Dictator's performance all along."

Sigh mixed with a little melancholy and disgust, the next moment, those feelings disappeared without a trace.

"Your Excellency, do you think that such a perfect Mr. who never made a mistake would actually commit such a low-level mistake of "losing himself on the occasion of a big victory and leading to a complete loss"?"


Pushing his lips, Wood's gaze shifted slightly to the side.

Wood has considered this question hundreds of times, and so far has not been able to come up with a convincing answer.

——What do Li Lin and Yalfheim want to do? What can you get? !

Without unraveling this mystery, any speculation is just speculation-this is the core problem that plagues many wise men.

Now, Minerva brought them the answer.

"Your Special Envoy, have you heard of the ‘God of Actors’?”

"If it's rumors and legends... wait, isn't it... but... how is this possible... but if it's... yes, it makes sense then... but..."

A switch in the brain was opened by a word from Minerva, and with the unsophisticated tulle in front of him was opened~www.readwn.com~ Inside, he completed a huge and terrifying jigsaw puzzle. On top of this, the envoy's experience and imagination began to paint a more terrible future for him.

Special Envoy Wood needs to slowly digest the intelligence and divergent thinking, these things are enough to subvert his previous values. Is the strategic plan previously formulated at this time can directly declare the abolition, weigh the benefits and losses, plan new strategies, and report to the country And suggestions, emergency response at this time...

A large number of questions, assumptions, and possibilities poured into Wood's head. Even as a diplomat who often faced complicated and difficult problems, it was impossible for Special Envoy Wood to sort out any clues in a short time, and it was impossible to come up with any specifics. Program. Not to mention that he is alone, even if he mobilizes the entire diplomatic system.

Investigation, analysis, verification, countermeasure formulation, sand table deduction, coordinated hedging... These tasks will take a lot of time. But time... no matter how you look at it, it is getting less and less.

He must ask the big figures at higher levels to obtain the highest priority authorization and the full assistance of other departments, the sooner the better.

——Six days left, I am afraid there is no time left for the spies

"Sorry, Your Highness."

Special Envoy Wood owed politely and quickly picked up his bowler hat and cane.

"I have something to contact my country."

"Please, sir."

Minerva covered her charming smile again with a fan, watching Wood's hurrying away figure disappear outside the box.

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